@echo off @rem ************************************************************************** @rem * --== WARNING ==-- This is a generated file. Do not edit! @rem * @rem * From this directory, run this batch file like so: @rem * @rem * .\build_neon debug|release (rebuild) @rem * @rem ************************************************************************** [if-any zlib_path] @rem ************************************************************************** @rem ZLib support set ZLIB_SRC=[zlib_path][end] [if-any openssl_path] @rem ************************************************************************** @rem OpenSSL support set OPENSSL_SRC=[openssl_path][end] @rem ************************************************************************** @rem Neon is instructed to compile and link against the Expat packages within @rem APR. (Note that this option was introduced in Neon 0.24.6). set EXPAT_INC=[expat_path] @rem ************************************************************************** cd /D [neon_path] set exitcode=0 if "%2" == "rebuild" goto clean if not "%2" == "" goto pIIerr set target=ALL goto mode :clean set target=CLEAN ALL :mode if "%1" == "release" goto release if "%1" == "debug" goto debug goto pIerr @rem ************************************************************************** :release @echo nmake /f neon.mak %target% nmake /nologo /f neon.mak %target% if not errorlevel 0 goto err goto end @rem ************************************************************************** :debug @echo nmake /f neon.mak %target% DEBUG_BUILD=Aye nmake /nologo /f neon.mak %target% DEBUG_BUILD=Aye if not errorlevel 0 goto err goto end @rem ************************************************************************** :pIerr echo error: First parameter should be "release" or "debug" goto err @rem ************************************************************************** :pIIerr echo error: Second parameter should be "rebuild" or empty goto err @rem ************************************************************************** :err set exitcode=1 :end exit %exitcode%