#!/usr/bin/env python # # Hacked together by ESR, October 2009. New BSD license applies. # The Subversion project is explicitly granted permission to redistribute # under the prevailing license of their project. """ svncutter - clique-squash, range-selection, and property mutations on SVN dump files general usage: svncutter [-q] [-r SELECTION] SUBCOMMAND In all commands, the -r (or --range) option limits the selection of revisions over which an operation will be performed. A selection consists of one or more comma-separated ranges. A range may consist of an integer revision number or the special name HEAD for the head revision. Or it may be a colon-separated pair of integers, ir an integer followed by a colon followed by HEAD. Normally, each subcommand produces a progress spinner on standard error; each turn means another revision has been filtered. The -q (or --quiet) option suppresses this. Type 'svncutter help ' for help on a specific subcommand. Available subcommands: squash select propdel propset proprename log setlog """ oneliners = { "squash": "Squashing revisions", "select": "Selecting revisions", "propdel": "Deleting revision properties", "propset": "Setting revision properties", "proprename": "Renaming revision properties", "log": "Extracting log entries", "setlog": "Mutating log entries", } helpdict = { "squash": """\ squash: usage: svncutter [-q] [-r SELECTION] [-m mapfile] [-f] [-c] squash The 'squash' subcommand merges adjacent commits that have the same author and log text and were made within 5 minutes of each other. This can be helpful in cleaning up after migrations from file-oriented revision control systems, or if a developer has been using a pre-2006 version of Emacs VC. With the -m (or --mapfile) option, squash emits a map to tne named file showing how old revision numbers map into new ones. With the -e (or --excise) option, the specified set of revisions in unconditionally removed. The tool will exit with an error if an excised remove is part of a clique eligible for squashing. Note that svncutter does not perform any checks on whether the repository history is afterwards valid; if you delete a node using this option, you won't find out you have a problem intil you attempt to load the resulting dumpfile. svncutter attempts to fix up references to Subversion revisions in log entries so they will still be correct after squashing. It considers anything that looks like the regular expression \\br[0-9]+\\b to be a comment reference (this is the same format that Subversion uses in log headers). Every revision in the file after the first omiited onf gets the property 'svncutter:original' set to the revision number it had before the squash operation. The option --f (or --flagrefs) causes svncutter to wrap its revision-reference substitutions in curly braces ({}). By doing this, then grepping for 'r{' in the output of 'svncutter log', you can check for false conversions. The -c (or --compressmap) option changes the mapfile format to one that is easier for human browsing, though less well suited for interpretation by other programs. """, "select": """\ select: usage: svncutter [-q] [-r SELECTION] select The 'select' subcommand selects a range and permits only revisions in that range to pass to standard output. A range beginning with 0 includes the dumpfile header. """, "propdel": """\ propdel: usage: svncutter ---revprop PROPNAME [-r SELECTION] propdel Delete the unversioned revision property PROPNAME. May be restricted by a revision selection. You may specify multiple prperties to be deleted. """, "propset": """\ propset: usage: svncutter ---revprop PROPNAME=PROPVAL [-r SELECTION] propset Set the unversioned revision property PROPNAME to PROPVAL. May be restricted by a revision selection. You may specify multiple prperties to be deleted. """, "proprename": """\ proprename: usage: svncutter ---revprop OLDNAME->NEWNAME [-r SELECTION] proprename Rename the unversioned revision property OLDNAME to NEWNAME. May be restricted by a revision selection. You may specify multiple prperties to be renamed. """, "log": """\ log: usage: svncutter [-r SELECTION] log Generate a log report, same format as the output of svn log on a repository, to standard output. """, "setlog": """\ setlog: usage: svncutter [-r