Creating Reusable Components</> <para> In this tutorial, we'll show how to create a reusable component. One common use of components it to create a common "border" for the application that includes basic navigation. We'll be creating a simple, three page application with a navigation bar down the left side. </> <figure> <title>Border Home Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/border-home.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Navigating to another page results in a similar display: </> <figure> <title>Border Credo Page</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/border-credo.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Each page's content is confined to the silver area in the center. Note that the border adapts itself to each page: the title "Home" or "Credo" is specific to the page, and the current page doesn't have an active link (in the above page, "Credo" is the current page, so only "Home" and "Legal" are usable as navigation links). </> <para> The "i" in the circle is the Show Inspector link. It will be described in the next chapter. </> <para> Because this tutorial is somewhat large, we'll only be showing excerpts from some of the files. The complete source of the tutorial examples is available seperately, in the <classname>tutorial.border</> package. </> <para> Each of the three pages has a similar HTML template: </> <figure> <title>Home.html</> <programlisting><![CDATA[<jwc id="border"> Nothing much doing here on the <b>home</b> page. Visit one of our other fine pages. </jwc>]]></programlisting></figure> <para> Remember that Tapestry components can wrap around other HTML elements or components. For the border, we have an HTML template where everything on the page is wrapped by the <varname>border</> component. </> <para> Note that we don't specify any <sgmltag class=starttag>html</> or <sgmltag class=starttag>body</> tags; those are provided by the <classname>Border</> component (as well as the matching close tags). </> <para> This illustrates a key concept within Tapestry: embedding vs. wrapping. The <classname>Home</> page embeds the <varname>border</> component (as we'll see in the <classname>Home</> page's specification). This means that the <classname>Home</> page is implemented using the <varname>border</> component. </> <para> However, the <varname>border</> component wraps the content of the <classname>Home</> page, the <classname>Home</> page HTML template indicates the <emphasis>order</> in which components (and static HTML elements) are renderred. On the <classname>Home</> page, the <varname>border</> component 'bats' first and cleanup. </> <para> The construction of the <classname>Border</> component is driven by how it differs from page to page. You'll see that on each page, the title (in the upper left corner) changes. The names of all three pages are displayed, but only two of the three will have links (the third, the current page, is just text). Lastly, each page contains the specific content from its own HTML template. <figure> <title>Border.html</> <programlisting><![CDATA[<jwc id="shell"> <jwc id="body"> <table border=0 bgcolor=gray cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4> <tr valign=top> <td colspan=3 align=left> <font size=5 color="White"><jwc id="insertPageTitle"/></font> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=right> <font color=white> <jwc id="e"> <br><jwc id="link"><jwc id="insertName"/></jwc> </jwc> </font> </td> <td rowspan=2 valign=top bgcolor=silver> <jwc id="wrapped"/> </td> <td rowspan=2 width=4></td> </tr> <tr> <td><jwc id="showInspector"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 height=4> </td> </tr> </table> </jwc> </jwc>]]></PROGRAMLISTING></figure> <para> The <varname>insertApplicationName</> and <varname>insertPageTitle</> components provides the name of the application, and the title of the page within the application. </> <para> The <varname>e</>, <varname>link</> and <varname>insertName</> components provide the inter-page navigation links. </> <para> The <varname>showInspector</> component provides the button below the page names (the italicized "i" in a circle) and will be explained shortly. </> <para> The <varname>shell</> component provides the outermost portions of the page, the <sgmltag class=starttag>html</> and <sgmltag class=starttag>head</> tags. </> <para> The <varname>body</> component is a replacement for the <sgmltag class=starttag>body</> tag; it is required to support automatic rollover buttons (such as the <varname>showInspector</>) and will be used by most pages in a Tapestry application. </> <para> Lastly, the <varname>wrapped</> component provides the actual content for the page. </> <para> The <classname>Border</> component is designed to be usable in other Tapestry applications, so it doesn't hard code the list of page names. These must be provided to the component as a parameter. In fact, the application engine provides the list. </para> <figure> <title>Border specification</> <programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE specification PUBLIC "-//Primix Solutions//Tapestry Specification 1.0//EN" ""> <specification> <class>tutorial.border.Border</class> <parameters> <allow-informal-parameters>no</allow-informal-parameters> <parameter> <name>title</name> <java-type>java.lang.String</java-type> <required>yes</required> </parameter> <parameter> <name>pages</name> <required>yes</required> </parameter> </parameters> <components> <component> <id>shell</id> <type>Shell</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>title</name> <property- path></property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>insertPageTitle</id> <type>Insert</type> <bindings> <inherited-binding> <name>value</name> <parameter-name>title</parameter-name> </inherited-binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>body</id> <type>Body</type> </component> <component> <id>e</id> <type>Foreach</type> <bindings> <inherited-binding> <name>source</name> <parameter-name>pages</parameter-name> </inherited-binding> <binding> <name>value</name> <property-path>pageName</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>link</id> <type>Page</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>page</name> <property-path>pageName</property-path> </binding> <binding> <name>disabled</name> <property-path>disablePageLink</property- path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>insertName</id> <type>Insert</type> <bindings> <binding> <name>value</name> <property-path>pageName</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> <component> <id>wrapped</id> <type>InsertWrapped</type> </component> <component> <id>showInspector</id> <type>ShowInspector</type> </component> </components> </specification>]]></programlisting></figure> <para> So, the