Release Notes - Tajo - Version 0.10.1
Changes since Tajo 0.10.1
- [TAJO-1437] - Resolve findbug warnings on Tajo JDBC Module
- [TAJO-1438] - Resolve findbug warnings on Tajo Client Module
- [TAJO-1529] - Implement json_extract_path_text(string, string) function
- [TAJO-1147] - Simple query doesn't work in Web UI
- [TAJO-1360] - VALUES_ field in OPTIONS table of catalog store should be longer.
- [TAJO-1384] - Duplicated output file path problem
- [TAJO-1386] - CURRENT_DATE generates parsing errors sometimes.
- [TAJO-1387] - Correct error message for EXISTS clause
- [TAJO-1396] - Unexpected IllegalMonitorStateException can be thrown in QueryInProgress
- [TAJO-1411] - Support case-insensitive table description command
- [TAJO-1419] - Tsql session command doesn't work
- [TAJO-1434] - Fix supporting version of Hadoop
- [TAJO-1440] - Some tests fail in parallel test environment in TestKillQuery
- [TAJO-1481] - Numeric conversion of Inet4 type should be considered as unsigned
- [TAJO-1485] - Datum 'Char' returned only 1byte.
- [TAJO-1512] - Fix various Expr cloning bugs
- [TAJO-1516] - JDBC connection is lost while retrieving large results
- [TAJO-1522] - NPE making stage history before task scheduler is initialized
- [TAJO-1534] - DelimitedTextFile return null instead of a NullDatum
- [TAJO-1538] - TajoWorkerResourceManager.allocatedResourceMap is increasing forever
- [TAJO-1556] - "insert into select" with reordered column list does not work.
- [TAJO-1560] - HashShuffle report should be ignored when a succeed tasks are not included
- [TAJO-1564] - TestFetcher fails occasionally
- [TAJO-1574] - Fix NPE on natural join
- [TAJO-1580] - Error line number is incorrect
- [TAJO-1581] - Does not update last state of query stage in non-hash shuffle
- [TAJO-1586] - TajoMaster HA startup failure on Yarn.
- [TAJO-1598] - TableMeta should change equals mechanism
- [TAJO-1605] - Fix master build failure on jdk 1.6
- [TAJO-1612] - TestKillQuery occassionally fails
- [TAJO-1619] - JDBC program is stuck after closing
- [TAJO-1621] - Compilation error with hadoop 2.7.0
- [TAJO-1374] - Support multi-bytes delimiter for CSV file
- [TAJO-1381] - Support multi-bytes delimiter for Text file
- [TAJO-1394] - Support reconnect on tsql
- [TAJO-1395] - Remove deprecated sql files for Oracle and PostgreSQL
- [TAJO-1400] - Add TajoStatement::setMaxRows method support
- [TAJO-1425] - SQLAnalyzer should print message to indicate exact error line with supplement
- [TAJO-1452] - Improve function listing order
- [TAJO-1501] - Too many log message of HashShuffleAppenderManager.
- [TAJO-1576] - Sometimes DefaultTajoCliOutputFormatter.parseErrorMessage() eliminates an important kind of information.
- [TAJO-1623] - INSERT INTO with wrong target columns causes NPE.
- [TAJO-1626] - JdbcConnection::setAutoCommit() should not throw an exception.
- [TAJO-1380] - Update JDBC documentation for new JDBC driver
- [TAJO-1439] - Some method name is written wrongly
- [TAJO-1462] - Replace CSV examples into TEXT examples in docs
- [TAJO-1559] - Fix data model description (tinyint, smallint)
- [TAJO-1567] - Update old license in some pom.xml files
- [TAJO-1568] - Apply UnpooledByteBufAllocator when a tajo.test.enabled is set to enable
- [TAJO-1571] - Merge TAJO-1497 and TAJO-1569 to 0.10.1
- [TAJO-1604] - Merge TAJO-1442 to 0.10.1