A simple parser scans the document at initialization and creates document objects using XMLBeans. The various functions provided by the parser are used to retrieve needed information. More details can be added as the need arises.
IVParser(String FilePath)
the full path to the broker-configurator.xml and creates a parser using the
instance of an XML factory and a file reader.
1)int getAttributePosition(String
Returns the position of the attribute with
the given name.
2)void getQualifiedName()
Parses an internal stack to get the
qualified name of the current element being parsed.
3)void getTo(String element)
Positions the parser at the given element.
4)void getToService(String ServiceName)
Positions the parser at the given Service,
uses getTo("service").
Public functions:
01)String getActiceAppServer()
Returns the name of the application server
whose staus is active true.
02)Collection getEngagedModules(String
Returns a collection of all the modules
engaged to the given service. The returned modules are the once whose active
status is set to true.
03)String getManageabilityReference()
the Manageability End Point Reference of the proxy setup.
04)HashMap getParameters()
Scans the entire broker-configurator.xml,
sets the relevant parameter name as a key and its corresponding value into the
HashMap that is returned. This function
takes care of deciding the elements which would be treated as parameters,
calling getQualifiedName() for obtaining a distinct name for every
05)Collection getServices()
Returns a collection of all the services
present in the broker-configurator.xml
06)int getURLCount(String ServiceName)
Returns the number of End Point URLs that the given service has, is used
during the parameter setting to distinguish one End Point URL from another and
can be used during routing decisions too.
07)HashMap getURLs(String ServiceName)
Returns a collection of all the URLs to the
given service as keys and their priority as values.
08)String getWSDLLocation(String ServiceName)
Returns the URL, in the form of a string,
pointing to the location of the Original Provider WSDL.
09)boolean isWSDMManeged(String ServiceName)