dojo.provide("tapestry.form"); dojo.provide("tapestry.form.datetime"); dojo.provide("tapestry.form.validation"); dojo.require("dojo.event.browser"); dojo.require("dojo.dom"); dojo.require("dojo.html.selection"); dojo.require("tapestry.core"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojo.validate.datetime"); dojo.require("dojo.validate.check"); dojo.require(""); /** * package: tapestry.form * Provides central handling of all client side form related logic. */ tapestry.form={ // property: forms // Contains a reference to all registered Tapestry forms in the current document. forms:{}, // registered form references // property: currentFocus // Reference to form element/element id of field that should currently recieve focus, if any currentFocus:null, /** * Function: focusField * If possible, brings keyboard input focus to the specified field. * * Parameters: * field - The field(field id) of the field to focus. * * Note: * Function deprecated in favor of dojo equivalent, like * dojo.html.selectInputText(node). */ focusField:function(field){ if (arguments.length < 1) {return;} try{ var f=dojo.widget.byId(field); if(f && !dj_undef("focus", f)){ if (dojo.html.isVisible(f)){ f.focus(); } return; } else { f = dojo.byId(field); } if (!f) { return; } if (field.disabled || field.clientWidth < 1) { return; } if(!dj_undef("focus", f) && dojo.html.isShowing(f)){ f.focus(); return; } dojo.html.selectInputText(field);} catch(e){dojo.log.debug(e);} }, /** * Used by AlertDialog to focus the highest priority form field * that failed validation. This happens because the field needs to * be focused ~after~ the dialog is hidden. */ _focusCurrentField:function(){ if(!this.currentFocus){return;} this.focusField(this.currentFocus); }, /** * Function: registerForm * * Registers the form with the local property so * that there is a central reference of all tapestry forms. * * Parameters: * * id - The form(form id) to register. * async - Boolean, if true causes form submission to be asynchronous. * json - Boolean, if true causes form submission to be asyncrhronous with an * expected JSON response. */ registerForm:function(id, async, json){ var form=dojo.byId(id); if (!form) { dojo.raise("Form not found with id " + id); return; } // make sure id is correct just in case node passed in has only name id=form.getAttribute("id"); // if previously connected, cleanup and reconnect if (this.forms[id]) { dojo.event.disconnect(form, "onsubmit", this, "onFormSubmit"); for(var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var node = form.elements[i]; if(node && node.type && dojo.lang.inArray(["submit", "button"],node.type.toLowerCase())) { dojo.event.disconnect(node, "onclick", tapestry.form, "inputClicked"); } } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; if(input.type.toLowerCase() == "image" && input.form == form) { dojo.event.disconnect(input, "onclick", tapestry.form, "inputClicked"); } } dojo.event.disconnect(form, "onsubmit", this, "overrideSubmit"); delete this.forms[id]; } this.forms[id]={}; this.forms[id].validateForm=true; this.forms[id].profiles=[]; this.forms[id].async=(typeof async != "undefined") ? async : false; this.forms[id].json=(typeof json != "undefined") ? json : false; if (!this.forms[id].async) { dojo.event.connect(form, "onsubmit", this, "onFormSubmit"); } else { for(var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var node = form.elements[i]; if(node && node.type && dojo.lang.inArray(["submit", "button"],node.type.toLowerCase())) { dojo.event.connect(node, "onclick", tapestry.form, "inputClicked"); } } var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; if(input.type.toLowerCase() == "image" && input.form == form) { dojo.event.connect(input, "onclick", tapestry.form, "inputClicked"); } } dojo.event.connect(form, "onsubmit", this, "overrideSubmit"); } }, overrideSubmit:function(e){ dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(e); var elm =; if (!dj_undef("form", elm)){ dojo.log.debug("Submit event was generated from element: ", elm); elm = elm.form; } tapestry.form.submitAsync(elm); }, /** * Function: registerProfile * * Registers a form validation/translation profile. There * can potentially be more than one profile registered with * a form. * * The profiles will be consulted