------ Tapestry 4 Tutorials ------ Jesse Kuhnert ------ 12 May 2007 ------ Tapestry tutorial series at DevShed {{{http://sundraw.ws/}Alexander Kolesnikov}} has written a great series of Tapestry 4 tutorials that should be a great help for anyone getting started with Tapestry or just wanting a quick reference for some of the common areas of development. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Apache-Tapestry-4-Tutorial/}Apache Tapestry 4 Tutorial}} In this article we'll begin by taking a look at servlets and JavaServer Pages, then proceed to learn about the MVC design pattern. After examining the problems these technologies solved, we'll focus on the Tapestry framework, study its advantages, and dispel some prejudices about it. This is the first article in a multi-part series covering Tapestry. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Preparing-the-Workspace-for-Apache-Tapestry/}Preparing the Workspace for Apache Tapestry}} In the previous article of this series I explained, in the historical perspective, why Tapestry is a very attractive and advanced framework for building Java Web applications. Now we are moving from theory to practice. But before doing anything, we need to prepare the workplace. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Creating-Your-First-Tapestry-Project/}Creating Your First Tapestry Project}} In the previous article, we began moving from theory to practice by preparing our work place and setting up our system. In this article, we actually get our hands dirty (at least figuratively) by building our first Tapestry project. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Introducing-Simple-Components-in-Apache-Tapestry/}Introducing Simple Components in Apache Tapestry}} In the previous article, you witnessed the interplay between a Tapestry page and its components (granted, we had only one simple component there, but you get my point). Page class, when rendering its page, finds any components mentioned in the template and asks those components to display themselves, as they know better how to do that. Components, in their turn, might need some information to display themselves, and they ask the page class to provide the necessary information by calling some of its methods [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/A-Closer-Look-at-Simple-Components-in-Apache-Tapestry/}A Closer Look at Simple Components in Apache Tapestry}} In the previous article, we took a look at some of the components that are used most often in Tapestry applications, and learned some important concepts related to them. At the end, we found that we needed three components for our example application. In this article, we will configure those components. We will also learn how to disable caching. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/The-Properties-of-Tapestry-Pages/}The Properties of Tapestry Pages}} In the previous part of this tutorial we started to build a new project, GuessTheWord. The project is very simple, but we are going to spend a lot of time working on it and experimenting with it. This is because the main aim is to learn a lot about the most basic concepts of Tapestry. For every important concept, I want to show you a number of options as to how it can be implemented and explain which option is good for what. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Apache-Tapestry-and-Listener-Methods-Conditional-Components-and-PageLink/}Apache Tapestry and Listener Methods Conditional Components and PageLink}} Today we continue to explore some of the most fundamental concepts of Tapestry while building one of the simplest Java Web applications. In the previous part of this tutorial we became familiar with properties of Tapestry pages and different ways to configure them. Now we will look into the details of writing listener methods. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Making-a-CelebrityCollector-with-Apache-Tapestry-the-For-Component/}Making a CelebrityCollector with Apache Tapestry: the For Component}} We are going to start a new project today, named CelebrityCollector. At first it will be very simple, but in the following articles we will be adding more and more functionality to it. Of course, the purpose at this stage of study is not to build a real-world application but to meet different Tapestry components and to learn various important concepts [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Apache-Tapestry-and-DirectLink-IoC-and-DI/}Apache Tapestry and DirectLink, IoC and DI }} Previously we began building our CelebrityCollector application. But right now it is a hollow shell. In this article we will use several new Apache Tapestry components to help us start filling in the details. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Apache-Tapestry-ASO-and-More-Components/}Apache Tapestry: ASO and More Components}} We shall continue working on the CelebrityCollector application. The next step is to create a page for adding a new celebrity. While we create that page, I will introduce you to three more components that will add new capabilities to our application and help us get around certain problems. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/The-DatePicker-and-Shell-Components-of-Apache-Tapestry/}The DatePicker and Shell Components of Apache Tapestry}} In the previous article in this series we came to adding a component for accepting a date input, to specify the date of birth for the newly added celebrity. DatePicker, a standard Tapestry component, is an excellent choice for this, and we are going to learn today how to add a DatePicker to a page. [[1]] {{{http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/PropertySelection-and-IPropertySelectionModel-in-Apache-Tapestry/}PropertySelection and IPropertySelectionModel in Apache Tapestry}} We already encountered PropertySelection in one of the previous articles so we know that it is a Tapestry component used to display a drop-down list, allowing the user to choose one of multiple options. You might think that the way in which options are provided to this component (through its model binding) is somewhat cumbersome when all you need to do is select one of a few strings. However, PropertySelection was designed with a great deal of power and flexibility in mind, and I hope that today you will appreciate this.