This is a -*- text -*- file. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by someone: - When using shared working copies, a user changing the permissions of a file directly (svn ps svn:executable) or indirectly (i.e. through an update), must own that file. There is no way to do this automatically which does not involve possible data loss. -------------------------------------------------------------- Put in best-practices doc: - (perhaps) suggest the use of environment variables to represent long repository URLs. useful for lots of branching/tagging commands. Maybe this can go into our existing best-practices doc? -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by someone: - we seem to inconsistently assume repositories live either in /usr/local/svn/ or /usr/local/repositories/ throughout the book. We ought to consistify. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by cmpilato: ch05: - document that if either the start-commit or pre-commit hook fails, STDERR is marshalled back to the client. (not true of post-commit, see issue 443). -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by sussman: appC: "Mapping Subversion to DeltaV": checkouts don't cause the client to do repeated GET and PROPFIND requests. The data is all embedded in the REPORT response now. ----------------------------------------------- The 1.1 Book Fork ================== Once the book is on shelves (last week in June), we plan to fork the book between the 1.0.x and 1.1 branches. Really, this means: 1. Documenting new 1.1 features and behaviors in /trunk/doc/book 2. Being very selective about backporting book changes to the 1.0.x branch. (Hitherto, we've always just blindly copied /trunk/doc/book to 1.0.x before doing every 1.0.x release.) 3. Posting the 1.0.x and 1.1 versions of the book on the website. (This probably isn't high priority, since only developers are using 1.1 right now anyway. But once 1.1 is released, this will be important.) List of 1.1 features/changes ============================ * new fsfs backend for repository. make a comparison chart with bdb, just like we did for apache/svnserve that shows tradeoffs. also show new libraries in ch01 'big picture' diagram and ch08 library listing. * updates no longer create fs transactions (does this need to be documented? does anyone care other than developers?) * slightly tweaked 'svn diff' syntax allows things like 'svn diff -rX:Y URL@Z'. Probably need to explain 'peg' objects, so folks can understand how/when renames are followed by certain commands. * do we need to tell people how to activate localized client output? or is that just widespread knowledge? * remove SVN_REVNUM_T_FMT from any example code. * document new 'svnadmin dump --deltas' in ch05 and ch09. * svn export --native-eol * In the section on "Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods", the chmod g+s command is no longer necessary for repositories created with svn 1.1, since we take care of that now. * document svn:special property, and how symlinks can be put under version control. and what (doesn't) happen on win32.