at various points in the forms * life, which currently only involves running the profile checks * before form submission. (more points to be determined in the future) * * See Also: * * * Parameters: * * id - The form(form id) to register profile with. * profile - The object containing all of the validation/value constraints for the form. */ registerProfile:function(id, profile){ if (!this.forms[id]) { dojo.raise("registerProfile(" + id + ") No form previously registered with that id."); return; } this.forms[id].profiles.push(profile); }, /** * Function: clearProfiles * * Clears any previously registered validation profiles * on the specified form. Normally called during XHR requests * by returned JS response to ensure new validation logic coming * in from potentially new form fields is accounted for. * * Parameters: * * id - The form id to clear profiles for. */ clearProfiles:function(id){ if (!this.forms[id]) return; for (var i=0; i < this.forms[id].profiles.length; i++) { delete this.forms[id].profiles[i]; } this.forms[id].profiles=[]; }, inputClicked:function(e){ var node = e.currentTarget; if(node.disabled || dj_undef("form", node)) { return; } this.forms[node.form.getAttribute("id")].clickedButton = node; }, /** * Function: setFormValidating * * If a form registered with the specified formId * exists a local property will be set that causes * validation to be turned on/off depending on the argument. * * Parameters: * * formId - The id of the form to turn validation on/off for. * validate - Boolean for whether or not to validate form, if not specified assumes true. */ setFormValidating:function(formId, validate){ if (this.forms[formId]){ this.forms[formId].validateForm = validate; } }, /** * Event connected function that is invoked when a form * is submitted. */ onFormSubmit:function(evt){ if(!evt || dj_undef("target", evt)) { dojo.raise("No valid form event found with argument: " + evt); return; } var"id"); if (!id) { dojo.raise("Form had no id attribute."); return; } var form = dojo.byId(id); if (!dj_undef("value", form.submitmode) && (form.submitmode.value == "cancel" || form.submitmode.value == "refresh")) { return; } if (!tapestry.form.validation.validateForm(form, this.forms[id])) { dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt); } }, /** * Function: submit * * Submits the form specified, optionally setting the submitname * hidden input field to the value of submitName to let the Form * component on server know which button caused the submission. (For * the case of submit button listeners). * * Parameters: * * form - The form(form id) to submit. * submitName - Optional submit name string to use when submitting. This is used * to associate a form submission with a particular component, like a * Submit/LinkSubmit/etc.. * parms - Optional extra set of arguments that can control the form submission semantics * such as url/async/json/etc. */ submit:function(form, submitName, parms){ form=dojo.byId(form); if (!form) { dojo.raise("Form not found with id " + form); return; } var id=form.getAttribute("id"); if (submitName){ form.submitname.value = submitName; } if (!dj_undef("value", form.submitmode) && (form.submitmode.value == "cancel" || form.submitmode.value == "refresh") && !parms) { form.submit(); return; } if (!tapestry.form.validation.validateForm(form, this.forms[id])) { return; } if (parms && !dj_undef("async", parms) && parms.async) { tapestry.form.submitAsync(form, null, submitName, parms); return; } else if(!dj_undef(id, this.forms) && this.forms[id].async){ tapestry.form.submitAsync(form); return; } form.submit(); }, /** * Function: cancel * * Submits the form to the server in "cancel" mode, invoking any cancel listeners * registered to the server side equivalent to the form passed in. * * Parameters: * * form - The form(form id) to cancel. * submitName - Optional submit name string to use when submitting. This is used * to associate a form submission with a particular component, like a * Submit/LinkSubmit/etc.. * parms - Optional object parms passed through to tapestry.form.submit(). */ cancel:function(form, submitName, parms){ form=dojo.byId(form); if (!form){ dojo.raise("Form not found with id " + form); return; } var formName=form.getAttribute("id"); var