# # build.conf -- configuration information for building Subversion # ###################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2000-2006 CollabNet. All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a # newer version instead, at your option. # ###################################################################### # # This file is processed by gen-make.py, creating build-outputs.mk # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PREDEFINED SECTION # # This [options] section is global in scope, providing information to the # process, rather than defining a build target, as all other sections do. # [options] includes = subversion/include/*.h include-wildcards = *.h *.i *.swg private-includes = subversion/include/private/*.h subversion/bindings/swig/include/*.swg subversion/libsvn_delta/compose_delta.c private-built-includes = subversion/svn_private_config.h subversion/bindings/swig/proxy/swig_python_external_runtime.swg subversion/bindings/swig/proxy/swig_perl_external_runtime.swg subversion/bindings/swig/proxy/swig_ruby_external_runtime.swg subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_CommitItemStateFlags.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_ConflictDescriptor_Action.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_ConflictDescriptor_Reason.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_ConflictResolverCallback_Result.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_LockStatus.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_NodeKind.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_NotifyAction.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_NotifyStatus.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_NativeResources.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_Path.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_PromptUserPassword2.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_Revision.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_RevisionKind.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_SVNAdmin.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_SVNClient.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_SVNClientLogLevel.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_ScheduleKind.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_StatusKind.h subversion/bindings/javahl/include/org_tigris_subversion_javahl_Version.h # Makefile.in and config.m4 (omit README) static-apache-files = subversion/mod_dav_svn/static/[Mc]* test-scripts = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr/target-test.py subversion/tests/cmdline/getopt_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/basic_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/checkout_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/commit_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/update_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/switch_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/prop_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/schedule_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/log_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/copy_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/diff_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/export_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/externals_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/merge_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/revert_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/stat_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/trans_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/autoprop_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/blame_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/special_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/svnadmin_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/svnlook_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/svnversion_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/utf8_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/history_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/lock_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/cat_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/import_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/svnsync_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/authz_tests.py subversion/tests/cmdline/depth_tests.py bdb-test-scripts = swig-python-opts = -python -classic swig-perl-opts = -perl -nopm -noproxy swig-ruby-opts = -ruby swig-mzscheme-opts = -mzscheme swig-chickenscheme-opts = -chicken swig-guilescheme-opts = -guile swig-languages = python perl ruby mzscheme chickenscheme guilescheme swig-dirs = subversion/bindings/swig/python subversion/bindings/swig/perl subversion/bindings/swig/ruby subversion/bindings/swig/mzscheme subversion/bindings/swig/chickenscheme subversion/bindings/swig/guilescheme subversion/bindings/swig/proxy swig-proxy-dir = subversion/bindings/swig/proxy swig-checkout-files = common.swg swigrun.swg runtime.swg ruby/rubydef.swg ruby/rubyhead.swg ruby/rubytracking.swg perl5/perlrun.swg python/pyrun.swg python/python.swg mzscheme/mzscheme.swg mzscheme/mzrun.swg chicken/chickenkw.swg chicken/chickenrun.swg chicken/chicken.swg # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # BUILD TARGETS # # Explanation for the seemingly-spurious mention of 'neon' in the libs lines # for svn, svnsync, ra-local-test, svn-push and svnmucc: # This is a workaround for a libtool bug, which manifests on Linux and similar # ELF platforms, when linking to an installed Neon, and there are old # Subversion libraries in the same directory as the installed Neon. In such # cases, the run-before-installing version of the