* Nov 7 2000 hship Convert the Vlib demo over to using Jetty. Delete the old "blue border" demo. * Nov 1 2000 hship More changes to the Tutorial, to take advantage of Tapestry's switch-over to Servlet 2.2. * Nov 1 2000 hship Convert the Tutorial over to using Jetty. * Nov 1 2000 hship Remove dependecy on IBM's JLog toolkit (to be replaced with Log4J, which is open source). Remove references to PrimixFoundation.jar, which has been merged into Tapestry.jar. * Oct 6 2000 hship Create better components for linking to Person and ViewBook pages. * Oct 4 2000 hship Make some changes for recent changes to the Tapestry API. * Sep 15 2000 hship More work on the JSP Vlib, adding new pages and exception handling, and making the servlets responsible for writting links. * Sep 14 2000 hship Begin work on the JSP version of the Primix Virtual Library. * Sep 12 2000 hship Add the ShowInspector component to the tutorial Border and the Vlib Border. Fix some bugs that have cropped up in the blue border demo. * Sep 8 2000 hship Modify the blue-border demo to work properly in a standalone mode. * Sep 8 2000 hship Started ChangeLog for Examples, some time after release 0.2.0. Vlib: Add a ShowInspector component to the Border. Tutorial: Add a ShowInspector component to the Border. Change the Survey tutorial to properly set up the inputSex component (the API for PropertySelection has changed).