name: Setup PostgreSQL for Linux/macOS/Windows author: Sidney Markowitz based on version by Ihor Kalnytskyi description: Setup PostgreSQL for SpamAssassin testing runs: using: composite steps: - name: Prerequisites run: | if [ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Linux" ]; then echo "$(pg_config --bindir)" >> $GITHUB_PATH elif [ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]; then echo "$PGBIN" >> $GITHUB_PATH echo "PQ_LIB_DIR=$PGROOT\lib" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi shell: bash - name: Setup and start PostgreSQL run: | export PGDATA="$RUNNER_TEMP/pgdata" export PWFILE="$RUNNER_TEMP/pwfile" # Unfortunately 'initdb' could only receive a password via file on disk # or prompt to enter on. Prompting is not an option since we're running # in non-interactive mode. echo 'spamassassin' > $PWFILE # There are couple of reasons why we need to create a new PostgreSQL # database cluster. First and foremost, we have to create a superuser # with provided credentials. Second, we want the PostgreSQL client # applications [1] to be available for execution without # run-from-another-user dances. Third, we want to make sure that # settings are the same between operating systems and aren't changed by # package vendors. # # [1] initdb \ --username="spamassassin" \ --pwfile="$PWFILE" \ --auth="scram-sha-256" \ --encoding="UTF-8" \ --locale="en_US.UTF-8" \ --no-instructions # Do not create unix sockets since they are created by default in the # directory we have no permissions to (owned by system postgres user). echo "unix_socket_directories = ''" >> "$PGDATA/postgresql.conf" echo "port = 5432" >> "$PGDATA/postgresql.conf" pg_ctl start # Save required connection parameters for created superuser to the # connection service file [1]. This allows using these connection # parameters by setting 'PGSERVICE' environment variable or by # requesting them via connection string. # # HOST is required for Linux/macOS because these OS-es default to unix # sockets but we turned them off. # # PORT, USER, PASSWORD and DBNAME are required because they could be # parametrized via action input parameters. # # [1] cat < "$PGDATA/pg_service.conf" [spamassassin] host=localhost port=5432 user=spamassassin password=spamassassin dbname=spamassassin EOF echo "PGSERVICEFILE=$PGDATA/pg_service.conf" >> $GITHUB_ENV shell: bash - name: Setup PostgreSQL database run: | createdb -O "spamassassin" "spamassassin" psql --username=spamassassin --host=localhost --port=5432 -d spamassassin -f sql/awl_pg.sql psql --username=spamassassin --host=localhost --port=5432 -d spamassassin -f sql/bayes_pg.sql env: PGSERVICE: spamassassin PGPASSWORD: spamassassin shell: bash - name: fixup strawberry perl postgres dll in case too old if: ${{ startsWith( matrix.runner, 'windows-' ) }} run: | export TRG=$(dirname `which libpq__.dll`) cp "$PGBIN/libpq.dll" "$TRG" cd "$TRG" pexports libpq.dll > libpq.def dlltool --dllname libpq.dll --def libpq.def --output-lib ..\lib\libpq.a mv libpq__.dll libpq__.dll_BUP mv libpq.dll libpq__.dll shell: bash - name: prepare test config for postgres run: | perl -i.bak -pe 's/^run_(awl_sql_tests|bayes_sql_tests)=n/run_$1=y/;s/^(user_awl|bayes_sql)_dsn=.*$/$1_dsn=dbi:Pg:dbname=spamassassin;host=localhost/;s/^(user_awl_sql_username|user_awl_sql_password|bayes_sql_username|bayes_sql_password)=.*$/$1=spamassassin/;s/^(bayes_store_module)=.*$/$1=Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::PgSQL/' t/config.dist shell: bash