# Shot in the dark, spotted by coincidence. Seeing more of these soon? header THEBAT_UNREG X-Mailer =~ /^The Bat! .{0,20} UNREG$/ # Bunch of rules to detect Opera MUA fakes. These seem to just have started. # The Message-Id masks used are based on some brief real mail and Opera specs. header __OPERA_MUA User-Agent =~ /^Opera / header __OPERA_MID_NO_DIGIT Message-ID =~ /^<[^0-9]{2,40}\@/ header __OPERA_MID_NON_OP Message-ID =~ /^<[^o][^p]\./ # header __OPERA_MID_MASK Message-ID =~ /^<[a-z0-9]{2}\.[a-z0-9]{14}\@/ meta OPERA_MID_NO_DIGIT __OPERA_MUA && __OPERA_MID_NO_DIGIT describe OPERA_MID_NO_DIGIT MUA Opera, Message-Id does not contain digit meta OPERA_MID_NON_OP __OPERA_MUA && __OPERA_MID_NON_OP describe OPERA_MID_NON_OP MUA Opera, Message-Id does not start with op # meta OPERA_MID_BAD_MASK __OPERA_MUA && !__OPERA_MID_MASK # describe OPERA_MID_BAD_MASK MUA Opera, bad Message-Id mask # Some old stuff rotting in a testing env only, that previously was extracted # to hit on the low scoring "Real men" spam wave. The very same pattern seems # to be used with changed content, obfuscated, still scoring rather low. rawbody __PQRTW_4_A m,\s*, rawbody __PQRTW_4_SPAN m,\s*, meta PQRTW_4 __PQRTW_4_A || __PQRTW_4_SPAN # There is a need to upload tiny HTML files to some mass hoster dump? Right, # there is exactly one reason to do so... Compare the ratios for both, HTML # files and all files. I love shots in the dark. # livefilestore.com Domain Status: Registered And No Website uri LIVEFILESTORE m~livefilestore.com/~ uri LIVEFILESTORE_HTML m~livefilestore.com/[^/]{0,100}/[^/]{0,20}\.html?$~ # Pretty decent Outlook forgery. At the very least, they finally start to get # the Message-Id correct. And indeed, the MIME multipart boundary and the # Message-Id do share the same format. However, the timestamps are created # *individually*, and there pretty much is no way for a human that these could # be identical. Only a bot can do that. # A bunch of spam, in particular a couple variants of some rather static # German spam recently started avoiding the gross forgery KB_RATWARE_MSGID and # FORGED_RELAY_MUA_TO_MX, as well as some blacklists. An opportunity to look # for more forgery. I don't need your bloody payload, the headers are # sufficient to block you. # FIXME "It is suggested that [...] names have a length of no more than 22 # characters, as an informal convention." -- from M::SA:Conf # Evaluate full results first. mc-fast results are really weird, with # no hits for the full BOT variant. # This variant works just fine locally, but doesn't hit in mass-checks. Most # likely an issue with the multi-line Content-Type: header. # header KB_RATWARE_OUTLOOK_BOT ALL =~ /^Message-Id: <....([0-9a-f]{8})\$([0-9a-f]{8})\$.{100,400}^Content-Type: multipart.[^;]{10,20}; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._\1\.\2/msi # " # Some variants with varying fuzzyness, to investigate accuracy. header KB_RATWARE_OUTLOOK_16 ALL =~ /^Message-Id: <....([0-9a-f]{8})\$([0-9a-f]{8})\$.{100,400}boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._\1\.\2/msi # " header KB_RATWARE_OUTLOOK_12 ALL =~ /^Message-Id: <....([0-9a-f]{8})\$([0-9a-f]{4})[0-9a-f]{4}\$.{100,400}boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._\1\.\2/msi # " header KB_RATWARE_OUTLOOK_08 ALL =~ /^Message-Id: <....([0-9a-f]{8})\$[0-9a-f]{8}\$.{100,400}boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._\1\./msi # " # Slightly stricter Message-Id variant. Testing. header KB_RATWARE_OUTLOOK_MID ALL =~ /^Message-Id: <....([0-9a-f]{8})\$([0-9a-f]{8})\$[0-9a-f]{8}\@.{100,400}boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._\1\.\2"/msi # header __IS_MIME_MSG exists:MIME-Version # header __IS_MICROSOFT_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft / # header __KB_OUTLOOK_MUA X-Mailer =~ /^Microsoft (?:Office )?Outlook\b/ # Less minimal chars between headers, and reverse variant of RATWARE_BOUNDARY. # Supersedes all RATWARE_OUTLOOK_* devel stuff above. header __RATWARE_BOUND_A ALL =~ /^Message-Id: <....([0-9a-f]{8})\$[0-9a-f]{8}\$.{10,400}boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._\1\./msi # " header __RATWARE_BOUND_B ALL =~ /boundary="----=_NextPart_000_...._([0-9a-f]{8})\..{10,400}^Message-Id: <....\1\$[0-9a-f]{8}\$/msi # " meta KB_RATWARE_BOUNDARY __RATWARE_BOUND_A || __RATWARE_BOUND_B # Explain later. ;) header THREAD_INDEX_HEX Thread-Index =~ /^[a-z0-9]{30}/ header __THREAD_INDEX_GOOD Thread-Index =~ m,^A[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+/]{27}(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{20})?(?:[AQgw]==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{7}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{13}[AEIMQUYcgkosw048]=)$, header __HAS_THREAD_INDEX exists:Thread-Index meta THREAD_INDEX_BAD __HAS_THREAD_INDEX && !__THREAD_INDEX_GOOD # Some sneaky German porn spam, 2008-10-15 header KB_CTYPE_SPACE Content-Type =~ /charset="ISO / # " emacs header __KB_UA_MOZ User-Agent =~ /\bMozilla/ meta KB_CTYPE_SP_MOZ ( KB_CTYPE_SPACE && __KB_UA_MOZ ) describe KB_CTYPE_SP_MOZ Mozilla does not do that, I hope header KB_FORGED_MOZ4 User-Agent =~ /\bMozilla 4/ describe KB_FORGED_MOZ4 Mozilla 4 uses X-Mailer