dojo.provide("tapestry.core"); dojo.provide("tapestry.html"); dojo.provide("tapestry.event"); dojo.provide("tapestry.lang"); dojo.require("dojo.lang.common"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojo.event.browser"); dojo.require(""); dojo.require("dojo.lang.func"); dojo.require("dojo.string.extras"); // redirect logging calls to standard debug if logging not enabled if (dj_undef("logging", dojo)) { dojo.log = { debug:function(){ dojo.debug.apply(this, arguments); }, info:function(){ dojo.debug.apply(this, arguments); }, warn:function(){ dojo.debug.apply(this, arguments); }, err:function(){ dojo.debug.apply(this, arguments); }, exception:function(){ dojo.debug.apply(this, arguments); } } } /** * package: tapestry * Provides the core functionality for the Tapestry javascript package libraries. * * Most of the functions in here are related to initiating and parsing IO * requests. */ var tapestry={ // property: version // The current client side library version, usually matching the current java library version. (ie 4.1, etc..) version:"4.1.4", scriptInFlight:false, // whether or not javascript is currently being eval'd, default false ScriptFragment:new RegExp('(?:)((\n|.|\r)*?)(?:<\/script>)', 'im'), // regexp for script elements GlobalScriptFragment:new RegExp('(?:)((\n|.|\r)*?)(?:<\/script>)', 'img'), // regexp for global script fragments requestsInFlight:0, // how many ajax requests are currently in progress, isMozilla:dojo.render.html.mozilla, // property: requestEncoding // Defines the encoding that will be used in all Tapestry initiated XHR requests to encode // URL or form data. Gets set by AjaxShellDelegate class on server on most requests by default. requestEncoding:"UTF-8", /** * Function: bind * * Core XHR bind function for tapestry internals. The * / functions defined in this package are used to handle * load/error of * * Parameters: * * url - The url to bind the request to. * content - A properties map of optional extra content to send. * json - Boolean, optional parameter specifying whether or not to create a * json request. If not specified the default is to use XHR. */ bind:function(url, content, json){ var parms = { url:url, content:content, useCache:true, preventCache:true, encoding: tapestry.requestEncoding, error: (function(){tapestry.error.apply(this, arguments);}) }; // setup content type if (typeof json != "undefined" && json) { parms.mimetype = "text/json"; parms.headers={"json":true}; parms.load=(function(){tapestry.loadJson.apply(this, arguments);}); } else { parms.headers={"dojo-ajax-request":true}; parms.mimetype="text/xml"; parms.load=(function(){tapestry.load.apply(this, arguments);}); } tapestry.requestsInFlight++;; }, /** * Function: error * * Global error handling function for requests. This function is mapped * as the "error:functionName" part of a request in the arguments * in calls. * * See Also: * , */ error:function(type, exception, http, kwArgs){ tapestry.requestsInFlight--; dojo.log.exception("Error received in IO response.", exception); }, /** * Function: load * * Global load handling function for requests. This isn't typically * called directly by anything, but passed in as the "load" argument to * when making IO requests as the function that will handle the * return response. * * Parameters: * type - Type of request. * data - The data returned, depending on the request type might be an xml document / * plaintext / json / etc. * http - The http object used in request, like XmlHttpRequest. * kwArgs - The original set of arguments passed into{arg:val,arg1:val2}). * */ load:function(type, data, http, kwArgs){ dojo.log.debug("tapestry.load() Response received.", data); tapestry.requestsInFlight--; if (!data) { dojo.log.warn("No data received in response."); return; } var resp=data.getElementsByTagName("ajax-response"); if (!resp || resp.length < 1 || !resp[0].childNodes) { dojo.log.warn("No ajax-response elements received."); return; } var elms=resp[0].childNodes; var bodyScripts=[]; var initScripts=[]; var rawData=[]; for (var i=0; i global variable. * * Parameters: * type - Type of request. * data - The data returned, depending on the request type might be an xml document / * plaintext / json / etc. * http - The http object used in request, like XmlHttpRequest. * kwArgs - The original set of arguments passed into{arg:val,arg1:val2}). */ loadJson:function(type, data, http, kwArgs) { dojo.log.debug("tapestry.loadJson() Response received.", data); tapestry.requestsInFlight--; }, /** * Function: loadContent * * Used by when handling xml responses to iterate over the tapestry * specific xml response and appropriately load all content types / perform animations / * execute scripts in the proper order / etc.. * * Parameters: * id - The element id that this content should be applied to in the existing document. * node - The node that this new content will be applied to. * element - The incoming xml node containing rules/content to apply to this node. * */ loadContent:function(id, node, element){ if (typeof element.childNodes != "undefined" && element.childNodes.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { if (element.childNodes[i].nodeType != 1) { continue; } var nodeId = element.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id"); if (nodeId) { element=element.childNodes[i]; break; } } } var content=tapestry.html.getContentAsString(element); if (djConfig["isDebug"]) { dojo.log.debug("Received element content for id <" + id + "> of: " + content); } // on IE don't destroy event listeners on single element nodes like form input boxes/etc if (!tapestry.isIE || (tapestry.isIE && node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length > 0)){ dojo.event.browser.clean(node); // prevent mem leaks in ie } // fix for IE - setting innerHTML does not work for SELECTs if (tapestry.isIE && !dj_undef("outerHTML", node) && node.nodeName == "SELECT") { node.outerHTML = node.outerHTML.replace(/().*(<\/SELECT>)/, '$1' + content + '$2'); node=dojo.byId(id); } else if (content && content.length > 0 && (!tapestry.isIE || content.length > 1)){ node.innerHTML=content; } // copy attributes var atts=element.attributes; var attnode, i=0; while((attnode=atts[i++])){ if(tapestry.isIE){ if(!attnode){ continue; } if((typeof attnode == "object")&& (typeof attnode.nodeValue == 'undefined')|| (attnode.nodeValue == null)|| (attnode.nodeValue == '')){ continue; } } var nn = attnode.nodeName; var nv = attnode.nodeValue; if (nn == "id" || nn == "type" || nn == "name"){continue;} if (nn == "style") { dojo.html.setStyleText(node, nv); } else if (nn == "class") { dojo.html.setClass(node, nv); } else if (nn == "value") { node.value = nv; } else { node.setAttribute(nn, nv); } } // apply disabled/not disabled var disabled = element.getAttribute("disabled"); if (!disabled && node["disabled"]) { node.disabled = false; } else if (disabled) { node.disabled = true; } }, /** * Function: loadScriptContent * * Manages loading javascript content for a specific incoming xml element. * * Parameters: * element - The element to parse javascript statements from and execute. * async - Whether or not to process the script content asynchronously, meaning * whether or not to execute the script in a block done in a setTimeout call * so as to avoid IE specific issues. */ loadScriptContent:function(element, async){ if (typeof async == "undefined") { async = true; } async = this.isIE; if (tapestry.scriptInFlight) { dojo.log.debug("loadScriptContent(): scriptInFlight is true, sleeping"); setTimeout(function() { tapestry.loadScriptContent(element, async);}, 5); return; } var text=tapestry.html.getContentAsString(element); text.replace(this.GlobalScriptFragment, ''); var scripts = text.match(this.GlobalScriptFragment); if (!scripts) { return; } if (async) { setTimeout(function() { tapestry.evaluateScripts(scripts); }, 60); } else { tapestry.evaluateScripts(scripts); } }, evaluateScripts:function(scripts){ tapestry.scriptInFlight = true; for (var i=0; i * * Parameters: * url - The url to the script to load into this documents head. */ loadScriptFromUrl:function(url){ var scripts = window.document.getElementsByTagName("script"); if (scripts){ for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var src = scripts[i].src; if (src && src.length > 0 && src.indexOf(url)>=0 ) { return; } } } if (djConfig.isDebug) { dojo.log.debug("loadScriptFromUrl: " + url + " success?: " + dojo.hostenv.loadUri(url)); } else { dojo.hostenv.loadUri(url); } }, /** * Function: presentException * * When remote exceptions are caught on the server special xml blocks are returned to * the client when the requests are initiated via async IO. This function takes the incoming * Tapestry exception page content and dumps it into a modal dialog that is presented to the user. * * Parameters: * node - The incoming xml exception node. * kwArgs - The kwArgs used to initiate the original IO request. */ presentException:function(node, kwArgs) { dojo.require("dojo.widget.