Release Notes - Tajo - Version 0.11.1
- [TAJO-1855] - Add document for tablespace configuration to the Configuration chapter.
- [TAJO-1856] - Add a description about the relationship of tablespace, managed table, and external table to Tablespace section of Table Management chapter
- [TAJO-1992] - \set timezone in cli doesn't work because of casesensitive
- [TAJO-1993] - Table Timezone doesn't work when Timezone is not exactly same.
- [TAJO-2024] - Remove getContentSummary from HCatalogStore
- [TAJO-1578] - User configuration for pull server port is ignored.
- [TAJO-1643] - SQLParse can't parse parentheses table clause
- [TAJO-1753] - GlobalEngine causes NPE occurs occasionally
- [TAJO-1921] - Hbase Storage can cause NPE when the hbase cluster is restarted
- [TAJO-1935] - Some Tasks don't work after they become TA_ASSIGNED
- [TAJO-1954] - Fix memory leak in physical operator
- [TAJO-1961] - Client timezone does not work properly
- [TAJO-1964] - TestKillQuery::testKillQueryFromInitState causes NPE
- [TAJO-1965] - TestBlockingRpc::testServerShutdown occassionally fails
- [TAJO-1972] - Invalid sort order with NULLS FIRST|LAST
- [TAJO-1977] - Cannot recognize the space-contained tablename and databasename
- [TAJO-1978] - Printout message before terminating TSQL
- [TAJO-1980] - Printout the usage of TajoShellCommand
- [TAJO-1981] - Invalid nulls sort order in VectorizedSorter
- [TAJO-2000] - BSTIndex can cause OOM
- [TAJO-2001] - DirectRawFileScanner.getProgress occasionally fails
- [TAJO-2010] - Parquet can not read null value
- [TAJO-2013] - FilterPushDownRule fails due to the unsupported index
- [TAJO-2014] - TestRpcClientManager fails occasionally
- [TAJO-2016] - Fix storage tests hangs
- [TAJO-2025] - HBASE_LIB/metrics-core-*.jar should be included in CLASSPATH
- [TAJO-2034] - Files required for executing python functions are not copied in testEval()
- [TAJO-2037] - tajo-storage-hdfs tests occasionally hangs
- [TAJO-2038] - NPE in FileScanner#getProgress
- [TAJO-2066] - Fix TestJoinOnPartitionedTables.testPartialFilterPushDown failure
- [TAJO-1271] - Improve memory usage of Hash-shuffle
- [TAJO-1740] - Update Partition Table document
- [TAJO-1858] - Aligning error message in execute query page of web UI is needed.
- [TAJO-1940] - Implement HBaseTablespace::getTableVolume() method
- [TAJO-1950] - Query master uses too much memory during range shuffle
- [TAJO-1966] - Decrease memory usage of TajoTestingCluster
- [TAJO-1979] - Usage of some TajoShellCommand is omitted
- [TAJO-1983] - Improve memory usage of ExternalSortExec
- [TAJO-1985] - Supporting Metric report via JMX
- [TAJO-1991] - Tablespace::getVolume should take filter predication
- [TAJO-1998] - Waiting for gracefully stopping in is too short
- [TAJO-2005] - Add TableStatUpdateRewriter
- [TAJO-2007] - By default, Optimizer should use the table volume in TableStat.
- [TAJO-2029] - Showing query progress percentage in TAJO JDBC
- [TAJO-2032] - Change to be the general style in TAJO.
- [TAJO-2036] - Prevent out of memory in the master server, if the query result is large
- [TAJO-2040] - Decrease the default size of max request for locality
- [TAJO-2048] - QueryMaster and TajoWorker should support the exception propagation
- [TAJO-2050] - Adopt TAJO logo in CLI
- [TAJO-2053] - Update description for HBase configuration.
- [TAJO-2057] - Remove redundant class loading in plan optimizer
- [TAJO-2060] - Upgrade geoip-api-java library
- [TAJO-2061] - Add description for EXPLAIN statement
- [TAJO-1705] - Update document for index support
- [TAJO-1852] - (Umbrella) Improve documentation for tablespace support
- [TAJO-1854] - Add in-subquery document
- [TAJO-1857] - Rename the section of 'File Formats' to 'Data Formats' and fill compression section of the 'Table Management' chapter
- [TAJO-1906] - Decrease the default size of hash map and array list for testing
- [TAJO-1934] - Test failures in TestPgSQLQueryTests due to sort order
- [TAJO-1962] - Add description for session variables
- [TAJO-1963] - Add more configuration descriptions to document
- [TAJO-1970] - Change the null first syntax
- [TAJO-1973] - Replace 'while' loop with 'foreach'
- [TAJO-1975] - Gathering fine-grained column statistics for range shuffle
- [TAJO-1989] - Upgrade Maven Surefire Plugin to 2.19
- [TAJO-1994] - Some trivial modification is needed in compression document
- [TAJO-2003] - Fix typo in worker configuration
- [TAJO-2018] - Remove redundant 'String.toString()'
- [TAJO-2028] - Refining Hive Integration document including typo
- [TAJO-2041] - Update the Team page
- [TAJO-2065] - Increase default heap size