validateState=tapestry.form.forms[formName].validateForm; tapestry.form.setFormValidating(formName, false); var previous = form.submitmode.value; form.submitmode.value="cancel"; if (parms && !dj_undef("async", parms) && parms.async){ this.submitAsync(form, null, submitName, parms); form.submitmode.value = previous; tapestry.form.setFormValidating(formName, validateState); } else { this.submit(form, submitName, parms); } }, /** * Function: refresh * * Submits the form to the server in "refresh" mode, invoking any refresh listeners * registered to the server side equivalent to the form passed in. * * Parameters: * * form - The form(form id) to refresh. * submitName - Optional submit name string to use when submitting. This is used * to associate a form submission with a particular component, like a * Submit/LinkSubmit/etc.. * parms - Optional object parms passed through to tapestry.form.submit(). */ refresh:function(form, submitName, parms){ form=dojo.byId(form); if (!form){ dojo.raise("Form not found with id " + form); return; } var formName=form.getAttribute("id"); var validateState=tapestry.form.forms[formName].validateForm; tapestry.form.setFormValidating(formName, false); var previous = form.submitmode.value; form.submitmode.value="refresh"; if (parms && !dj_undef("async", parms) && parms.async){ this.submitAsync(form, null, submitName, parms); form.submitmode.value = previous; tapestry.form.setFormValidating(formName, validateState); } else { this.submit(form, submitName, parms); } }, /** * Function: submitAsync * * Does almost the same thing as , * but submits the request via XHR to the server asynchronously. * * Parameters: * * form - The form(form id) to submit. * content - Optional content map, mainly used to pass in browser * event parameters to form submission, but can be any * typical form/value pair. * submitName - Optional submit name string to use when submitting. * parms - Optional set of extra parms that can override the defautls for * this specific form submission, like the url/async/json behaviour of * the submission. */ submitAsync:function(form, content, submitName, parms){ form=dojo.byId(form); if (!form) { dojo.raise("Form not found with id " + id); return; } var formId=form.getAttribute("id"); if (!tapestry.form.validation.validateForm(form, this.forms[formId])) { dojo.log.debug("Form validation failed for form with id " + formId); return; } if (submitName){ var previous = form.submitname.value; form.submitname.value=submitName; if(!content){ content={}; } if(form[submitName]){ content[submitName]=form[submitName].value; } } // handle submissions from input buttons if (!dj_undef("clickedButton", this.forms[formId])) { if (!content) { content={}; } content[this.forms[formId].clickedButton.getAttribute("name")]=this.forms[formId].clickedButton.getAttribute("value"); delete this.forms[formId].clickedButton; } var kwArgs={ formNode:form, content:content, useCache:true, preventCache:true, error: (function(){tapestry.error.apply(this, arguments);}), encoding: tapestry.requestEncoding }; // check for override if (parms){ if (!dj_undef("url", parms)) { kwArgs.url=parms.url; } } if (this.forms[formId].json || parms && parms.json) { kwArgs.headers={"json":true}; kwArgs.mimetype="text/json"; kwArgs.load=(function(){tapestry.loadJson.apply(this, arguments);}); } else { kwArgs.headers={"dojo-ajax-request":true}; kwArgs.mimetype="text/xml"; kwArgs.load=(function(){tapestry.load.apply(this, arguments);}); } tapestry.requestsInFlight++;; if (submitName){ form.submitname.value = previous; } } } tapestry.form.validation={ missingClass:"fieldMissing", // default css class that will be applied to fields missing a value invalidClass:"fieldInvalid", // default css class applied to fields with invalid data dialogName:"tapestry:AlertDialog", /** * Main entry point for running form validation. The * props object passed in contains a number of fields that * are managed by tapestry.form: * * props = { * validateForm:[true|false] // whether to run validation at all * profiles:[profile1, profile2] // set of dojo.validate.check() style profiles * // that may have been registered with form * } * * The individual profiles will contain any of the data described by the dojo documentation * for dojo.validate.check(). In addition to that, each