using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Nexus.Core.Helpers;
using Nexus.Web;
using PhoneBook.Core;
using PhoneBook.Web.Forms;
using WQD.Core.Controls;
namespace PhoneBook.Web.Controls
/// Capture input values to filter a list of directory entries.
public class Finder : ViewControl
/// Signal update to input filters
/// by passing FindArgs with the search critiers.
public event EventHandler Filter_Changed;
/// Populate the entry finder's own controls.
public void Open()
IViewHelper h = ExecuteBind(App.ENTRY_FIND);
bool ok = (h.IsNominal);
if (!ok)
Page_Alert = h;
/// Provide runtime instance of last_name_list filter.
protected DropDownList last_name_list;
/// Provide runtime instance of first_name_list filter.
protected DropDownList first_name_list;
/// Provide runtime instance of extension_list filter.
protected DropDownList extension_list;
/// Provide runtime instance of user_name_list filter.
protected DropDownList user_name_list;
/// Provide runtime instance of hired_list filter.
protected DropDownList hired_list;
/// Provide runtime instance of hours_list filter.
protected DropDownList hours_list;
/// Provide runtime instance of find filter.
protected Button find;
/// Provide an array for filters so they can be handled as a group (or composite).
/// Array of filter instances
private DropDownList[] FilterList()
DropDownList[] lists = {last_name_list, first_name_list, extension_list, user_name_list, hired_list, hours_list};
return lists;
/// Unselect all but the active filter.
/// The active filter
private void Filter_Reset(DropDownList except)
int exceptIndex = 0;
if (except != null) exceptIndex = except.SelectedIndex;
foreach (DropDownList filter in FilterList())
filter.SelectedIndex = 0;
if (except != null) except.SelectedIndex = exceptIndex;
/// Handle the SelectIndexChanged event for any of the filters
/// by capturing its settings
/// and raising the Filter_Changed event.
/// Event source
/// Runtime parameters
private void filter_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
IViewHelper helper = Catalog.GetHelperFor(App.ENTRY_LIST);
DropDownList list = sender as DropDownList;
string id = list.ID;
int v = id.LastIndexOf(ListSuffix);
string key = id.Substring(0, v);
helper.Criteria[key] = list.SelectedValue;
Filter_Changed(this, new FindArgs(e, helper.Criteria));
/// Handle the Click event of the Find button
/// by resetting the filters
/// and raising the Filter Changed event
/// so that the presentation will list all entries.
/// Event source
/// Runtime parameters
private void find_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Filter_Changed == null) return;
IViewHelper helper = Read(App.ENTRY_FIND);
Filter_Changed(this, new ViewArgs(helper));
/// Handle page's load event.
/// Event source
/// Runtime parameters
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
find.Text = Directory.msg_LIST_ALL_CMD;
find.Click += new EventHandler(find_Click);
foreach (DropDownList filter in FilterList())
filter.AutoPostBack = true;
filter.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(filter_SelectedIndexChanged);
if (!IsPostBack) Open();
#region Web Form Designer generated code
/// Initialize components.
/// Runtime parameters
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
private void InitializeComponent()
this.Load += new EventHandler(this.Page_Load);