The Chain Of Responsibility Adapter README File $Id: README.txt,v 1.1 2003/08/11 04:55:34 craigmcc Exp $ INTRODUCTION: ============ FIXME CONTENTS OF THIS RELEASE: ======================== Top Level Directory: ------------------- LICENSE.txt -- The Apache Software License, under which all software included in this bundle is licensed. README.txt -- This README file. build.xml -- Ant build script (only required for building from source). -- Sample "" file that may be customized (only required for building from source). Directory "docs": ---------------- api/ -- Javadocs for the classes included in the Struts Chain of Responsibility library (org.apache.struts.chain.*). Directory "lib": --------------- struts-chain.jar -- The compiled classes for the Chain Of Responsibility adapter library. Directory "src": --------------- conf/ -- Source files for the JAR file's manifest. example/ -- Source files for the demonstration web application. java/ -- Source files for the Chain of Responsibility library classes (only required for building from source). The base package is "org.apache.struts.chain". Directory "web": --------------- example/ -- JSP and web application configuration files for the demonstration web application. Directory "webapps": ------------------- struts-chain.war -- Executable version of the demonstration web application. RUNNING THE EXAMPLE APPLICATION: =============================== The following steps are required to deploy and run the example application (struts-chain.war) included in this distribution: Install A Java Development Kit: ------------------------------ The Struts Chain Of Responsibility library requires a Java Development Kit (not the Java Runtime Environment), version 1.3 or later. It was tested against Sun's JDK 1.4.2 release, available at: Install A Servlet/JSP Container: ------------------------------- The Struts Chain Of Responsibility library requires a container that supports Servlet 2.3 (or later) and JSP 1.2 (or later). Any J2EE 1.3 (or later) application server should also work. You must acquire and install such a container in order to execute the example application, following that container's standard installation instructions. Install A Struts 1.2 Nightly Release: ------------------------------------ The Struts Chain of Responsibility library requires a recent nightly build of the head branch of the Struts CVS repository (i.e. the code being used for the Struts 1.2 development track). You will want to become familiar with the operation of the standard example web application (struts-example.war), if you are not already. Deploy And Execute The Sample Application: ----------------------------------------- Follow the standard procedures for your container to deploy a web application that is packaged as a WAR file. For example, you can deploy on Tomcat by simply copying the struts-chain.war file into the "webapps" subdirectory of your Tomcat installation, and restarting Tomcat. To execute the sample application, access it with a web browser under URL to which it was installed. This will usually be something like: http://localhost:8080/struts-chain/ USING THE CHAIN OF RESPONSIBILITY LIBRARY IN YOUR OWN APPLICATIONS: ================================================================== FIXME BUILDING FROM SOURCE: ==================== If you wish, you can build the Struts Chain Of Responsibility library, and the sample application, from the source code included in this distribution. Follow these steps: Install An Ant Distribution: --------------------------- The provided build.xml script requires Ant, version 1.5.1 or later. You can get it from: Install this environment as described in the Ant documentation, and ensure that Ant's "bin" directory is on your PATH. Configure Your Build Properties: ------------------------------- Copy the "" file in the top level directory to a file named "", and customize the paths that are specified there. Build The Sources: ----------------- The simplest way to build is to execute: ant clean dist to recreate the entire distribution in the "dist" subdirectory. Use the "ant -projecthelp" command to see what other targets are available. KNOWN LIMITATIONS: ================= FIXME