SELECTION] --logentries=LOGFILE setlog Replace the log entries in the input dumpfile with the corresponding entries in the LOGFILE, which should be in the format of an svn log output. Replacements may be restricted to a specified range. """, } import os, sys, calendar, time, getopt, re class Baton: "Ship progress indications to stderr." def __init__(self, prompt, endmsg=None): self.stream = sys.stderr self.stream.write(prompt + "...") if os.isatty(self.stream.fileno()): self.stream.write(" \010") self.stream.flush() self.count = 0 self.endmsg = endmsg self.time = time.time() return def twirl(self, ch=None): if self.stream is None: return if os.isatty(self.stream.fileno()): if ch: self.stream.write(ch) else: self.stream.write("-/|\\"[self.count % 4]) self.stream.write("\010") self.stream.flush() self.count = self.count + 1 return def end(self, msg=None): if msg == None: msg = self.endmsg if self.stream: self.stream.write(("...(%2.2f sec) %s." % (time.time() - self.time, msg)) + os.linesep) return class LineBufferedSource: "Generic class for line-buffered input with pushback." def __init__(self, infile): self.linebuffer = None self.file = infile self.linenumber = 0 def readline(self): "Line-buffered readline." if self.linebuffer: line = self.linebuffer self.linebuffer = None else: line = self.file.readline() self.linenumber += 1 return line def require(self, prefix): "Read a line, require it to have a specified prefix." line = self.readline() if not line: sys.stderr.write("svncutter: unexpected end of input." + os.linesep) sys.exit(1) assert line.startswith(prefix) return line def read(self, len): "Straight read from underlying file, no buffering." assert(self.linebuffer is None) text = self.file.read(len) self.linenumber += text.count(os.linesep[0]) return text def peek(self): "Peek at the next line in the source." assert(self.linebuffer is None) self.linebuffer = self.file.readline() return self.linebuffer def flush(self): "Get the contents of the line buffer, clearing it." assert(self.linebuffer is not None) line = self.linebuffer self.linebuffer = None return line def push(self, line): "Push a line back to the line buffer." assert(self.linebuffer is None) self.linebuffer = line def has_line_buffered(self): return self.linebuffer is not None class DumpfileSource(LineBufferedSource): "This class knows about dumpfile format." def __init__(self, infile, baton=None): LineBufferedSource.__init__(self, infile) self.baton = baton def read_revision_header(self, property_hook=None): "Read a revision header, parsing its proprties." properties = {} propkeys = [] stash = self.require("Revision-number:") revision = int(stash.split()[1]) stash += self.require("Prop-content-length:") stash += self.require("Content-length:") stash += self.require(os.linesep) while not self.peek().startswith("PROPS-END"): self.require("K") keyhd = self.readline() key = keyhd.strip() valhd = self.require("V") vlen = int(valhd.split()[1]) value = self.read(vlen) self.require(os.linesep) properties[key] = value propkeys.append(key) if property_hook: (propkeys, properties) = property_hook(propkeys, properties, revision) for key in propkeys: if key in properties: stash += "K %d%s" % (len(key), os.linesep) stash += "%s%s" % (key, os.linesep) stash += "V %d%s" % (len(properties[key]), os.linesep) stash += "%s%s" % (properties[key], os.linesep) stash += self.flush() if self.baton: self.baton.twirl() return (revision, stash, properties) def read_until_next(self, prefix, revmap=None): "Accumulate lines until the next matches a specified prefix." stash = "" while True: line = self.readline() if not line: return stash elif line.startswith(prefix): self.push(line) return stash else: # Hack the revision levels in copy-from headers. # We're actually modifying the dumpfile contents # (rather than selectively omitting parts of it). # Note: this will break on a dumpfile that has dumpfiles # in its nodes! if revmap and line.startswith("Node-copyfrom-rev:"): oldrev = line.split()[1] line = line.replace(oldrev, `revmap[int(oldrev)]`) stash += line def apply_property_hook(self, selection, hook): "Apply a property transformation on a specified range." def innerhook(keyprops, propdict, revision): if revision in selection: return hook(keyprops, propdict, revision) else: return (keyprops, propdict) while True: sys.stdout.write(self.read_until_next("Revision-number:")) if not self.has_line_buffered(): return else: (revision,stash,properties) = self.read_revision_header(innerhook) sys.stdout.write(stash) def __del__(self): if self.baton: self.baton.end() class SubversionRange: def __init__(self, txt): self.txt = txt self.intervals = [] for (i, item) in enumerate(txt.split(",")): if ':' in item: (lower, upper) = item.split(':') else: lower = upper = item if lower.isdigit(): lower = int(lower) if upper.isdigit(): upper = int(upper) self.intervals.append((lower, upper)) def __contains__(self, rev): for (lower, upper) in self.intervals: if lower == "HEAD": sys.stderr.write("svncutter: can't accept HEAD as lower bound of a range.\n") sys.exit(1) elif upper == "HEAD" or rev in range(lower, upper+1): return True return False def upperbound(self): "What is the uppermost revision in the spec?" if self.intervals[-1][1] == "HEAD": return sys.maxint else: return self.intervals[-1][1] def __repr__(self): return self.txt class Logfile: "Represent the state of a lofile" def __init__(self, readable, restriction=None): self.comments = {} self.source = LineBufferedSource(readable) state = 'awaiting_header' author = date = None logentry = "" lineno = 0 while True: lineno += 1 line = readable.readline() if state == 'in_logentry': if not line or line.startswith("-----------"): if rev: logentry = logentry.strip() if restriction is None or rev in restriction: self.comments[rev] = (author, date, logentry) rev = None logentry = "" if line: state = 'awaiting_header' else: break else: logentry += line elif state == 'awaiting_header': if not line: break elif line.startswith("-----------"): continue else: m = re.match("r[0-9]+", line) if not m: sys.stderr.write('"%s", line %d: svncutter did not see a comment header where one was expected\n' % (readable.name, lineno)) sys.exit(1) else: fields = line.split("|") (rev, author, date, linecount) = map(lambda x: x.strip(), fields) rev = rev[1:] # strip off leaing 'r' state = 'in_logentry' def __contains__(self, key): return str(key) in self.comments def __getitem__(self, key): "Emulate dictionary, for new-style interface." return self.comments[str(key)] def isotime(s): "ISO 8601 to local clock time." if s[-1] == "Z": s = s[:-1] if "." in s: (date, msec) = s.split(".") else: date = s msec = "0" # Note: no leap-second correction! return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) + float("0." + msec) def reference_mapper(value, mutator, flagrefs=False): "Apply a mutator function to revision references." revrefs = [] for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\br([0-9]+)\b', value): revrefs.append(matchobj) if revrefs: revrefs.reverse() for m in revrefs: new = mutator(m.group(1)) if flagrefs: new = "{" + new + "}" if new != m.group(1): value = value[:m.start(1)] + new + value[m.end(1):] return value # Generic machinery ends here, actual command implementations begin def squash(source, timefuzz, mapto=None, selection=None, excise=None, flagrefs=False, compressmap=False): "Coalesce adjacent commits with same author+log and close timestamps." dupes = [] # The tricky bit is rewriting the revision numbers in node headers # associated with copy actions. clique_map = {} # Map revisions to the base reves of their cliques squash_map = {} # Map clique bases revs to their squashed numbers skipcount = numbered = clique_base = 0 outmap = [] def hacklog(propkeys, propdict, revision): # Hack references to revision levels in comments. for (key, value) in propdict.items(): if key == "svn:log": propdict[key] = reference_mapper(value, lambda old: str(squash_map[clique_map[int(old)]]), flagrefs) return (propkeys, propdict) prevprops = {"svn:log":"", "svn:author":"", "svn:date":0} omit = excise is not None and 0 in excise while True: stash = source.read_until_next("Revision-number:", clique_map) if not omit: sys.stdout.write(stash) if not source.has_line_buffered(): if excise is not None and dupes and dupes[0] in excise: outmap.append((None, dupes)) elif numbered >= 1: outmap.append((numbered-1, dupes)) break else: (revision, stash, properties) = source.read_revision_header(hacklog) # We have all properties of this revision. # Compute whether to merge it with the previous one. skip = "svn:log" in properties and "svn:author" in properties \ and properties["svn:log"] == prevprops.get("svn:log") \ and properties["svn:author"] == prevprops.get("svn:author") \ and (selection is None or revision in selection) \ and abs(isotime(properties["svn:date"]) - isotime(prevprops.get("svn:date"))) < timefuzz # Did user request an unconditional omission? omit = excise is not None and revision in excise if skip and omit: sys.stderr.write("squash: can't omit a revision about to be squashed.