** WHAT ** Minimal FISE server implementation that should run in any OSGi container and require a minimum set of bundles. ** HOW ** To run with the Felix Karaf launcher: 1) Build and install FISE from source: $ svn co http://iks-project.googlecode.com/svn/sandbox/fise/trunk fise $ cd fise $ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true 2) Download apache-felix-karaf-1.4.0 from http://felix.apache.org/site/downloads.cgi 3) Unpack karaf, cd apache-felix-karaf-1.4.0 4) Copy src/main/resources/karaf/fise-standalone-karaf-descriptor.xml to the karaf "deploy" folder. 5) Start karaf using bin/karaf or bin/karaf.bat (More info at http://felix.apache.org/site/2-quick-start.html) 6) In the karaf shell, do: karaf@root> features:install fise-standalone 7) The curl test described below should now work 8) The Felix webconsole can be installed using: karaf@root> features:install webconsole And access it at http://localhost:8181/system/console, credentials karaf/karaf ** TESTING WITH CURL ** Here's an example where we add a ContentItem, retrieve it and notice that our dummy enhancement engine has added some metadata: # HTTP PUT to add the ContentItem $ curl -T someImage.jpg http://localhost:8181/fise/testId /testId # HTTP GET to retrieve it, enhanced # (if enhancements are async, metadata might come later) $ curl http://localhost:8181/fise/testId ContentItemImpl id=[/testId], mimeType[=null], data=[108781] bytes, metadata=[org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.standalone.impl.DummyEnhancementEngine##/testId, Romeo##Julieta] Enhancement engines might be restricted to process only some media types, hence it might be important for the client to mention the media type of the payload in the first query. $ curl -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -T furtwangen.txt http://localhost:8181/fise/furtwangen.txt