specification for the <classname>Border</> component must identify the parameters it needs, but also the components it uses and how they are configured. </> <para> We start by declaring two parameters: <varname>title</> and <varname>pages</>. The first is the title that will appear on the page. The second is the list of page names for the navigation area. We don't specify a type for <varname>pages</> because we want to allow all the possibilites ( <classname>List</>, <classname>Iterator</>, Java array) that are acceptible as the source parameter to a <classname>Foreach</>. </> <para> We then provide the <varname>shell</> component with its <varname>title</> parameter; this will be the window title. We use the application's name, with is extracted from the application's specification. </> <para> Further down we see that the <varname>insertPageTitle</> component inherits the <varname>title</> parameter from its container, the <classname>Border</> component. Whatever binding is provided for the <varname>title</> parameter of the <classname>Border</> will also be used as the <varname>value</> parameter of the <varname>insertPageTitle</> component. Using these inherited bindings simplifies the process of creating complex components from simple ones. </> <para> Likewise, the <varname>e</> component (a <classname>Foreach</>) needs as its source the list of pages, which it inherits from the <classname>Border</> component's <varname>pages</> parameter. It has been configured to store each succesive page name into the <varname>pageName</> property of the <classname>Border</> component; this is necessary so that the <classname>Border</> component can determine which page link to disable (it disables the current page since we're already there). </> <para> The <varname>link</> component creates the link to the other pages. It has a <varname>disabled</> parameter; which, when true, causes the link component to not create the hyperlink (though it still allows the elements it wraps to render). The Java class for the <classname>Border</> component, <classname>tutorial.border.Border</>, provides a method, <function>getDisablePageLink()</>, that returns true when the <varname>pageName</> instance variable (set by the <varname>e</> component) matches the current page's name. </> <para> The <varname>showInspector</> component creates a rollover button (the "i" lights up when the mouse is moved over it): </> <figure> <title>Show Inspector Button</> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/show-inspector-button.jpg" format="jpg"> </imageobject> </> </figure> <para> Clicking on the button raises a second window that describes the current page in the application (this is used when debugging a Tapestry applicaton). The Inspector is described in the next chapter. </> <para> The final mystery is the <varname>wrapped</> component. It is used to render the elements wrapped by the <classname>Border</> on the page containing the <classname>Border</>. Those elements will vary from page to page; running the application shows that they are different on the home, credo and legal pages (different text appears in the central light-grey box). There is no limitation on the elements either: Tapestry is specifically designed to allow components to wrap other components in this way, without any arbitrary limitations. </> <para> This means that the different pages could contain forms, images or any set of components at all, not just static HTML text. </> <para> The specification for the home page shows how the title and pages parameters are set. The title is static, the literal value "Home" (this isn't the best approach if localization is a concern). </> <figure> <title>Home page specification</> <programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE specification PUBLIC "-//Primix Solutions//Tapestry Specification 1.0//EN" ""> <specification> <class>com.primix.tapestry.BasePage</class> <components> <component> <id>border</id> <type>Border</type> <bindings> <static-binding> <name>title</name> <value>Home</value> </static-binding> <binding> <name>pages</name> <property-path>engine.pageNames</property-path> </binding> </bindings> </component> </components> </specification>]]></programlisting></figure> <para> The <varname>pages</> property is retrieved from the application engine, which implements a <varname>pageNames</> JavaBeans property: </> <figure> <title> (excerpt)</> <programlisting><![CDATA[ private static final String[] pageNames = { "Home", "Credo", "Legal" }; public String[] getPageNames() { return pageNames; }]]></PROGramlisting></figure> <para> How did Tapestry know that the type 'Border' corresponded to the specification <filename>/tutorial/border/Border.jwc</>? Only because we defined an alias in the application specification: </> <figure> <title>Border.application (excerpt)</> <programlisting><![CDATA[ <component> <alias>Border</alias> <type>/tutorial/border/Border.jwc</type> </component>]]></programlisting></figure> <para> Had we failed to do this, we would have had to specify the complete resource path, <filename>/tutorial/border/Border.jwc</>, on each page's specification, instead of the short alias 'Border'. There is no magic about the existing Tapestry component types (<classname>Insert</>, <classname>Foreach</>, <classname>Page</>, etc.) ... they each have an alias pre-registered into every application specification. These short aliases are simply a convienience. </> </chapter>