Allows to describe metadata about an actual execution of an EnhancementChain by the Stanbol Enhancer for a parsed ContentItem Execution Status Class used to represent the status of an Execution Execution An execution (abstract) An execution of an EnhancementChain EnhancementEngine Execution EnhancementEngine Execution An execution of an Enhancement Engine status message Allows to provide a status message for an execution (may be multi valued) started Time point when the exection started (also available when skipped) Property that links an Execution to its parent ChainExecution (e.g. the Execution of single Engines to the Execution of the EnhancementChain) enhanced by Property that links from the ContentItem to the ChainExecution (defining the root node of the execution metadata) execution node Property that links from the EngineExecution to the ExecutionNode of the ExecutionPlan execution plan Property that links from the ChainExecution to the ExecutionPlan. The current/final status of an Execution. Allowed values are the instances of ExectionStatus defined by this Ontology status if the ChainExecution represents an execution of the default EnhancementChain of the Stanbol Enhancer. is default Chain completed time point when the execution completed (succeded, skipped or failed). enhances Property that links from the ChainExecution to the enhanced ContentItem ExecutionStatus indicating that the execution is in progress in progress skipped ExecutionStatus indicating that the execution was skipped sheduled ExecutionStatus indicating that the execution is scheduled, but has not yet started completed ExecutionStatus indicating that the execution has completed successfully ExecutionStatus indicating that the execution has failed failed