profile will also have a corresponding * string message to display if the specified condition has been met. For example, if you have * specified that a select field named "select1" was required your profile would look something * like: * * profile = { * "required":["select1"], // normal dojo.validate.check data * "select1":{ // tapestry field/error type specific data * "required":"You must select a value for select1." * } * } * * It is intended for you to call dojo.validate.check(form, profile) for each profile * stored in the "profiles" field, as well as deciding how to display errors / warnings. * * @return Boolean indicating if form submission should continue. If false the form * will ~not~ be submitted. */ validateForm:function(form, props){ if (typeof form == "undefined") {return false;} if (typeof props == "undefined") {return true;} // form exists but no profile? just submit I guess.. if (!props.validateForm) {return true;} try { this.clearValidationDecorations(form, props); for (var i=0; i < props.profiles.length; i++) { var results=dojo.validate.check(form, props.profiles[i]); if (!this.processResults(form, results, props.profiles[i])) { this.summarizeErrors(form, results, props.profiles[i]); return false; } } } catch (e) { // since so many dynamic function calls may happen in here it's best that we // catch all of them and log them or else peoples forms might still get submitted // and they'd never be able to figure out what was wrong dojo.log.exception("Error validating", e, true); return false; } return true; }, /** * Called for each registered profile on a form after * dojo.validate.check() has been called. This function is * expected to do UI related notifications of fields in error. * * @param form The form that was validated. * @param results The result of calling dojo.validate.check(form,profile) * @param profile The original profile used to validate form, also holds * validation error messages to be used for each field. * * @return Boolean, if false form should not be submitted and all validation * should be stopped. If true validation will continue and eventually * form will be submitted. */ processResults:function(form, results, profile){ if (results.isSuccessful()) { return true; } var formValid=true; if (results.hasMissing()) { var missing=results.getMissing(); for (var i=0; i < missing.length; i++) { this.handleMissingField(missing[i], profile); } formValid=false; } if (results.hasInvalid()) { var invalid=results.getInvalid(); for (var i=0; i < invalid.length; i++) { this.handleInvalidField(invalid[i], profile); } formValid=false; } return formValid; // if got past successful everything is invalid }, /** * Default field decorator for missing fields. * * @param field The field element that was missing data. * @param profile The form validation profile. */ handleMissingField:function(field, profile){ field=dojo.byId(field); if (dj_undef("type", field)) {return;} dojo.html.removeClass(field, this.invalidClass); if (!dojo.html.hasClass(field, this.missingClass)){ dojo.html.prependClass(field, this.missingClass); } }, /** * Default field decorator for invalid fields. * * @param field The field element that had invalid data. * @param profile The form validation profile. */ handleInvalidField:function(field, profile){ field=dojo.byId(field); if (dj_undef("type", field)) {return;} dojo.html.removeClass(field, this.missingClass); if (!dojo.html.hasClass(field, this.invalidClass)){ dojo.html.prependClass(field, this.invalidClass); } }, /** * Clears out previous css classes set on fields * in error. */ clearValidationDecorations:function(form, props){ for (var i=0; i < props.profiles.length; i++) { for (var fieldName in props.profiles[i]) { if (dj_undef("type", form.elements[fieldName]) || typeof form.elements[fieldName].type == "undefined" || form.elements[fieldName].type == "submit" || form.elements[fieldName].type == "hidden") { continue; } dojo.html.removeClass(form.elements[fieldName], this.missingClass); dojo.html.removeClass(form.elements[fieldName], this.invalidClass); } } }, /** * Optionally allows an alert dialog/dhtml dialog/etc to * be displayed to user to alert them to the invalid state * of their form if validation errors have occurred. * * @param form The form being validated. * @param results Returned value of dojo.validate.check(form, profile) * @param profile Validation profile definition */ summarizeErrors:function(form, results, profile){ var merrs=[]; var ierrs=[]; tapestry.form.currentFocus=null; if (results.hasMissing()){ var fields=results.getMissing(); for (var i=0; i 0) { msg+='