*"); dojo.require("dojo.widget.Dialog"); var excnode=document.createElement("div"); excnode.setAttribute("id", "exceptiondialog"); document.body.appendChild(excnode); var contentnode=document.createElement("div"); contentnode.innerHTML=tapestry.html.getContentAsString(node); dojo.html.setClass(contentnode, "exceptionDialog"); var navnode=document.createElement("div"); navnode.setAttribute("id", "exceptionDialogHandle"); dojo.html.setClass(navnode, "exceptionCloseLink"); navnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Close")); excnode.appendChild(navnode); excnode.appendChild(contentnode); var dialog=dojo.widget.createWidget("Dialog", {widgetId:"exception"}, excnode); dojo.event.connect(navnode, "onclick", dialog, "hide"); dojo.event.connect(dialog, "hide", dialog, "destroy"); setTimeout(function(){; }, 100); }, /** * Function: cleanConnect * * Utility used to disconnect a previously connected event/function. * * This assumes that the incoming function name is being attached to * the global namespace "tapestry". */ cleanConnect:function(target, event, funcName){ target = dojo.byId(target); if (!dj_undef(funcName, tapestry)){ dojo.event.disconnect(target, event, tapestry, funcName); } }, /** * Function: cleanConnectWidget */ cleanConnectWidget:function(target, event, funcName){ tapestry.cleanConnect(dojo.widget.byId(target), event, funcName); }, /** * Function: connect * * Utility used to connect an event/function. * * This assumes that the incoming function name is being attached to * the global namespace "tapestry". */ connect:function(target, event, funcName){ target = dojo.byId(target); if (!dj_undef(funcName, tapestry)){ dojo.event.connect(target, event, tapestry, funcName); } }, /** * Function: connectBefore */ connectBefore:function(target, event, funcName){ target = dojo.byId(target); if (!dj_undef(funcName, tapestry)){ dojo.event.connect("before", target, event, tapestry, funcName); } }, /** * Function: connectWidget */ connectWidget:function(target, event, funcName){ tapestry.connect(dojo.widget.byId(target), event, funcName); }, /** * Function: byId */ byId:dojo.byId, /** * Function: raise */ raise:dojo.raise, /** * Function: addOnLoad */ addOnLoad:dojo.addOnLoad, /** * Function: provide */ provide:dojo.provide, /** * Function: linkOnClick */ linkOnClick:function(url, id, isJson, eventName){ var content={beventname:(eventName || "onClick")}; content[""]=id; tapestry.bind(url, content, isJson); return false; }, /** * Function: isServingRequests * * Utility used to find out if there are any ajax requests in progress. */ isServingRequests:function(){ return (this.requestsInFlight > 0); } } /** * package: tapestry.html * Provides functionality related to parsing and rendering dom nodes. */ tapestry.html={ CompactElementRegexp:/<([a-zA-Z](?!nput)[a-zA-Z]*)([^>]*?)\/>/g, // regexp for compact html elements CompactElementReplacer:'<$1$2>', // replace pattern for compact html elements /** * Function: getContentAsString * * Takes a dom node and returns its contents rendered in a string. * * The resulting string does NOT contain any markup (or attributes) of * the given node - only child nodes are rendered and returned.Content * * Implementation Note: This function tries to make use of browser * specific features (the xml attribute of nodes in IE and the XMLSerializer * object in Mozilla derivatives) - if those fails, a generic implementation * is used that is guaranteed to work in all platforms. * * Parameters: * * node - The dom node. * Returns: * * The string representation of the given node's contents. */ getContentAsString:function(node){ if (typeof node.xml != "undefined") { return this._getContentAsStringIE(node); } else if (typeof XMLSerializer != "undefined" ) { return this._getContentAsStringMozilla(node); } else { return this._getContentAsStringGeneric(node); } }, /** * Function: getElementAsString * * Takes a dom node and returns itself and its contents rendered in a string. * * Implementation Note: This function uses a generic implementation in order * to generate the returned string. * * Parameters: * * node - The dom node. * Returns: * * The string representation of the given node. */ getElementAsString:function(node){ if (!node) { return ""; } var s='<' + node.nodeName; // add attributes if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0) { for (var i=0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { s += " " + node.attributes[i].name + "=\"" + node.attributes[i].value + "\""; } } // close start tag s += '>'; // content of tag s += this._getContentAsStringGeneric(node); // end tag s += ''; return s; }, /** * Adds togglers and js effects to the exception page. */ enhanceExceptionPage:function(){ // attach toggles + hide content var elms=dojo.html.getElementsByClass('toggle'); if(elms && elms.length > 0){ for(var i=0;i 0){ elms[elms.length-1].onclick({target:elms[elms.length-1]}); } }, _getContentAsStringIE:function(node){ var s=" "; //blank works around an IE-bug for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++){ s += node.childNodes[i].xml; } return s; }, _getContentAsStringMozilla:function(node){ if (!this.xmlSerializer){ this.xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer();} var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { s += this.xmlSerializer.serializeToString(node.childNodes[i]); if (s == "undefined") return this._getContentAsStringGeneric(node); } return this._processCompactElements(s); }, _getContentAsStringGeneric:function(node){ var s=""; if (node == null) { return s; } for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { switch (node.childNodes[i].nodeType) { case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE case 5: // ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE s += this.getElementAsString(node.childNodes[i]); break; case 3: // TEXT_NODE case 2: // ATTRIBUTE_NODE case 4: // CDATA_SECTION_NODE s += node.childNodes[i].nodeValue; break; default: break; } } return s; }, _processCompactElements:function(htmlData) { return htmlData.replace(this.CompactElementRegexp, this.CompactElementReplacer); } } /** * package: tapestry.event * * Utility functions that handle converting javascript event objects into * a name/value pair format that can be sent to the remote server. */ tapestry.event={ /** * Function: buildEventProperties * * Takes an incoming browser generated event (like key/mouse events) and * creates a js object holding the basic values of the event in order for * it to be submitted to the server. * * Parameters: * * event - The javascript event method is based on, if it isn't a valid * browser event it will be ignored. * props - The existing property object to set the values on, if it doesn't * exist one will be created. * args - The arguments from an method-call interception * Returns: * * The desired event properties bound to an object. Ie,obj.charCode, etc.. */ buildEventProperties:function(event, props, args){ if (!props) props={}; if (dojo.event.browser.isEvent(event)) { if(event["type"]) props.beventtype=event.type; if(event["keys"]) props.beventkeys=event.keys; if(event["charCode"]) props.beventcharCode=event.charCode; if(event["pageX"]) props.beventpageX=event.pageX; if(event["pageY"]) props.beventpageY=event.pageY; if(event["layerX"]) props.beventlayerX=event.layerX; if(event["layerY"]) props.beventlayerY=event.layerY; if (event["target"]) this.buildTargetProperties(props,; } props.methodArguments = dojo.json.serialize( args ); return props; }, /** * Function: buildTargetProperties * * Generic function to build a properties object populated with * relevent target data. * * Parameters: * * props - The object that event properties are being set on to return to * the server. * target - The javscript object that the original event was targeted for. * * Returns: * The original props object passed in, populated with any data found. */ buildTargetProperties:function(props, target){ if(!target) { return; } if (dojo.dom.isNode(target)) { return this.buildNodeProperties(props, target); } else { dojo.raise("buildTargetProperties() Unknown target type:" + target); } }, /** * Function: buildNodeProperties * * Builds needed target