The set of scripts in this directory attempts to fix some kinds of corruption in a FSFS repository, particularly errors that are reported by 'svnadmin verify' with the following two kinds of error message: svnadmin: E160004: Corrupt node-revision '5-12980.0.r12980/5571' svnadmin: E160004: Found malformed header in revision file svnadmin: E160004: Corrupt representation '13001 1496 2082 16645 [...]' svnadmin: E160004: Malformed representation header svnadmin: E200014: Checksum mismatch while reading representation: expected: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e actual: 67e7c6f56087c371ae4dd7152c6ba04b The files are: fix-repo: a /bin/sh script that calls fixer/ on each rev in a range fixer/ checks and fixes if possible a single revision fixer/ a helper function fixer/ an empty file that signals to Python that this directory is a Python module Backup your repository before running them. For more details, see the email from Julian Foad on 2010-10-06, subject "Fixing FSFS 'Corrupt node-revision' and 'Corrupt representation' errors", .