Return-Path: Delivery-Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 03:27:05 +0000 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D51B51140AD for ; Thu, 15 Feb 2001 03:26:55 +0000 (Eire) Received: from ([]) by (8.9.3/8.8.7) with SMTP id XAA14688; Wed, 14 Feb 2001 23:29:19 -0500 From: Message-ID: <00005ad62444$000022a6$> To: Subject: QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM (QCSBS) CAN MAKE Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 22:22:37 -0800 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM" (QCSBS) CAN MAKE YOU RICH!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET NEW YORK "WIZARD OF WEALTH" SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE $1,500+/WEEK FAST GUARANTEED, LEGAL CASH, BY SIMPLY OPENING "SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNTS" AND DOING ONE HOUR DAILY LEGAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTION! Dear Lucky Friend: Are your bills piling up? Do you have Credit card bills, Car bills, Mortgage bills, Medical bills, Attorney bills, College bills, Business bills to pay? Do you argue with your spouse (or your girlfriend/boyfriend) about your finances? Do you work two jobs, 70 hrs a week, but still unable to save enough money and lead a luxurious and happy life? Are your creditors calling you off the hook and banging at your door? Do you feel like being in a rut, with the weight of the world on your shoulder? If yes, please CHEER up! We can HELP you! THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND POWERFUL E-MAIL YOU'LL EVER READ, SO =================================================================== PLEASE PAY CLOSE ATTENTION! ============================ Have you ever wondered why a few people in the world seem to have a "magic wand" that bring them riches and all the good things in life, while the rest of the majority of the people are hardly surviving? If yes, please stop wondering and let us show you how to get and use your own "magic wand" just like those Rich and Powerful people! Do you want to succeed in life, be rich, happy and powerful? Then stop dreaming and start doing! Stop working hard killing yourself and start working SMART and ENJOY yourself, while doing so! Stop blaming the world for your problems and start facing reality! Stop being a loser in life and start being a winner! Start doing what the Rich and Famous do! Learn the 2000 years old, jealously guarded, by-invitation-only "CASH SECRETS" of the Rich and Powerful and get Rich and Happy! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM", (QCSBS); SECRETS OF THE RICH AND POWERFUL REVEALED!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must consider yourself very lucky to receive this e-mail! Everybody desires to live a lavish lifestyle, but in reality, only very few people are ambitious enough to DO WHAT IT TAKES to realize that dream! Are you one of the few ambitious individuals who desires financial independence, security, and the best things in life? If yes, please start smiling because your time to get rich has come! HOW I DISCOVERED "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM", (QCSBS), THE ================================================================= EASIEST AND FASTEST CASH GENERATING SYSTEM, IN THE WORLD TODAY!!! ================================================================= No, I was not born with silver spoon in my mouth, nor is my family as rich as the Kennedy's, Rockefellers, the Getty's, the Gates or Waltons! I do not have any degrees from an ivy league university! I am just a regular, honest , hard working man who after many years of eking out a living from laboring in jobs, got lucky and found a way out! Not too many years ago, I moved from one dead-end job to another, unable to hold any job for more than 2yrs. I never liked 9-5 job rat race, office politics and back-biting. I was flat broke most of the time, unhappy and couldn't support my family. Due to depression and frustration, I was compelled to dibble-dabble in various get-rich-quick schemes-MLM, Mail Order, 900#, Stock Market, Real Estate and various internet money making programs. I made some money, but never really got rich! My family and friends didn't like me because I didn't have money. Most of my friends and some of the people I see in my City owned a mansion and an expensive car and lived a prosperous and happy life! I was very jealous of them but too full of ego and foolish pride to ask them to help me! My life was falling apart and the center of my world could no longer hold! Many times, I was tempted to rob a bank (believe me!) and get rich over night! But I was stopped by the fear of going to prison (where if you don't get raped, get AIDS disease, you could be slashed on the face with a knife or be killed). Besides, who in their right mind wants to spend eternity roasting in hell fire, for stealing money? I am a God fearing man and despite the stress and big temptations, I knew that crime do not pay! Sooner or later, you'll get caught, be humiliated, imprisoned