node properties, like the node's id. * * Parameters: * props - The object that event properties are being set on to return to * the server. * node - The dom node specified as the in a javascript event. */ buildNodeProperties:function(props, node) { if (node.getAttribute("id")) { props[""]=node.getAttribute("id"); } }, /** * Function: stopEvent */ stopEvent:dojo.event.browser.stopEvent } tapestry.lang = { /** * Searches the specified list for an object with a matching propertyName/value pair. * @param list The array of objects to search. * @param properyName The object property key to match on. (ie object[propertyName]) * Can also be a template object to match in the form of {key:{key:value}} nested * as deeply as you like. * @param value The value to be matched against * @return The matching array object found, or null. */ find:function(list, property, value){ if (!list || !property || list.length < 1) return null; // if not propMatch then template object was passed in var propMatch=dojo.lang.isString(property); if (propMatch && !value) return null; //if doing string/other non template match and no value for (var i=0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!list[i]) continue; if (propMatch) { if (list[i] && list[i][property] && list[i][property] == value) return list[i]; } else { if (this.matchProperty(property, list[i])) return list[i]; } } return null; }, // called recursively to match object properties // partially stolen logic from dojo.widget.html.SortableTable.sort matchProperty:function(template, object){ if(!dojo.lang.isObject(template) || !dojo.lang.isObject(object)) return template.valueOf() == object.valueOf(); for(var p in template){ if(!(p in object)) return false; // boolean if (!this.matchProperty(template[p], object[p])) return false; } return true; } } dojo.provide("dojo.AdapterRegistry"); dojo.provide("dojo.json"); dojo.AdapterRegistry = function (returnWrappers) { this.pairs = []; this.returnWrappers = returnWrappers || false; }; dojo.lang.extend(dojo.AdapterRegistry, {register:function (name, check, wrap, directReturn, override) { var type = (override) ? "unshift" : "push"; this.pairs[type]([name, check, wrap, directReturn]); }, match:function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.pairs.length; i++) { var pair = this.pairs[i]; if (pair[1].apply(this, arguments)) { if ((pair[3]) || (this.returnWrappers)) { return pair[2]; } else { return pair[2].apply(this, arguments); } } } throw new Error("No match found"); }, unregister:function (name) { for (var i = 0; i < this.pairs.length; i++) { var pair = this.pairs[i]; if (pair[0] == name) { this.pairs.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }}); dojo.json = { jsonRegistry:new dojo.AdapterRegistry(), register:function (name, check, wrap, override) { dojo.json.jsonRegistry.register(name, check, wrap, override); }, evalJson:function (json) { try { return eval("(" + json + ")"); } catch (e) { dojo.debug(e); return json; } }, serialize:function (o) { var objtype = typeof (o); if (objtype == "undefined") { return "undefined"; } else { if ((objtype == "number") || (objtype == "boolean")) { return o + ""; } else { if (o === null) { return "null"; } } } if (objtype == "string") { return dojo.string.escapeString(o); } var me = arguments.callee; var newObj; if (typeof (o.__json__) == "function") { newObj = o.__json__(); if (o !== newObj) { return me(newObj); } } if (typeof (o.json) == "function") { newObj = o.json(); if (o !== newObj) { return me(newObj); } } if (objtype != "function" && typeof (o.length) == "number") { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { if (dojo.event.browser.isEvent(o[i]) || o[i]["stopPropagation"]){continue;} var val = me(o[i]); if (typeof (val) != "string") { val = "undefined"; } res.push(val); } return "[" + res.join(",") + "]"; } try { window.o = o; newObj = dojo.json.jsonRegistry.match(o); return me(newObj); } catch (e) { } if (objtype == "function") { return null; } res = []; for (var k in o) { var useKey; if (typeof (k) == "number") { useKey = "\"" + k + "\""; } else { if (typeof (k) == "string") { useKey = dojo.string.escapeString(k); } else { continue; } } val = me(o[k]); if (typeof (val) != "string") { continue; } res.push(useKey + ":" + val); } return "{" + res.join(",") + "}"; }};