<div class="h3" id="news-[date]"> <h3>[date_pres] — Apache Subversion [version] Released <a class="sectionlink" href="#news-[date]" title="Link to this section">¶</a> </h3> <p>We are please to announce to release of Apache Subversion [version]. This release is not intended for production use, but is provided as a milestone to encourage wider testing and feedback from intrepid users and maintainers. Please see the <a href="">release announcement</a> for more information about this release, and the <a href="/docs/release-notes/[version_base].html">release notes</a> and <a href="http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/tags/[version]/CHANGES"> change log</a> for information about what will eventually be in the [version_base].0 release.</p> <p>To get this release from the nearest mirror, please visit our <a href="/download/#pre-releases">download page</a>.</p> </div> <!-- #news-[date] -->