<%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %> Struts Examples

Struts Examples

Each of these links lead to a separate "module" within this application.

These modules follow the "learn by example" school. Be sure to "look under the hood" to see how it's done.

Taglib Test Pages

These pages are designed to test the operation of the various taglibs that come bundled with Struts. If you examine the JSP templates, you'll see that these pages use a lot of scriptlets. We use scriptlets here in order to test the tags. Most production pages will not need to use scriplets. In fact many Struts developers never use scriplets in a production page.

Upload example

Struts uses the Commons Upload package to provide support for uploading files. This example shows you how to upload a page for processing or how to just display it.

Validator examples

The Struts Validator uses the same resource bundles as the rest of your Struts application, making localization easy to do. These examples show you how to use the validator with and without JavaScript, as well as how to localize your validations.

But, wait, there's more ...

In addion to this application, there are four other applications bundled with Struts, ready for you to install:

Struts Blank is an application template. Explode this WAR under your own application's name, and you can start coding! Struts Documentation is a copy of everything you'll find on the website: User Guide, Developer's Guide, FAQs, and How-Tos. Struts Mailreader is a starter business application, much like the one most of you need to developer. Struts Tiles Documentation explores the more advanced features of Tiles.