Here's the first draft of a README I started a while back (very rough and slightly out of date already), which you'll eventually be able to find in the repository at trunk/subversion/bindings/java/README: Subversion Java integration =========================== $LastChangedDate$ Contents: I. STATUS II. WHY NOT 100% PURE JAVA? III. WHY SWIG? IV. TODO I. STATUS A SWIG-based JNI implementation of Java bindings for Subversion are under development. They can be built via the "swig-java-lib" target of the source tree's top-level make file. If you don't have such a make file, see the INSTALL document in the same directory for further instructions. The Subversion Java libraries require extensive development to be reach a functional state. Consumption by end users is not yet advised. Java bindings for Subversion were originally initiated by Alexander Mueller (xela) as hand-coded JNI bindings, with the intent of producing a desktop GUI client, and were eventually discarded in favor of a C++/wxWindows implementation which wraps the C reference libraries. Developers of the SWIG implementation are encouraged to refer to xela's initial work for guidance. II. WHY NOT 100% PURE JAVA?'s C library is the reference implementation of a Subversion client's logic, and is the most robust client implementation available. An alternative to its rapidly maturing code base and active developer community which is of similar quality would require significant effort, effort more efficiently contributed towards further development of the loadable libraries shared by all existing implementations. III. WHY SWIG? It's likely that Greg Stein has already answered this on the mailing list. Search the archive ( and fill in this space with answers of his from there. The main accessor class for the SWIG-generated Java code is org.tigris.subversion.swig.Subversion. It consists of a set of static methods which wrap the raw and hard to understand generated code. IV. TODO Update xela's JUnit work, adding a swig-java-check target to the top-level build system. swig-java-check: swig-java-lib Start making the client library functional: * Add a file (to an existing working copy) * Update to a specific global revision * Commit a file * Check out a working copy * etc.