# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. CONFIG=debug #CONFIG=release # will be appended to 'svn --version --quiet' output; set to zero to suppress BUILDDESCR=0 MSBUILD=msbuild subversion_vcnet.sln /nologo /v:q /p:Configuration=$(CONFIG) CP=cp TEEPATH=C:\Path\To\Parent\Of\tee\dot\exe\and\other\utils\as\needed\see\below.80 SOURCESDIR=C:\Path\To\Dependency\Sources SVNDIR=C:\Path\To\Subversion\SourceTree TARGETDIR=$(SVNDIR)\dist INSTALLDIR=E:\svn EXPATVER=2.0.0 HTTPDVER=2.2.13 NEONVER=0.28.2 OPENSSLVER=0.9.8k SQLITEVER=3.6.3 ZLIBVER=1.2.3 #ENABLE_ML=--enable-ml PATCHESDIR=$(HOME)\mydiffs\svn OPENSSLDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\openssl-$(OPENSSLVER) EXPATDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\expat-$(EXPATVER) NEONDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\neon-$(NEONVER) HTTPDDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\httpd-$(HTTPDVER) #APRDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\apr #APRUTILDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\apr-util #APRICONVDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\apr-iconv APRDIR=$(HTTPDDIR)\srclib\apr APRUTILDIR=$(HTTPDDIR)\srclib\apr-util APRICONVDIR=$(HTTPDDIR)\srclib\apr-iconv SQLITEDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\sqlite-amalgamation ZLIBDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\zlib-$(ZLIBVER) SERFDIR=$(SOURCESDIR)\serf all: @echo Available targets: newfiles versionstamp @echo Available targets: config @echo Available targets: progname testname @echo Available targets: all1 all2 @echo Available targets: buildlog package @echo Available targets: check checklog TARGETDIRset: SVNDIRset if X$(TARGETDIR) == X exit 1 SVNDIRset: if X$(SVNDIR) == X exit 1 removealllocalmods: svn revert -R . svn status --no-ignore | xargs rm -rf -- svn status --no-ignore # last, in case of wc format bump rmdir /s /q dist local Release Debug newfiles: SVNDIRset xcopy /s /y $(PATCHESDIR)\newfiles $(SVNDIR) versionstamp: perl tools\dev\windows-build\document-version.pl subversion\include\svn_version.h $(TARGETDIR) $(SVNDIR) $(BUILDDESCR) svn diff subversion\include\svn_version.h cleanup1: TARGETDIR del log.all-tests log.gen-make.py log.devenv log.win-tests rmdir /s /q $(TARGETDIR)\bin clean: @echo "Sorry, '$@' target not yet implemented" >&2 # TODO also copy sqlite3.dll if it's used install: TARGETDIRset test ! -d $(INSTALLDIR) mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)\bin pushd $(TARGETDIR)\bin &&\ $(CP) *.exe $(INSTALLDIR)/bin &&\ $(CP) libapr*.dll $(INSTALLDIR)/bin &&\ $(CP) libeay32.dll $(INSTALLDIR)/bin &&\ $(CP) ssleay32.dll $(INSTALLDIR)/bin &&\ $(CP) libsvn*.dll $(INSTALLDIR)/bin &&\ $(CP) ..\*.diff $(INSTALLDIR) &&\ popd targetdir: TARGETDIRset test -d $(TARGETDIR)\bin || mkdir $(TARGETDIR)\bin # TODO: pass --with-apr-* if you don't have httpd; make --with-* args optional config: targetdir python gen-make.py --$(CONFIG) --with-httpd=$(HTTPDDIR) --with-neon=$(NEONDIR) --with-serf=$(SERFDIR) --with-openssl=$(OPENSSLDIR) --with-sqlite=$(SQLITEDIR) --with-zlib=$(ZLIBDIR) $(ENABLE_ML) --vsnet-version=2008 -t vcproj 2>&1 | tee log.gen-make # Visual Studio 2008 libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring libsvn_auth_kwallet libsvn_client libsvn_delta libsvn_diff libsvn_fs libsvn_fs_base libsvn_fs_fs libsvn_fs_util libsvn_ra libsvn_ra_local libsvn_ra_neon libsvn_ra_serf libsvn_ra_svn libsvn_repos libsvn_subr libsvn_wc: targetdir $(MSBUILD) /t:Libraries\$@ $(MAKE) package svn svnadmin svndumpfilter svnlook svnmucc svnserve svnsync svnversion svnrdump entries-dump: targetdir $(MSBUILD) /t:Programs\$@ $(MAKE) package auth-test cache-test changes-test checksum-test client-test compat-test config-test db-test diff-diff3-test dir-delta-editor dirent_uri-test error-test fs-base-test fs-pack-test fs-test hashdump-test key-test locks-test mergeinfo-test opt-test path-test ra-local-test random-test repos-test revision-test skel-test stream-test string-test strings-reps-test svn_test_fs svn_test_main svndiff-test target-test time-test translate-test tree-conflict-data-test utf-test vdelta-test window-test: targetdir $(MSBUILD) /t:Tests\$@ $(MAKE) package __ALL__ __ALL_TESTS__: targetdir $(MSBUILD) /t:$@ $(MAKE) package all1: targetdir $(MSBUILD) /t:__ALL__ $(MAKE) package @echo TODO entries-test all2: targetdir $(MSBUILD) /t:__ALL_TESTS__ $(MAKE) package package: test -d $(SVNDIR)\$(CONFIG)\Subversion\tests\cmdline || mkdir $(SVNDIR)\$(CONFIG)\Subversion\tests\cmdline test -d $(TARGETDIR)\bin || mkdir $(TARGETDIR)\bin for %%i in (svn svnadmin svndumpfilter svnlook svnserve svnsync svnversion svnrdump) do @$(CP) $(CONFIG)\subversion\%%i\%%i.exe $(TARGETDIR)\bin for %%i in (diff diff3 diff4) do @if exist $(CONFIG)\tools\diff\%%i.exe $(CP) $(CONFIG)\tools\diff\%%i.exe $(TARGETDIR)\bin $(CP) $(APRDIR)\$(CONFIG)/*.dll $(TARGETDIR)\bin $(CP) $(APRUTILDIR)\$(CONFIG)/*.dll $(TARGETDIR)\bin $(CP) $(APRICONVDIR)\$(CONFIG)/*.dll $(TARGETDIR)\bin $(CP) $(OPENSSLDIR)\out32dll/*.dll $(TARGETDIR)\bin for %%i in (client delta diff fs ra repos subr wc) do @$(CP) $(CONFIG)\subversion\libsvn_%%i\*.dll $(TARGETDIR)\bin buildlog: gvim -c "set autoread nowrap" -c "/\(\<0 \)\@> log.all-tests python win-tests.py --verbose --cleanup --bin=$(TARGETDIR)\bin --$(CONFIG) -f fsfs 2>&1 | %TEEPATH%\tee log.win-tests echo %date% %time% :: Finished fsfs file >> log.all-tests # check errors checklog: gvim -c "set autoread" -p log.win-tests *\*.log "+silent! /X\@