Skip-Deltas in Subversion ========================= To keep repositories at a manageable size, essentially all version control systems use some kind of relative compression technique such that two similar versions of the same file don't take up much more space than just one version of that file. The two most common techniques are the SCCS "weave", which represents all revisions of a file as a single data stream with the moral equivalent of #ifdefs, and the technique of storing deltas (differences) between related revisions of files. Subversion uses deltas. Subversion uses a technique called "skip-deltas" to ensure that only a reasonable number of deltas need to be composed in order to retrieve any revisions of a file. The concept of skip-deltas is inspired by the concept of skip-lists, but they aren't all that similar. For the purposes of this document, we will pretend that revisions of a file are numbered starting from 0. In reality, this number corresponds to the "change count" field of a node-revision in each filesystem back end. Skip-Deltas in the FSFS Back End ================================ In the FSFS back end, each revision of a file is represented as a delta against an older revision of the file. The first revision is represented as a delta against the empty stream (i.e. it is self-compressed). To reconstruct a revision of a file, the filesystem code determines the chain of deltas leading back to revision 0, composes them all together using the delta combiner, and applies the resulting super-delta to the empty stream in order to reconstruct the file contents. The most obvious strategy would be to choose revision N-1 as the delta base for revision N. But even with the delta combiner, it would become very slow to retrieve revision 1000 of a file if we had to piece together 1000 deltas. So, to choose the delta base for revision N, we write out N in binary and flip the rightmost '1' bit. For instance, if we are storing 54, we write it out in binary as 110110, flip the last 1 bit to get 110100, and thus pick revision 52 of the file as the delta base. A file with ten versions (numbered 0-9) would have those versions represented as follows: 0 <- 1 2 <- 3 4 <- 5 6 <- 7 0 <------ 2 4 <------ 6 0 <---------------- 4 0 <------------------------------------ 8 <- 9 where "0 <- 1" means that the delta base for revision 1 is revision 0. Because we flip the rightmost 1 bit each time we pick a delta base, at most lg(N) deltas are necessary to reconstruct revision N of a file. Skip-deltas in the BDB Back End =============================== In the BDB back end, each revision of a file is represented as a delta against a newer revision of the file--the opposite of FSFS. The newest version of a file is stored in plain text. Whereas in FSFS, we add a new version of a file simply by picking a delta base and writing out a delta, in BDB the process is more complicated: we write out the new version of the file in plain text; then, after the commit is confirmed, we go back and "redeltify" one or more older versions of the file against the new one. The goal of the redeltification process is to produce the reverse of the FSFS diagram: 0 ------------------------------------> 8 -> 9 4 ----------------> 8 2 ------> 4 6 ------> 8 1 -> 2 3 -> 4 5 -> 6 7 -> 8 To accomplish this, we write out the number in binary, count the number of trailing zeros, and redeltify that number of ancestor revisions plus 1. For instance, when we see revision 8, we write it out as "1000", note that there are three trailing 0s, and resolve to redeltify four ancestor revisions: the revisions one back, two back, four back, and eight back. As it turns out, the above diagram is a fiction. To reduce overhead, the BDB back end makes three compromises to the skip-delta scheme: * When storing file revisions 0-31, only the immediate predecessor is redeltified. * We don't redeltify the ancestor revision which is two back from the one we are storing. * We never redeltify revision 0 of a file. Despite these compromises, the asymptotic behavior of the BDB skip-delta scheme is the same as the simpler FSFS one: O(lg(N)) deltas are necessary to reconstruct any revision of a file which has had N revisions. Skip-Deltas and Branches ======================== If a file's history diverges because it is copied and the modified on both branches, the behavior is as follows: * In FSFS, we choose delta bases just as we would if each branch were an isolated linear path leading back to revision 0. For instance, if a file has six revisions (0-5), then branches into revisions 6-7 and revisions 6'-8', they would look like: 0 <- 1 2 <- 3 4 <- 5 6 <- 7 0 <------ 2 4 <------ 6 6' <- 7' 0 <-------------------------------------- 8' * In BDB, we redeltify ancestor revisions just as we would if each branch were an isolated linear path leading back to revision 0. The result depends on the order of commits. If a file has four revisions (0-3), then branches into revisions 4 and 4', then if 4 was committed first and 4' was committed second, the result would look like: 4 0 --------------------> 4' 2 --------> 4' 1 --> 2 3 --> 4' but if instead, 4 was committed second, the result would look like: 4' 0 --------------------> 4 2 --------> 4 1 --> 2 3 --> 4 Although this order dependency may be confusing to think about, it causes no complexity in the code, and the O(lg(N)) asymptotic behavior is clearly preserved. Note that in the BDB back end, a branched file has a separate plain-text representation for each branch head, while in the FSFS back end, that is not the case. Costs of Skip-Deltas ==================== In most workloads, the delta for a file revision becomes larger if the delta base is farther away--in terms of the diagrams, longer arrows take up more space. In the worst case, where all changes to the file are orthogonal to each other, a delta across N file revisions may be N times as expensive as a delta across one revision. In either back end, the average number of revisions crossed by a delta arrow is O(lg(N)), if the file has had N revisions. So we may assume that in the worst case, skip-deltas incur an O(lg(N)) space penalty while providing an O(N/lg(N)) time benefit. The practical space penalty appears to be substantially less than O(lg(N)), because many files have short histories and many changes are not orthogonal to each other.