and will spend forever regretting it! Because I had ambitions and a family to support but was running out of safe options, I ! was very unhappy and desperate! One day, I ran into an old friend of mine, named Jim, who was a manager at Citibank in New York. I told him about all my financial problems and how desperate I was to find a solution. He took pity on me, and told me about a "little known", and "jealously guarded secrets" of the Rich and Powerful that I can use to change my situation. Jim said that it was worth $10,000, but since I probably didn't have that much at that time, he the could let me have it for $1000. I had known Jim very closely for 6yrs and knew he wouldn't deceive me. I had fallen so low in my life, that I thought the only way to go was up! I had to put my pride and skepticism aside, blast off to my bank , withdrew every dollar there in my savings account; closed my account and came back and paid him. I cannot forget that day! It was the luckiest and happiest day of my life! HOW QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM, (QCSBS) CHANGED MY LIFE!!! =================================================================== Within a year of applying these powerful SECRETS, I was surprised to witness a remarkable change in my financial situation! I started generating constant stream of serious CASH, that enabled me to achieve my life's ambition. I was able to create my own company and to hire a manager to run my business. This freed me up to do all the things that I have always loved to do, instead of being tied up 8hrs in the office! Now, I am happy, because I can be me and do what I want, without worrying about money. I only go to work, when I choose to. I can go to movies, museums, and the gym whenever I like! Whenever I desire, I can travel to any "hot spot" of the world, keeping in touch with my office by e-mail and phone. Now I can shop at Macy's, Sterns, Saks 5th Ave, Bergdorf Goodman, Harrods of London, Lords & Taylor and all the swanky stores, without worrying about my bank balance or credit line. All my bills are paid up, and I have zero debt! These secrets truly work! They have changed my life and that of my family and friends! Now everybody smiles at me, and wants to be my friend! All the people who knew me and laughed at me when I was down and out, miserable and struggling are now crawling back on their knees to borrow money from me and to learn these "CASH SECRETS OF THE RICH AND POWERFUL"! My life is now sweet and enjoyable! But making money or being rich cannot guarantee you happiness in life. I do not know about others, I can only speak for myself. What makes me happy in life is not being a millionaire, with a big mansion and luxury cars, but helping other less fortunate people to learn these explosive, jealously guarded "CASH SECRETS OF THE RICH AND POWERFUL", so they can get rich and happy too! Helping others get rich and happy is my mission in life and my "Pride and Joy" ! (I do not want others to suffer the way I suffered!) Therefore, REVEALING "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM (QCSBS) to the world, is my way of fighting against poverty, misery, crimes and suffering in the world and helping to "spread the wealth" to improve humanity and elevate its quality of life! SO, WHAT IS "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM", (QCSBS)??? ========================================================== "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM" (QCSBS) is not a business! It is not real estate, or MLM! There is no need for office, employees, stocks or large investment. This Quick Secret Banking System is simple and works all the time! It is not a dangerous gamble! It is a very safe, dependable, and fast way to generate constant stream of mega CASH! If you've always wondered why the Rich keep getting richer, while the rest of the people are barely surviving, please stop wondering and get our powerful CASH report and find out! "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM, (QCSBS)" Program has blown the lid off the most jealously guarded SECRETS and privileged information of the RICH and POWERFUL, which enable them to "wheel and deal" and easily pile up bundles of Cash, without sweating! Think about Rich and Powerful people like Bill Gates (Microsoft Corp.) , Ron Perelman, (one time richest New Yorker) Donald Trump , Michael Dell (of Dell computers) , Paul Newman, Henry Kravis, Sumner Redstone, Bill Cosby, Stephen Spielberg (of Star wars fame), Barbra Streisand, Steve Case (of America Online), Jeff Bezos (of Oprah Winfrey, Robert Redford, Warren Buffet, Madonna, Martha Stewart, Cindy Crawford, Sam Walton, Teddy Kennedy, Charles Schwab and many others. These people didn't become rich and famous by laboring like beasts of burden, breaking their backs plodding along like donkeys in dead-end jobs! No way! You can't create abundant wealth by playing according to the usual rules of the game of money making. That wouldn't be smart! Until now, these powerful SECRETS