\n") sys.exit(1) # Treat spans of omitted commits as cliques for reporting if omit and excise is not None and revision-1 in excise: skip = True # The magic moment if skip: skipcount += 1 clique_map[revision] = clique_base else: clique_base = revision clique_map[clique_base] = clique_base squash_map[clique_base] = revision - skipcount if excise is not None and dupes and dupes[0] in excise: outmap.append((None, dupes)) elif numbered >= 1: outmap.append((numbered-1, dupes)) dupes = [] if omit: skipcount += 1 else: sys.stdout.write(stash) prevprops = properties numbered += 1 dupes.append(revision) # Go back around to copying to the next revision header. if mapto: mapto.write(("%% %d out of %d original revisions squashed, leaving %d" \ % (skipcount, revision, numbered-1)) + os.linesep) if not compressmap: for (numbered, dupes) in outmap: if numbered is None: mapto.write(" None <- " + " ".join(map(str, dupes))+os.linesep) else: mapto.write(("%6d <- " % numbered) + " ".join(map(str, dupes))+os.linesep) else: compressed = [] force_new_range = True last_n = -1 last_oldrevs = [] # Process the raw outmap into a form that compressees ranges. # Squash cliques are left alone. Ranger between # them map to either # (1) None followed by a singleton list (single deleted rev) # (2) None followed by a two-element list (range of deletions) # (3) Single number followed by singleton list = 1-element range) # (4) Two-element list followed by two-element list = # multiple elements, old range to new range. for (n, oldrevs) in outmap: #print >>sys.stderr, "I see:", (n, oldrevs) cliquebase = oldrevs[0] if len(oldrevs) > 1: compressed.append((n, oldrevs)) force_new_range = True else: if (n is None) != (last_n is None): #print >>sys.stderr, "Forcing range break" force_new_range = True if force_new_range: compressed.append((n, oldrevs)) else: #print >>sys.stderr, "Adding to range" if len(last_oldrevs) == 1: oldrevs = last_oldrevs + oldrevs else: oldrevs = last_oldrevs[:1] + oldrevs lowerbound = compressed[-1][0] if (last_n is None) and (n is None): compressed[-1] = [None, oldrevs] elif type(lowerbound) == type(0): compressed[-1] = [[lowerbound, n], oldrevs] else: compressed[-1] = [lowerbound[:1] + [n], oldrevs] force_new_range = False last_n = n last_oldrevs = oldrevs #print >>sys.stderr, "Compressed:", compressed for (a, b) in compressed: if a is None: if len(b) == 1: print >>mapto, " None <- %d" % b[0] continue else: print >>mapto, " None <- %d..%d" % (b[0], b[-1]) continue else: if type(a) == type(0) and len(b) == 1: print >>mapto, "%6d <- %d" % (a, b[0]) continue elif type(a) == type(0) and type(b) == type([]): print >>mapto, "%6d <- %d..%d" % (a, b[0], b[-1]) continue elif type(a) == type([]) and len(a)==2 and len(b)==2: print >>mapto, "%6d..%-6d <- %d..%d" % (a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]) continue sys.stderr.write("svncutter: Internal error on %s\n" % ((a, b),)) sys.exit(1) def select(source, selection): "Select a portion of the dump file defined by a revision selection." emit = 0 in selection while True: stash = source.read_until_next("Revision-number:") if emit: sys.stdout.write(stash) if not source.has_line_buffered(): return else: revision = int(source.linebuffer.split()[1]) if revision in selection: sys.stdout.write(source.flush()) emit = True elif revision == selection.upperbound()+1: return else: source.flush() def propdel(source, properties, selection): "Delete unversioned revision properties." def delhook(propkeys, propdict, revision): for propname in properties: if propname in propdict: del propdict[propname] return (propkeys, propdict) source.apply_property_hook(selection, delhook) def propset(source, properties, selection): "Set unversioned revision properties." def sethook(propkeys, propdict, revision): for