head 1.2; access; symbols libshout-2_0:1.2 libshout-2_0b3:1.2 libshout-2_0b2:1.2 libshout_2_0b1:1.2 libogg2-zerocopy: start: xiph:1.1.1; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.2 date 2003.; author msmith; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2001.; author jack; state Exp; branches; next ; date 2001.; author jack; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.2 log @Brendan was getting pissed off about inconsistent indentation styles. Convert all tabs to 4 spaces. All code must now use 4 space indents. @ text @#include #include #include "httpp.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buff[8192]; int readed; http_parser_t parser; avl_node *node; http_var_t *var; httpp_initialize(&parser, NULL); readed = fread(buff, 1, 8192, stdin); if (httpp_parse(&parser, buff, readed)) { printf("Parse succeeded...\n\n"); printf("Request was "); switch (parser.req_type) { case httpp_req_none: printf(" none\n"); break; case httpp_req_unknown: printf(" unknown\n"); break; case httpp_req_get: printf(" get\n"); break; case httpp_req_post: printf(" post\n"); break; case httpp_req_head: printf(" head\n"); break; } printf("Version was 1.%d\n", parser.version); node = avl_get_first(parser.vars); while (node) { var = (http_var_t *)node->key; if (var) printf("Iterating variable(s): %s = %s\n", var->name, var->value); node = avl_get_next(node); } } else { printf("Parse failed...\n"); } printf("Destroying parser...\n"); httpp_destroy(&parser); return 0; } @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d9 5 a13 5 char buff[8192]; int readed; http_parser_t parser; avl_node *node; http_var_t *var; d15 1 a15 1 httpp_initialize(&parser, NULL); d17 35 a51 35 readed = fread(buff, 1, 8192, stdin); if (httpp_parse(&parser, buff, readed)) { printf("Parse succeeded...\n\n"); printf("Request was "); switch (parser.req_type) { case httpp_req_none: printf(" none\n"); break; case httpp_req_unknown: printf(" unknown\n"); break; case httpp_req_get: printf(" get\n"); break; case httpp_req_post: printf(" post\n"); break; case httpp_req_head: printf(" head\n"); break; } printf("Version was 1.%d\n", parser.version); node = avl_get_first(parser.vars); while (node) { var = (http_var_t *)node->key; if (var) printf("Iterating variable(s): %s = %s\n", var->name, var->value); node = avl_get_next(node); } } else { printf("Parse failed...\n"); } d53 2 a54 2 printf("Destroying parser...\n"); httpp_destroy(&parser); d56 1 a56 1 return 0; @ log @move to cvs @ text @@