============================================================================== MALREADER TRAINING COURSE WHITEBOARD STATUS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Project: http://struts.apache.org/ Wiki: http://strutsuniversity.org/MailReader+Training+Course Mailing Lists: http://struts.apache.org/mail.html -- dev@ with [COURSE] keyword Source Code: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/struts/sandbox/trunk/mailreader-course/ Committers: Ted Husted [add your name here]. Status File: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/struts/sandbox/trunk/mailreader-course/STATUS.txt?view=markup COURSE SUMMARY The MailReader Training Course for Struts 2 is a step-by-step introduction to the next generation of Struts applications. After completing the course, you will be equipped to create and maintain basic Struts applications, including all necessary client-side and server-side programming. Presentations are reinforced by workshops designed to explore common problems and best-practice solutions. This course is intended for developers who want field-savvy advice on how to get your applications working the "Struts 2 Way". COURSE OBJECTIVES * Present and apply MVC application architecture * Build a working web application * Understand how to unit test web applications * Explore key best practices * Use popular extensions to increase productivity AUDIENCE Developers and programmers who want to learn about web application development using Apache Struts Action frameworks. PREREQUISITES To benefit from the training course, students should have experience programming with Java along with a basic knowledge of html. Experience with a modern Java IDE, such as NetBeans, Eclipse, or IDEA, is also beneficial. SOURCE CODE An example of each completed lab is provided in a folder named for the corresponding use case. SESSSION NOTES Notes for the presentation introducing each workshop are maintained on the Struts University wiki. For the notes and a session outline see: * http://StrutsUniversity.org/MailReader+Training+Course ==============================================================================