Stanbol HTTP Endpoints ====================== The following bundles provide the base infrastructure for building a consistent set JAX-RS based HTTP endpoints (RESTful webservices) to publish services implemented by the various OSGi bundles of a Stanbol distribution. The general convention is to make each endpoint self-documented by implementing a @GET annotated method that "Accept: text/html" and return an HTML page that explains how the endpoint works and give usage examples with the `curl` commandline tool and HTML forms to quickly test the service from inside the browser. - `stanbol/commons/web/base` provides the java interface and OSGi / JAX-RS context bridging tooling but not actual JAX-RS resources - `stanbol/commons/web/home` provides a simple resource for the home page and default CSS / icons and base freemarker template to be reused by other Stanbol JAX-RS resources for consistent look and feel accross the all documentation. - `stanbol/commons/web/sparql` provides a sample JAX-RS resource to publish access to the registered clerezza triple stores using the standardized SPARQL HTTP endpoint API. TODO: write the documentation to contribute new endpoints that reuse the styling and menu navigation of the default components.