executables (.libs/lt-foo), # gets given an ELF RPATH which includes the install directory *before* all the # uninstalled libsvn_foo/.libs directories have been mentioned. This occurs # because when libtool is at the point of handling Neon, it adds an RPATH entry # pointing to its directory, but fails to correctly consider that it should # prioritize all the RPATH entries for *un*installed libraries before all those # for installed libraries, to avoid this bug. As a kludgy workaround, we add # a mention of 'neon' to the end of the libs lines for executables which # indirectly link to libsvn_ra_neon, which has the effect of 'pulling' the # harmful RPATH entry toward the end of RPATH, enabling the executables to run # correctly before installation, even when old versions of the Subversion # libraries are present. # This bug was last confirmed to be present in libtool 1.5.22. # The subversion command-line client [svn] description = Subversion Client type = exe path = subversion/svn libs = libsvn_client libsvn_wc libsvn_ra libsvn_delta libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr neon manpages = subversion/svn/svn.1 install = bin # The subversion repository administration tool [svnadmin] description = Subversion Repository Administrator type = exe path = subversion/svnadmin install = bin manpages = subversion/svnadmin/svnadmin.1 libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr sqlite # The subversion repository dump filtering tool [svndumpfilter] description = Subversion Dumpfile Filter type = exe path = subversion/svndumpfilter install = bin manpages = subversion/svndumpfilter/svndumpfilter.1 libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr sqlite # The subversion repository inspection tool [svnlook] description = Subversion Repository Browser type = exe path = subversion/svnlook install = bin manpages = subversion/svnlook/svnlook.1 libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr sqlite [svnserve] description = Subversion Server type = exe path = subversion/svnserve install = bin manpages = subversion/svnserve/svnserve.8 subversion/svnserve/svnserve.conf.5 libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr libsvn_ra_svn apriconv apr sasl msvc-libs = advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib [svnsync] description = Subversion repository replicator type = exe path = subversion/svnsync libs = libsvn_ra libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apr neon install = bin manpages = subversion/svnsync/svnsync.1 [svnversion] description = Subversion Revision Extractor type = exe path = subversion/svnversion libs = libsvn_wc libsvn_subr apriconv apr install = bin manpages = subversion/svnversion/svnversion.1 # Library needed by all subversion clients [libsvn_client] description = Subversion Client Library type = lib path = subversion/libsvn_client libs = libsvn_wc libsvn_ra libsvn_delta libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr install = lib msvc-export = svn_client.h private\svn_client_private.h # Routines for binary diffing and tree-deltas [libsvn_delta] description = Subversion Delta Library type = lib install = fsmod-lib path = subversion/libsvn_delta libs = libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr zlib msvc-export = svn_delta.h # Routines for diffing [libsvn_diff] description = Subversion Diff Library type = lib path = subversion/libsvn_diff libs = libsvn_subr apriconv apr install = lib msvc-export = svn_diff.h # The repository filesystem library [libsvn_fs] description = Subversion Repository Filesystem Library type = lib path = subversion/libsvn_fs install = ramod-lib libs = libsvn_subr fs-libs apr sqlite # conditionally add more dependencies add-deps = $(SVN_FS_LIB_DEPS) add-install-deps = $(SVN_FS_LIB_INSTALL_DEPS) msvc-export = svn_fs.h [libsvn_fs_base] type = fs-module path = subversion/libsvn_fs_base sources = *.c bdb/*.c util/*.c install = bdb-lib libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr bdb libsvn_fs_util msvc-static = yes [libsvn_fs_fs] type = fs-module path = subversion/libsvn_fs_fs install = fsmod-lib libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr libsvn_fs_util msvc-static = yes # General API for accessing repositories [libsvn_ra] description = Subversion Repository Access Library type = lib path = subversion/libsvn_ra libs = libsvn_subr ra-libs apriconv apr # conditionally add more dependencies add-deps = $(SVN_RA_LIB_DEPS) add-install-deps = $(SVN_RA_LIB_INSTALL_DEPS) install = lib msvc-export = svn_ra.h # Accessing repositories via DAV through neon [libsvn_ra_neon] type = ra-module path = subversion/libsvn_ra_neon install = neon-lib libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr neon msvc-static = yes # Accessing repositories via DAV through serf [libsvn_ra_serf] type = ra-module path = subversion/libsvn_ra_serf install = serf-lib libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr serf msvc-static = yes # Accessing repositories via SVN [libsvn_ra_svn] type = ra-module path = subversion/libsvn_ra_svn install = ramod-lib libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr sasl msvc-static = yes # Accessing repositories via direct libsvn_fs [libsvn_ra_local] type = ra-module path = subversion/libsvn_ra_local install = ramod-lib libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr msvc-static = yes # Routines built on top of libsvn_fs [libsvn_repos] description = Subversion Repository Library type = lib path = subversion/libsvn_repos install = ramod-lib libs = libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr msvc-export = svn_repos.h private\svn_repos_private.h # Low-level grab bag of utilities [libsvn_subr] description = Subversion General Utility Library type = lib install = fsmod-lib path = subversion/libsvn_subr libs = aprutil apriconv apr xml zlib msvc-libs = advapi32.lib shfolder.lib ole32.lib msvc-export = svn_auth.h svn_base64.h svn_cmdline.h svn_config.h svn_ctype.h svn_dso.h svn_error.h svn_hash.h svn_io.h svn_md5.h svn_nls.h svn_opt.h svn_mergeinfo.h svn_path.h svn_pools.h svn_props.h svn_quoprint.h svn_sorts.h svn_string.h svn_subst.h svn_time.h svn_types.h svn_user.h svn_utf.h svn_version.h svn_xml.h private\svn_atomic.h private\svn_mergeinfo_private.h # Low-level grab bag of utilities [libsvn_fs_util] type = lib install = fsmod-lib path = subversion/libsvn_fs_util libs = libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr sqlite msvc-libs = advapi32.lib shfolder.lib msvc-static = yes # Working copy management lib [libsvn_wc] description = Subversion Working Copy Library type = lib path = subversion/libsvn_wc libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_diff libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr install = lib msvc-export = svn_wc.h private\svn_wc_private.h # Subversion plugin for Apache's mod_dav [mod_dav_svn] description = Subversion plug-in for the Apache DAV module type = apache-mod path = subversion/mod_dav_svn sources = *.c reports/*.c libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr nonlibs = apr aprutil install = apache-mod msvc-libs = mod_dav.lib libhttpd.lib [mod_authz_svn] description = Subversion path-based authorization module for Apache type = apache-mod path = subversion/mod_authz_svn nonlibs = mod_dav_svn apr aprutil libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_subr install = apache-mod msvc-libs = libhttpd.lib # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TARGETS FOR I18N SUPPORT # [locale] type = i18n path = subversion/po install = locale external-project = build/win32/svn_locale # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TARGETS FOR SWIG SUPPORT # [swig_core] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = core.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apr description = Subversion core library bindings include-runtime = yes [swig_client] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = svn_client.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_client libsvn_subr apr nonlibs = swig_core description = Subversion client library bindings [swig_delta] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = svn_delta.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apr nonlibs = swig_core description = Subversion delta library bindings [swig_fs] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = svn_fs.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_fs libsvn_subr apr nonlibs = swig_core description = Subversion FS library bindings [swig_ra] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = svn_ra.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_ra libsvn_subr apr nonlibs = swig_core description = Subversion RA library bindings [swig_repos] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = svn_repos.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_repos libsvn_subr apr nonlibs = swig_core description = Subversion repository library bindings [swig_wc] type = swig path = subversion/bindings/swig sources = svn_wc.i libs = libsvn_swig_py libsvn_swig_perl libsvn_swig_ruby libsvn_swig_mzscheme libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libsvn_wc libsvn_subr apr nonlibs = swig_core description = Subversion WC library bindings # SWIG utility library for Python modules [libsvn_swig_py] type = swig_lib lang = python path = subversion/bindings/swig/python/libsvn_swig_py libs = libsvn_client libsvn_wc libsvn_ra libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr link-cmd = $(LINK) $(SWIG_PY_LIBS) install = swig-py-lib # need special build rule to include -DSWIGPYTHON compile-cmd = $(COMPILE_SWIG_PY) msvc-static = no # SWIG utility library for Perl modules [libsvn_swig_perl] type = swig_lib lang = perl path = subversion/bindings/swig/perl/libsvn_swig_perl libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr install = swig-pl-lib # need special build rule to include compile-cmd = $(COMPILE_SWIG_PL) msvc-static = yes # SWIG utility library for Ruby modules [libsvn_swig_ruby] type = swig_lib lang = ruby path = subversion/bindings/swig/ruby/libsvn_swig_ruby libs = libsvn_client libsvn_wc libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr link-cmd = $(LINK) $(SWIG_RB_LIBS) install = swig-rb-lib # need special build rule to include compile-cmd = $(COMPILE_SWIG_RB) msvc-static = no # SWIG utility library for mzscheme modules [libsvn_swig_mzscheme] type = swig_lib lang = mzscheme path = subversion/bindings/swig/mzscheme/libsvn_swig_mzscheme libs = libsvn_client libsvn_wc libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr link-cmd = $(LINK) $(SWIG_MZSCM_LIBS) install = swig-mzscm-lib # need special build rule to include compile-cmd = $(COMPILE_SWIG_MZSCM) msvc-static = no # SWIG utility library for mzscheme modules [libsvn_swig_chickenscheme] type = swig_lib lang = chickenscheme path = subversion/bindings/swig/chickenscheme/libsvn_swig_chickenscheme libs = libsvn_client libsvn_wc libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr link-cmd = $(LINK) $(SWIG_chickenscheme_LIBS) install = swig-chscm-lib # need special build rule to include compile-cmd = $(COMPILE_SWIG_chickenscheme) msvc-static = no # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # JavaHL targets # [javahl-java] type = java path = subversion/bindings/javahl/src/org/tigris/subversion/javahl sources = *.java install = javahl-java link-cmd = $(COMPILE_JAVAHL_JAVAC) classes = subversion/bindings/javahl/classes ### Replace JAR call in INSTALL_EXTRA_JAVAHL_JAVA macro Makefile.in. #jar = svn-javahl.jar package-roots = org [javahl-tests] type = java path = subversion/bindings/javahl/tests/org/tigris/subversion/javahl sources = *.java install = javahl-java link-cmd = $(COMPILE_JAVAHL_JAVAC) classes = subversion/bindings/javahl/classes package-roots = org ### Java targets don't do up-to-date checks yet. #add-deps = javahl-java [javahl-javah] type = javah path = subversion/bindings/javahl/src/org/tigris/subversion/javahl classes = subversion/bindings/javahl/classes headers = subversion/bindings/javahl/include package = org.tigris.subversion.javahl sources = *.java add-deps = $(javahl_java_DEPS) install = javahl-javah link-cmd = $(COMPILE_JAVAHL_JAVAH) -force [libsvnjavahl] description = Subversion Java HighLevel binding type = lib path = subversion/bindings/javahl/native libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_client libsvn_wc libsvn_ra libsvn_delta libsvn_diff libsvn_subr libsvn_fs aprutil apriconv apr neon sources = *.cpp *.c add-deps = $(javahl_javah_DEPS) $(javahl_java_DEPS) install = javahl-lib # need special build rule to include -I$(JDK)/include/jni.h compile-cmd = $(COMPILE_JAVAHL_CXX) link-cmd = $(LINK_JAVAHL_CXX) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TESTING TARGETS # # general library: our C testing framework [libsvn_test] type = lib path = subversion/tests install = test libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr msvc-static = yes undefined-lib-symbols = yes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_fs_base [fs-base-test] description = Tests for *public* fs API (svn_fs.h) type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base sources = fs-base-test.c install = bdb-test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs libsvn_fs_base libsvn_delta libsvn_fs_util libsvn_subr apriconv apr [skel-test] description = Test skels in libsvn_fs_base type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base sources = skel-test.c install = bdb-test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs_base libsvn_subr apriconv apr [key-test] description = Test keygen funcs in libsvn_fs_base type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base sources = key-test.c install = bdb-test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs_base libsvn_subr apriconv apr [strings-reps-test] description = Test strings/reps in libsvn_fs_base type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base sources = strings-reps-test.c install = bdb-test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs libsvn_fs_base libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr [changes-test] description = Test changes in libsvn_fs_base type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs_base sources = changes-test.c install = bdb-test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs libsvn_fs_base libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_fs [locks-test] description = Test locks in libsvn_fs type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs sources = locks-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr [fs-test] description = Test locks in libsvn_fs type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_fs sources = fs-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr aprutil apriconv apr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_repos [repos-test] description = Test svn_repos_update() is libsvn_repos type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_repos sources = repos-test.c dir-delta-editor.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_repos libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_subr [compat-test] description = Test compatibility functions type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = compat-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apr [config-test] description = Test svn_config utilities type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = config-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [error-test] description = Test error library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = error-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [hashdump-test] description = Test hashfile format for props type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = hashdump-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [opt-test] description = Test options library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = opt-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apr [mergeinfo-test] description = Test mergeinfo library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = mergeinfo-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apr [path-test] description = Test path library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = path-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [revision-test] description = Test revision library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = revision-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apr [stream-test] description = Test stream library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = stream-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [string-test] description = Test svn_stringbuf_t utilities type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = string-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [time-test] description = Test time functions type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = time-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [utf-test] description = Test UTF-8 functions type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = utf-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr [target-test] description = Utility used by target-test.py to test