Subversion Tarball Release Procedure ==================================== 1. Update CHANGES to contain all the latest changes. Commit. 2. Update working copy to head. 3. Bump product version number in svn_version.h and CHANGES. Commit. 4. ./ 5. Test the tarball: a. tar xfz subversion-rXXXX.tar.gz; cd subversion-rXXXX b. ./configure --disable-shared --enable-maintainer-mode c. make d. make check e. subversion/clients/cmdline/svn co 6. [OPTIONAL] Upgrade server to head, then repeat step 5e. 7. Post tarball to the Downloads web page. 8. Update status webpage. 9. Post news item, send announcement to dev and announce lists. 10. Make a tag in 11. If necessary, post newest versions of docs to web sites.