    '; for (var i=0; i"; } msg+="
"; } if (ierrs.length > 0) { msg+='
    '; for (var i=0; i"; } msg+="
"; } dojo.require("dojo.widget.*"); dojo.require("tapestry.widget.AlertDialog"); var ad=dojo.widget.byId("validationDialog"); if (ad) { ad.setMessage(msg);; return; } var node=document.createElement("span"); document.body.appendChild(node); var dialog=dojo.widget.createWidget(this.dialogName, { widgetId:"validationDialog", message:msg }, node);; }, /** * Validates that the input value matches the given * regexp pattern. * * @param value The string value to be evaluated. * @param pattern The regexp pattern used to match against value. */ isValidPattern:function(value, pattern){ if (typeof value != "string" || typeof pattern != "string") { return false; } var re = new RegExp(pattern); return re.test(value); }, isPalleteSelected:function(elem){ return elem.length > 0; }, /** * Validates that the input value is equal with the value of the given input control. */ isEqual:function(value, other){ var otherValue = dojo.byId(other).value; return value == otherValue; }, /** * Validates that the input value is not equal with the value of the given input control. */ isNotEqual:function(value, other){ return !tapestry.form.validation.isEqual(value, other); }, /** * Checks that the value given is greater than or equal to the value of * minString. Uses dojo.i18n.number.parse() to parse out the values using * the locale settings configured for the current page. */ greaterThanOrEqual:function(value, minString, flags){ dojo.require("dojo.i18n.number"); flags.validate=false; var min = dojo.i18n.number.parse(minString, null, flags); var num = dojo.i18n.number.parse(value, null, flags); if (Number.NaN == num) { return false; } return num >= min; }, /** * Checks that the value given is less than or equal to the value of * maxString. Uses dojo.i18n.number.parse() to parse out the values using * the locale settings configured for the current page. */ lessThanOrEqual:function(value, maxString, flags){ dojo.require("dojo.i18n.number"); flags.validate=false; var max = dojo.i18n.number.parse(maxString, null, flags); var num = dojo.i18n.number.parse(value, null, flags); if (Number.NaN == num) { return false; } return num <= max; }, isText:dojo.validate.isText, isEmailAddress:function(){ dojo.require("dojo.validate.web"); return dojo.validate.isEmailAddress.apply(dojo.validate, arguments); }, isReal:function(){ dojo.require("dojo.i18n.number"); return dojo.i18n.number.isReal.apply(dojo.i18n.number, arguments); } } tapestry.form.datetime={ /** * Checks if the specified value is a valid date, according to * the flags passed in. * * @param value The string value of the date being validated. * @param flags An object. * flags.format A string format pattern that will be used to validate * the incoming value via @link dojo.validate.isValidDate(value, format). * flags.max A string date value representing the maximum date that can be selected. * flags.min A string date value representing the minimum date that can be selected. * @return Boolean. True if valid, false otherwise. */ isValidDate:function(value, flags){ if(!value){return false;} if (!flags){ dojo.raise("isValidDate: value and flags must be specified"); return; } // parse date value var dateValue=null; try { dateValue =, flags); } catch (e) { dojo.log.exception("Error parsing input date.", e, true); return false; } if(dateValue == null) { return false; } // convert to format that is validatable, flags); // TODO: This is totally useless right now, doesn't even accept formats with string equivs // See a better method // basic format validation // if (!dojo.validate.isValidDate(value, flags.format)) // return false; // max date if (!dj_undef("max", flags)){ if (typeof flags.max == "string"){, flags); } if (, flags.max, > 0) return false; } // min date if (!dj_undef("min", flags)){ if (typeof flags.min == "string"){, flags); } if (, flags.min, < 0) return false; } return true; } }