-*-text-*- STATUS OF THE SWIG BINDINGS * Python The Python bindings are fairly well developed, although there are some missing parts, most notably, there is no useful wrapping of the svn_ra APIs. * Perl The Perl bindings are complete, with the exception of SVN::Wc, on which very little work has been done. * Java The SWIG-Java bindings are very incomplete, and are almost an abandoned project. See subversion/bindings/java for a more mature alternative, which is built using JavaHL, not SWIG. BUILDING SWIG BINDINGS FOR SVN ON UNIX Step 1: Install a suitable version of SWIG (which is currently swig versions 1.3.19 - 1.3.21, or 1.3.24 or above). * Perhaps your distribution packages a suitable version - if it does install it, and skip to the last bullet point in this section. * Go to http://www.swig.org/, download the source tarball, and unpack. * In the SWIG-1.3.xx directory, run ./configure. If you plan to build the python bindings, and have a system with more than one version of python installed, you may need to pass --with-python=/path/to/correct/python/binary to the configure script. You need Python 2.0 or above. If you plan to build the perl bindings, and have a system with more than one version of perl installed, you may need to pass --with-perl5=/path/to/correct/perl/binary to the configure script. You need Perl 5.8.0 or above. * Build and install. For SWIG 1.3.24 or above: Run 'make && make install' For SWIG 1.3.19 - 1.3.21: Run 'make && make runtime && make install && make install-runtime' * To verify you have SWIG installed correctly, check that these things were created, assuming your $PREFIX was /usr/local: For SWIG 1.3.24 or above: - /usr/local/bin/swig - /usr/local/share/swig/1.3.xx/ (containing lots of .i files) For SWIG 1.3.19 - 1.3.21: - /usr/local/bin/swig - /usr/local/lib/swig1.3/ (containing lots of .i files) - /usr/local/lib/libswigpy.so (for Python) - /usr/local/lib/libswigpl.so (for Perl) In particular, you want to make sure that libswigpy.so (if you want to use Python) and/or libswigpl.so (if you want to use Perl) was/were built and installed. Step 2: Build and Install Subversion. See Subversion's own INSTALL file for details. Make sure that Subversion's ./configure script sees your installed SWIG! It tries to detect SWIG near the very end of its output. Also make sure that the configure script sees the paths to the perl and/or python executable you used to configure SWIG as above. If it does not then you can specify the correct path by adding PYTHON=/path/to/python or PERL=/path/to/perl onto the command line for configure. For example: ./configure PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.2 PERL=/usr/bin/perl5.8.0 If Subversion's ./configure finds a SWIG that it's happy with, then it will build special glue libraries to link svn to the swig bindings: libsvn_swig_py.so (for Python) libsvn_swig_perl.so (for Perl) Step 3: Install Specific Language Bindings * Python 1. Run 'make swig-py' from the top of the Subversion source tree, to build the bindings. (This will invoke SWIG on the *.i files, resulting in a collection of .c source files. It will then compile and link those .c files into Python libraries.) 2. Run 'make install-swig-py' (as root, typically) from the top of the Subversion source tree. This will copy your new Python libraries into the appropriate system location. Note: If you don't have access to install to python's site-packages directory, you can have the python modules install to your home directory. You can do this by running 'make install-swig-py swig_pydir=~'. Note: If you want to install to an alternate prefix (usually only if you are building packages), you can supply the prefix here. An example of doing this for building rpms looks like 'make install-swig-py DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr'. 3. Make sure that whatever directory the bindings got installed in is in your PYTHONPATH. That directory depends on how you installed; a typical location is /usr/local/lib/svn-python/. An nice way to do this is: $ echo /usr/local/lib/svn-python \ > /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages/subversion.pth * Perl Perl 5.8.0 is required. You can specify the perl binary by passing PERL=/path/to/perl as part of the configure command in the top level of the Subversion source tree. Make sure that the perl version used is the same one that you configured SWIG to run against during the SWIG configure (see above). 1. Run `make swig-pl' from the top of the Subversion source tree. 2. Run `make check-swig-pl' from the top of the Subversion source tree, to test the bindings 3. to install run `make install-swig-pl' from the top of the Subversion source tree. If you need to pass extra parameters to perl build process (Makefile.PL), then you need to do this process somewhat different: 1. Run `make swig-pl-lib' from the top of the Subversion source tree. 2. Run `make install-swig-pl-lib' 3. cd subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native 4. Run `perl Makefile.PL EXTRAOPTIONSHERE` 5. Run `make install' * Java The Java bindings are still under development, and have not yet reached a functional state. You can attempt to build them by running 'make swig-java' from the top level of the Subversion source tree. BUILDING SWIG BINDINGS FOR SVN ON WINDOWS 1. Install SWIG. Download the SWIG Windows zipfile (it's the same as the source tarball except that it also includes a copy of swig.exe) from http://www.swig.org/ and extract it somewhere, like C:\Program Files. 