prop in properties: (propname, propval) = prop.split("=") if propname in propdict: propdict[propname] = propval return (propkeys, propdict) source.apply_property_hook(selection, sethook) def proprename(source, properties, selection): "Rename unversioned revision properties." def renamehook(propkeys, propdict, revision): for prop in properties: (oldname, newname) = prop.split("->") if oldname in propdict: propdict[newname] = propdict[oldname] del propdict[oldname] return (propkeys, propdict) source.apply_property_hook(selection, renamehook) def log(source, selection): "Extract log entries." while True: source.read_until_next("Revision-number:") if not source.has_line_buffered(): return else: (revision, stash, props) = source.read_revision_header() logentry = props.get("svn:log") if logentry: print "-" * 72 author = props.get("svn:author", "(no author)") date = props["svn:date"].split(".")[0] date = time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000 (%a, %d %b %Y)", date) print "r%s | %s | %s | %d lines" % (revision, author, date, logentry.count(os.linesep)) sys.stdout.write("\n" + logentry + "\n") def setlog(source, logpatch, selection): "Mutate log entries." logpatch = Logfile(file(logpatch), selection) def loghook(propkeys, propdict, revision): if "svn:log" in propkeys and revision in logpatch: (author, date, logentry) = logpatch[revision] if author != propdict.get("svn:author", "(no author)"): sys.stderr.write("svncutter: author of revision %s doesn't look right, aborting!\n" % revision) sys.exit(1) propdict["svn:log"] = logentry return (propkeys, propdict) source.apply_property_hook(selection, loghook) if __name__ == '__main__': try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ce:fl:m:p:qr:", ["excise", "flagrefs", "revprop=", "logpatch=", "map=", "quiet", "range="]) selection = SubversionRange("0:HEAD") timefuzz = 300 # 5 minute fuzz compressmap = False excise = None revprops = [] progress = True flagrefs = False logpatch = None mapto = None for (switch, val) in options: if switch in ('-c', '--compressmap'): compressmap = True elif switch in ('-e', '--excise'): excise = SubversionRange(val) elif switch in ('-f', '--flagrefs'): flagrefs = True elif switch in ('-l', '--logentries'): logpatch = val elif switch in ('-m', '--map'): mapto = open(val, "w") elif switch in ('-p', '--revprop'): revprops.append(val) elif switch in ('-q', '--quiet'): progress = False elif switch in ('-r', '--range'): selection = SubversionRange(val) if len(arguments) == 0: sys.stderr.write("Type 'svncutter help' for usage." + os.linesep) sys.exit(1) baton = None #if arguments[0] != 'help': # if progress: # baton = Baton(oneliners[arguments[0]], "done") # else: # baton = None if arguments[0] == "squash": squash(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), timefuzz, mapto, selection, excise, flagrefs, compressmap) elif arguments[0] == "propdel": if not revprops: sys.stderr.write("svncutter: propdel requires one or more --revprop options.\n") if progress: baton = Baton("", "done") else: baton = None propdel(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), revprops, selection) elif arguments[0] == "propset": if not revprops: sys.stderr.write("svncutter: propset requires one or move --revprop options.\n") propset(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), revprops, selection) elif arguments[0] == "proprename": if not revprops: sys.stderr.write("svncutter: proprename requires one or move --revprop options.\n") propset(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), revprops, selection) elif arguments[0] == "select": select(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), selection) elif arguments[0] == "log": log(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), selection) elif arguments[0] == "setlog": if not logpatch: sys.stderr.write("svncutter: setlog requires a log entries file.\n") setlog(DumpfileSource(sys.stdin, baton), logpatch, selection) elif arguments[0] == "help": if len(arguments) == 1: sys.stdout.write(__doc__) else: sys.stdout.write(helpdict.get(arguments[1], arguments[1] + ": no such subcommand.\n")) else: sys.stderr.write(('"%s": unknown subcommand\n' % arguments[0])+os.linesep) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # script ends here