svn_path_condense_targets() type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = target-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_subr apriconv apr # target-test.py will run this for us testing = skip [translate-test] description = Test eol conversion and keyword substitution routines type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_subr sources = translate-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_subr apriconv apr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_delta [random-test] description = Use random data to test delta processing type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_delta sources = random-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_diff [diff-diff3-test] description = Test the diff/diff3 library type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_diff sources = diff-diff3-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests for libsvn_ra_local [ra-local-test] description = Test a few things in libsvn_ra_local type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_ra_local sources = ra-local-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_test libsvn_ra_local libsvn_ra libsvn_fs libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr neon # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are not unit tests at all, they are small programs that exercise # parts of the libsvn_delta API from the command line. They are stuck here # because of some historical association with the test-suite, but should # really be put somewhere else. # test our textdelta encoding [svndiff-test] type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_delta sources = svndiff-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr testing = skip # compare two files, print txdelta windows [vdelta-test] type = exe path = subversion/tests/libsvn_delta sources = vdelta-test.c install = test libs = libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr testing = skip # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # EXTERNAL TARGETS (NO BUILD NEEDED) # [apr] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_APR_LIBS) [aprutil] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_APRUTIL_LIBS) [apriconv] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_APRUTIL_LIBS) [bdb] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_DB_LIBS) [sasl] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_SASL_LIBS) [zlib] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_ZLIB_LIBS) external-project = build/win32/zlib msvc-static = yes [neon] type = lib external-lib = $(NEON_LIBS) external-project = neon/neon libs = xml msvc-libs = ws2_32.lib msvc-static = yes [sqlite] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_SQLITE_LIBS) [serf] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_SERF_LIBS) external-project = serf/serf libs = apr aprutil xml msvc-static = yes [xml] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_XML_LIBS) [ra-libs] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_RA_LIB_LINK) libs = libsvn_ra_neon libsvn_ra_serf libsvn_ra_local libsvn_ra_svn [fs-libs] type = lib external-lib = $(SVN_FS_LIB_LINK) libs = libsvn_fs_base libsvn_fs_fs [__ALL__] type = project path = build/win32 libs = svn svnserve svnadmin svnlook svnversion svndumpfilter mod_authz_svn mod_dav_svn svnsync [__ALL_TESTS__] type = project path = build/win32 libs = __ALL__ fs-test fs-base-test skel-test key-test strings-reps-test changes-test locks-test repos-test compat-test config-test hashdump-test mergeinfo-test opt-test path-test stream-test string-test time-test utf-test target-test error-test revision-test translate-test random-test diff-diff3-test ra-local-test svndiff-test vdelta-test diff-test diff3-test diff4-test [__LIBS__] type = project path = build/win32 libs = fs-libs ra-libs libsvn_client libsvn_subr libsvn_wc aprutil apriconv apr neon [__CONFIG__] type = lib external-project = build/win32/svn_config [__SWIG_PYTHON__] type = swig_project path = build/win32 libs = swig_client swig_delta swig_fs swig_ra swig_repos swig_wc swig_core lang = python [__SWIG_PERL__] type = swig_project path = build/win32 libs = swig_client swig_delta swig_fs swig_ra swig_repos swig_wc swig_core lang = perl [__SWIG_RUBY__] type = swig_project path = build/win32 libs = swig_client swig_delta swig_fs swig_ra swig_repos swig_wc swig_core lang = ruby [__SWIG_mzscheme__] type = swig_project path = build/win32 libs = swig_client swig_delta swig_fs swig_ra swig_repos swig_wc swig_core lang = mzscheme [__SWIG_chickenscheme__] type = swig_project path = build/win32 libs = swig_client swig_delta swig_fs swig_ra swig_repos swig_wc swig_core lang = chickenscheme [__JAVAHL__] type = project path = build/win32 libs = javahl-java javahl-javah libsvnjavahl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Contrib and tools, build-only targets: compile, but don't install [svn-push] type = exe path = contrib/client-side/svn-push sources = svn-push.c install = contrib libs = libsvn_ra libsvn_delta libsvn_subr apriconv apr neon [svnmucc] type = exe path = contrib/client-side/svnmucc sources = svnmucc.c install = contrib libs = libsvn_client libsvn_ra libsvn_subr libsvn_delta apriconv apr neon [diff] type = exe path = tools/diff sources = diff.c install = contrib libs = libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr [diff3] type = exe path = tools/diff sources = diff3.c install = contrib libs = libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr [diff4] type = exe path = tools/diff sources = diff4.c install = contrib libs = libsvn_diff libsvn_subr apriconv apr [svnauthz-validate] description = Authz config file validator type = exe path = tools/server-side sources = svnauthz-validate.c install = contrib libs = libsvn_repos libsvn_subr apr