2. Install whatever languages you want to build runtimes for. Windows versions of Python, Perl, and Java are available from: http://www.python.org/ http://www.activestate.com/ActivePerl/ http://java.sun.com/j2se/ 3. Configure Visual C++ with paths to swig.exe and language specific libraries. In Visual C++ 6, go to Tools -> Options -> Directories. In Visual C++ .NET, go to Tools -> Options -> Projects -> VC++ Directories. Add the following paths: Executable Directories: Path to swig.exe (for example, C:\Program Files\SWIG-1.3.19) For Perl, path to perl.exe (for example, C:\Program Files\Perl\bin) Library Directories: For Python, path to python##.lib (for example, C:\Program Files\Python22\libs) For Perl, path to perl##.lib (for example, C:\Program Files\Perl\lib\CORE) For Java, path to jvm.lib library (for example C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.2\lib) Include Directories: For Python, path to Python.h (for example, C:\Program Files\Python22\include) For Perl, path to perl.h (for example, C:\Program Files\Perl\lib\CORE) For Java, path to JNI headers, (for example, C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.2\include) Also for Java, path to JNI Windows headers, (for example, C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.2\include\win32) 4. If you haven't already built Subversion, you should do so now. Instructions are in the main INSTALL file. At the very least, you need to run gen-make.py to generate Visual Studio project files. 5. Build the bindings. Open the Subversion workspace in Visual C++ (subversion_msvc.dsw or subversion_vcnet.sln) and build one or more of the following projects: __SWIG_PYTHON__ __SWIG_PERL__ __SWIG_JAVA__ 6. Install the bindings. The procedure varies depending on the language. For Python, create two folders: \Lib\site-packages\svn \Lib\site-packages\libsvn Copy subversion\bindings\swig\python\svn\*.py into the svn folder. Copy subversion\bindings\swig\python\*.py and Release\subversion\bindings\swig\python\*.dll into the libsvn folder. Optionally, you can run the following commands to compile the Python sources into bytecode: python \lib\compileall.py \Lib\site-packages\svn python \lib\compileall.py \Lib\site-packages\libsvn This can make the modules load faster for users without write access to the site-packages directory. For Perl, the bindings have be copied into a more complicated directory structure inside the perl library directory. Running the commands below from the subversion source directory will copy the files to the right places: set PERL_LIBS="C:\Program Files\Perl\site\lib" md %PERL_LIBS%\SVN %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN copy subversion\bindings\swig\perl\native\*.pm %PERL_LIBS%\SVN md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Client copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Client.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Client copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Client.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Client md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Core copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Core.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Core copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Core.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Core md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Delta copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Delta.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Delta copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Delta.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Delta md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Fs copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Fs.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Fs copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Fs.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Fs md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Ra copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Ra.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Ra copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Ra.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Ra md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Repos copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Repos.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Repos copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Repos.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Repos md %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Wc copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Wc.dll %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Wc copy Release\subversion\bindings\swig\perl\_Wc.pdb %PERL_LIBS%\auto\SVN\_Wc For Java, there really is no installation procedure because Java doesn't have a central location where libraries can go. To use the Subversion bindings in a Java application you just need the following files: subversion\bindings\swig\java\build\svn-api.jar Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_client.dll Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_core.dll Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_delta.dll Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_fs.dll Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_ra.dll Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_repos.dll Release\subversion\bindings\swig\java\_wc.dll Your app needs to load one or more of the DLL files by calling System.loadLibrary() or System.load() and have the JAR file in its classpath. TESTING AND USING SWIG BINDINGS * Python 1. Verify that an 'svn' package has been installed correctly. You can do this by running Python via 'python -c "from svn import client"'. 2. Try some demo programs. From the top of your svn working copy, cd tools/examples/ and try running 'svnlook.py'. 3. Start writing your own scripts. Use the Subversion API definitions and descriptions in: subversion/include/svn_client.h subversion/include/svn_delta.h subversion/include/svn_fs.h subversion/include/svn_ra.h subversion/include/svn_repos.h subversion/include/svn_wc.h * Perl The perl bindings are using the standard module testing facilities to do regression tests. Simply run make check-swig-pl as described in the install section.