This is a -*- text -*- file. Here is a list of all the things that the Subversion Book DOESN'T yet cover. -------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff that needs more discussion: - 'svn diff/merge --ignore-ancestry'. Demonstrate how this switch can be used as an alternate strategy for vendor branching (instead of using just import each new vendor release unrelatedly, and apply the diffs to your vendor-branch working copy. - (perhaps) suggest the use of environment variables to represent long repository URLs. useful for lots of branching/tagging commands. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by someone: - svnadmin docs sorely need to be updated. See Ch05 and Ch08. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by cmpilato: - convert any Perl examples to Python ones. and stick with the Python coding conventions when doing so. and do error checking. and then chuckle about how the examples are still shorter and easier to read than they were before. - define a 'project root', recommend 'standard' repos layout beneath such roots. - svndumpfilter. in particular, show how to "migrate" a subdir in one repos to a subdir in another one. Wherever this ends up documented (probably in chapter 5 or 6), please be sure to mention how to use svndumpfilter in chapter 4, "removing a change from the repository". At a minimum, create a xref from this part of chapter 4 to the *real* svndumpfilter documentation, presumably to use-case that shows how to use svndumpfilter as an alternative to 'svnadmin obliterate.' - ch07: maybe an explanation for the person writing a new main() application... what are all those callbacks in the ctx_t used for? people have asked this in irc. what sort of things does an application *have* to set up in the cxt_t in order to call an svn_client_foo() function? - I think we need to add a *bit* more background on "how berkeley db" works. It's not clear to most readers 1) what the db logfiles are, 2) that they need to be pruned regularly (if not using 4.2), 3) that they grow *even* if you only do checkouts and updates. Ben wrote an email about this which should probably be assimilated into ch05: While it's not our job to turn the readers into BDB experts, I think this level of information is the exact right level of BDB knowledge that users/admins need to use svn well. - Please point out and explain why BerkeleyDB environments aren't portable. You can't just move it from Unix to Win32. - book says that deleting a ~/.subversion file will recreate it, which is wrong. the whole directory needs to be renamed and recreated. - ch06: externals chapter. Please be explicit about exactly which commands honor 'svn:externals' (co, up, st, etc.), and exactly which commands don't (commit). -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by fitz: - appendix A: how authentication differs from CVS. Explain that the server challenges, rather than the client explicitly "logging in". Also, in 'branches are dirs' section, stress that users would NOT want to ever checkout the root of an svn repository.... it would be humongous. Some CVS users have been confused by this. - some folks want a glossary. that's good, since we have a glossary.xml anyway. :-) probably something we do at the last minute. - Check all commands for flags in ch09 - document the 'autoprops' feature in ~/.subversion/servers - new 'svn diff' UI (when it's done) -- affects ch03, ch09, and maybe other chapters. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by sussman: - svn merge --dry-run (different than 'svn diff') - ch06: document the log-encoding and use-commit-times variables in the [miscellany] section - appA should mention no $Log$ keyword. Or maybe it should mention what keywords *do* exist as well. - ch04: new "use-cases" section: - resurrecting a deleted file or directory. (how do I find out where the item was deleted? how to use 'merge' to get it back; how to use 'copy' to get it back.) - move use-case to new section: undoing a committed change. - move use-case to new section: merging one branch to another. - in httpd.conf setup, remind people not to put the svn within an existing DocumentRoot, else the 301 error. -------------------------------------------------------------- To be fixed by kfogel: - is a lot more complex now, with many more switches, especially since it now converts branches and tags. Need to expand our coverage of this in Appendix B.