------ JavaScript Reference - tapestry.html ------ Jesse Kuhnert ------ 26 July 2006 ------ tapestry.html This package currently only defines one DOM String related function. The source for <<>> can be found {{{http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tapestry/tapestry4/trunk/tapestry-framework/src/js/tapestry/html.js?view=markup}here}}. * tapestry.html.getContentAsString(node) Used primarily in {{{core.html}tapestry.bind}} to convert incoming XML document node content into a javascript String that will be compatible with DomNode.innerHTML calls. The semantics of using innerHTML are fairly quircky from browser to browser <(if you want to maintain stylesheet rules/etc)>, so this function will determine your browser type and act accordingly. It should universally be able to produce a String compatible with innerHTML statements from almost any source, even existing HTML DOM nodes that aren't part of an IO XML document return. *----------------------*---------------*------------*----------*----------------------------------------------+ Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description *----------------------*---------------*------------*----------*----------------------------------------------+ node | DOMNode/HtmlDOMNode | yes | | The XML or HTML DOM node to parse html textual fragment contents from. *----------------------*---------------*------------*----------*----------------------------------------------+ ** Example usage If you wanted to take an IO return chunk of xml that looked like this: +---------------------------- This is some example html content.

As you can see, any valid html element can be embedded in the response.

+---------------------------- and place it's content into an existing HTML dom node you might do something like this: +----------------------------------------------------------- dojo.require("tapestry.html"); // ensures tapestry.html package is loaded var xmlData=functionFoo(); var domNode = xmlData.getElementById("chunk1"); dojo.byId("myHtmlNode").innerHTML=tapestry.html.getContentAsString(domNode); +----------------------------------------------------------- <> {{{http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/DOM:document#1022427}Mozilla DOM reference}}