# $Id$ MODULE_NAME = TapestryDemo PACKAGES = tests.tapestry CONTEXT_RESOURCES = assets WEB_INF_RESOURCES = weblogic.xml LOCAL_CLASSPATH = \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/SessionTracker.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/log.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/Tapestry.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/PrimixFoundation.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/j2ee.jar INSTALL_DIR = ../../lib include $(SYS_MAKEFILE_DIR)/War.mk SERVER_CLASSPATH = \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/lib/weblogic510sp3.jar \ $(WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH) \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/license # Classpath entries needed when WebLogic starts up. Since we define some # Cloudscape database pools, we need to have Cloudscape # ready to go. WEBLOGIC_BOOT_CLASSPATH := \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/lib/weblogic510sp3boot.jar \ $(CLOUDSCAPE_INSTALL)/lib/cloudscape.jar \ $(CLOUDSCAPE_INSTALL)/lib/license.jar # Classpath needed for EJB deployment modules and Wars that are loaded. # This includes WebLogic licensing as well (seems like that should go in # the boot classpath, but what do I know?). WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH := \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/lib/weblogic510sp3.jar \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/license \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/classes \ $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/lib/weblogicaux.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/gnu-regexp.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/xerces.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/log.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/Tapestry.jar \ $(INSTALL_DIR)/PrimixFoundation.jar # Convert from space-seperated to proper form, and convert relative paths to absolute paths. _WEBLOGIC_BOOT_CLASSPATH = $(strip $(shell $(JBE_CANONICALIZE) -classpath $(WEBLOGIC_BOOT_CLASSPATH))) _WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH = $(strip $(shell $(JBE_CANONICALIZE) -classpath $(WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH))) WEBLOGIC_OPTS = \ -Dweblogic.class.path="$(_WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH)" \ -Dweblogic.system.home=$(WEBLOGIC_DIR) \ -Dcloudscape.system.home="$(CLOUDSCAPE_INSTALL)/demo/databases" \ -classpath "$(_WEBLOGIC_BOOT_CLASSPATH)" run: initialize $(JAVA) $(WEBLOGIC_OPTS) weblogic.Server run-debug: initialize $(JAVA) $(WEBLOGIC_OPTS) \ -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE \ -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000 \ weblogic.Server configure: initialize @ $(ECHO) "\n*** Setting WebLogic Server options ***\n" $(WEBLOGIC_DIR)/bin/wlconfig.exe \ -mx128M -mx128M \ $(WEBLOGIC_OPTS)