svntest scripts -*- Text -*- =============== This set of scripts is designed to wrap execution of all of Subversion's Makefile test targets (e.g. "check", "davcheck", "svncheck", etc.). Usage ===== 1) Read the INSTALL ( file, especially the sections about bootstrapping from a tarball and getting the latest APR-0.9, APR-UTIL-0.9 and httpd-2.0 sources. Check out and compile the latest Subversion. You could easily run against APR/APR-UTIL 1.0 and HTTPD 2.1 branches, just checkout corresponding repositories, and edit 2) Copy the svntest scripts from trunk/tools/test-scripts/svntest to somewhere outside the repository. Then read and modify to reflect your local installation. The rest of these instructions assume you have done this, and that you are familiar with the $TEST_ROOT and $INST_DIR locations from 3) In $TEST_ROOT, create one or more scripts that configure Subversion in different ways (e.g., configure.shared, configure.static). These scripts must be set executable (chmod +x). Although they live in $TEST_ROOT, these scripts will be invoked from a $TEST_ROOT/obj-, e.g., $TEST_ROOT/obj-apr-0.9, (for which the config script would be $TEST_ROOT/config.apr-0.9). See the examples/ directory next to this README for some examples of these config scripts. At the moment, will only recognize shared and static build types, but you can easily change that. If you do, also change so that it tests all the different configurations. 4) Tailor ${TEST_ROOT}/$HTTPD_NAME.conf (e.g., httpd-2.0.conf) as necessary. The easiest way to get a template for http-2.0.conf is to install Apache httpd once, take the installed conf/httpd.conf, and edit it. Things you probably want to change are: a) Listen b) LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/ c) User YOUR_USERNAME Group YOUR_GROUPNAME d) ServerName localhost:52080 e) Add a mod_dav_svn block: Include conf/mod_dav_svn.conf f) Copy ./mod_dav_svn.conf (i.e., the one in the same directory as this README) to ${TEST_ROOT}/mod_dav_svn.conf, and adjust it as necessary. The actual name of the used mod_dav_svn conf file is ${TEST_ROOT}/mod_dav_${SVN_NAME}.conf, which is mod_dav_svn.conf with default settings. Likwise, copy ./dav_svn.passwd to ${TEST_ROOT}/dav_svn.passwd. (You shouldn't need to adjust it.) If you want to run regression tests for 1.1.x or 1.2.x with the same svntest setup, you have to change the SVN_NAME variable, and generate two additional mod_dav_svn conf files: sed 's!/svn-test-work!!' mod_dav_svn.conf > mod_dav_svn_1.2.x.conf sed 's!/svn-test-work!!' mod_dav_svn.conf > mod_dav_svn_1.1.x.conf and set SVN_NAME=svn_1.2.x for 1.2.x, and SVN_NAME=svn_1.1.x for 1.1.x. Don't ever touch config files under $INST_DIR/$HTTPD_NAME/conf, they will be overwritten by the script. 5) Make sure your environment (e.g., LD_LIBRARY_PATH) is set correctly to find Berkeley DB, etc. 6) Test execution can be dramatically sped up by keeping Subversion test data on a RAM disk. On a Linux system, add lines like the following in your /etc/fstab file: tmpfs /home/YOUR_USERNAME/svn/obj-sh/subversion/tests tmpfs defaults,user,noauto,exec,size=64m tmpfs /home/YOUR_USERNAME/svn/obj-st/subversion/tests tmpfs defaults,user,noauto,exec,size=64m The minimum required size for testing RAM disk is actually many times greater than shown above. However, svntest will automatically flag your test targets for cleanup when using a ramdisk, which dramatically reduces the space requirement. To enable RAM disk usage by svntest, set RAMDISK=yes, and check mount_ramdisk and umount_ramdisk in the file if your system is not GNU/Linux. See for further information. 7) Run to get the latest versions of APR, APR-UTIL, HTTPPD and Subversion, build and test all the configurations. 8) If you like force rebuilding of some component, you could do: echo "0" > $_SOURCE.rb, dependencies are: apr-util depends on apr, and httpd depends on apr and apr-util. Any dependent project will be also rebuild. When you run this script first time, everything will be rebuilt automatically.