Subversion Installation ======================= ******************************************************************** *** *** *** Note: this is PRE-ALPHA code. Don't use it on real data, *** *** except for Subversion itself, and that only because hordes *** *** of selfless volunteers are standing by ready to help you *** *** if you get yourself in a pickle. *** *** *** ******************************************************************** (Please read the HACKING file if you're installing from a working copy rather than an unpacked distribution.) (Also, if you are trying to set up a subversion server, also look at notes/dav_setup.txt for instructions on compiling and installing Apache 2.0 and mod_dav_svn). Subversion installs using the usual GNU procedure: $ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-shared $ make $ make check # make install The flags to `configure' are highly recommended for developers, as they build a statically-linked binary. If you don't use those flags, then you must reverse the order of the "make check" and "make install" steps, because the shared libraries must be installed before "make check" will work. Note that if you commonly build with the -jN option to make, the make step above may fail, because we don't ensure that third party libraries in our source tree will finish building before subversion itself. If you want to use -jN, use the following instead: $ ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --disable-shared $ make -jN external-all $ make -jN local-all $ make check # make install PREREQUISITES: 1. Berkeley DB 3.3.11 Berkely DB is needed to build a Subversion server. If you are only interested in building a Subversion client, you don't need it. If you wish to build a server, read the rest of this section. You'll need Berkeley DB 3.3.11 or higher installed on your system. You can get it from: If you already have another version of Berkeley DB installed and don't want to downgrade, you can unpack the Berkeley 3.3.11 distribution into a subdir named `db' in the top-level of the Subversion source tree. Then Subversion will ignore the system DB and use the one it found in its own source tree. Alternatively, you can add this flag --with-berkeley-db=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.3 to your `configure' switches, and the build process will use the named Berkeley. You may need to use a different path, of course. 2. Python 2.1 If you want to run "make check", install Python 2.1 or higher on your system, as the test suite is written in Python. Get it from 3. Clean up any previous Subversion installs first! Your build may appear to succeed, but actually link incorrectly, if there are old Subversion shared libraries on your system. If you've installed Subversion shared libraries in the past, you must be sure to clean them out before building a newer version. Usually this does the trick: # rm -f /usr/local/lib/libsvn* # rm -f /usr/local/lib/libapr* # rm -f /usr/local/lib/libexpat* # rm -f /usr/local/lib/libneon* Please mail if you have any problems.