*** NOTE: The README file is autogenerated, so any modifications should be made to README.in *** This readme covers the mzscheme bindings for subversion, bindings are also available for stalin scheme (see subversion/bindings/stalin). 1) Building the bindings The bindings can be built in the top directory by running make siwg-mzscm You may also wish to run the (limmited) tests provided make test-swig-mzscm 2) Using the bindings Since scheme is a functional language, and subversion is written in c there are some akwardnesses. Dealing with structs is one of those points.You can create a new struct by calling new-[structname] Then you can use the get/set methods to update and read the values of elements in the struct [structname]-[structcomponent]-[get or set] You can import all of the subversion bindings by including ./libsvn_swig_mzscheme/svn.scm Or if you just wish to use on component (load-extension "extension.so") Here is a listing of all of the global functions provided by the subversion mzscheme bindings: