------ Ajax/DHTML Guide - Beyond Dojo ------ Andreas Andreou ------ 13 Nov 2007 ------ Beyond Dojo - Adding other javascript libraries Starting with Tapestry 4.1.4, it is possible to completely remove dojo from the generated pages, and instead use other javascript libraries. Here are the required steps: * Create an 'adapter' javascript file that implements Tapestry's required javascript functions using the js library of your choice. A simple adaptor that does nothing (but is quite useful for documentation and for finding what needs to be implemented is at classpath:/tapestry/skeleton/core.js * Add an implementation for the tapestry.js.JavascriptManager service that includes references to the javascript files (both the libraries and of your adaptor). You'll typically want to set the files property to a comma separated String of file references (such as <<>>) and the tapestryFile to your adapter javascript, other properties can be left empty : +----------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------------- * Use {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/javascript/SimpleAjaxShellDelegate.html}SimpleAjaxShellDelegate}} with the {{{../components/general/shell.html}@Shell}} or the {{{../components/general/scriptincludes.html}@ScriptIncludes}} components.