[[[ You'll probably need customize this for the particular person you're offering full commit access to. Also, remember to replace instances of "{AT}" with real "@" signs. It's just masked in this template to fool the spam address harvesters. ]]] From: "Some Committer" To: New Full Committer Cc: svn-full-committers{AT}red-bean.com Subject: Full commit access to Subversion Hi New Full Committer, The other committers and I would like to offer you full commit access to Subversion. To accept this offer, please send your tigris.org username and a (plaintext or htpasswd-crypted) password to svnadmin{AT}svn.collab.net. Or if you already had partial commit access, just reply to this and we'll update COMMITERS appropriately (or you can just update COMMITTERS yourself, that's fine too). Remember that you can still post patches for review before committing, when you want to. Commit access just means that you can rely on your own judgement to decide when something is ready for commit. Also, if you haven't done so already, please read http://subversion.tigris.org/hacking.html Thanks for all your work so far! - Some Full Committer