have been strictly kept away from the majority of the public, so that only the very lucky few have used them to become filthy rich! Well, not anymore! Our powerful Cash program, "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM" has let the cat out of the bag! For the first time, these powerful, insiders' SECRETS of the Rich and Famous are being made public, to benefit anyone who seriously wants to create real wealth! When you lay your paws on these "Super Secrets", you too can accumulate wealth, success, prosperity and be happy! HOW TO LEGALLY "EXPLOIT" THE "WEAKNESS" IN THE BANKING SYSTEM... ================================================================ Cash, such as the American Dollar Bill or Swiss Franc or British Pound Sterling or German Deutchmark is nothing more than a piece of "green paper", which entitles the bearer to a form of debt payment. The Federal Reserve Bank of America, (The Fed) prints money that must first circulate through the Banking system. The majority of the people in America and the world do not know that the "Fed" is a privately owned bank, and not an agency of the US government! The money the "FEDS" prints and loan to US government is of the same value like an ordinary piece of paper, because it is no longer backed by a valuable tangible object such as gold or silver (like it used to.) Technically speaking, due to the nature of the structure of the Fed and its relation to the banking system, the billions of Dollar bills it prints are really "worthless", because they are created out of the thin air! This is the "INTRINSIC WEAKNESS IN THE BANKING SYSTEM" that the Rich and Powerful legally "exploit" to create vast wealth, without sweating! HOW TO OPEN "SPECIAL BANK ACCOUNTS", PERFORM ONE OR TWO HOURS/DAY ==================================================================== LEGAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS AND RAKE IN THOUSANDS EVERY WEEK! ==================================================================== "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM", (QCSBS) will reveal to you how to legally take advantage of this little known, "intrinsic weakness in the banking system", 2000 years old "SECRET", by simply opening "Special Accounts", perform one/two hours legal "financial transaction" and rake in sacks of CASH, through a built-in automatic process!!! If you get QCSBS cash program this week, depending on how ambitious you are, you could start generating a guaranteed stream of cash as early as the next week! (AS MUCH AS $1,500/WEEK MINIMUM!) You will then turn around and deposit all the cash in your regular bank account. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *If you open one "Special Bank Account" in one "bank", and do a LEGAL "financial transaction", you can make $1,500+/Week! ** If you can open two "Special Bank Accounts" in 2 different "banks", and do the "financial transaction", you could rake in 2 x $1,500+/Week = $3000+/Week fast bucks! *** However, if you get greedy and smart, and can open 5 or more "Special Bank Accounts", you can pocket as much as 5 x $1,500+ = $7,500 or $30,000+/Month in raw, LEGAL EASY CASH!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The only limitation to how much you can make is your ambition! HOW TO GET RICH AND HAPPY FROM "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM, ==================================================================== (QCSBS)!!! ========= You can open these "special accounts" through the mail, on the internet or in person. Our CASH program contains a list of all the Banks in USA and Overseas as well as on the internet, where you can open these "Special Accounts". If you already have an account in a bank, it will make it even a lot easier for you! Otherwise, you don't need to worry! As long as you're over 18yrs old, and can follow our simple instructions, you can open these "SPECIAL ACCOUNTS" without any hassles. It is the easiest and fastest way to make quick, fast cash in the world today! There are only four easy steps involved: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ STEP 1: ORDER FOR YOUR "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM" (QCSBS) CASH MANUAL. STEP 2: READ THE QCSBS CASH MANUAL CAREFULLY AND OPEN YOUR "SPECIAL BANK" ACCOUNT. STEP 3: FOLLOW THE SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE "USER GUIDE" TO MAKE ONE HOUR DAILY EASY TRANSACTIONS, AND GENERATE CASH FLOW! STEP 4: TRANSFER THE CASH YOU GENERATE (MINIMUM $1,500/WEEK) FROM YOUR "SPECIAL ACCOUNT" TO YOUR REGULAR BANK ACCOUNT. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The cash is now all yours to spend as you like! QCSBS manual reveals a website on the internet where you can go and open a FREE demo (trial) " $10,000 SPECIAL ACCOUNT" and try it out first. If after one month, you're skilled enough and confident, you can open a real account with $1000 to do the financial transactions and generate EASY cash flow! However, you do not need to do the financial transactions yourself! We can help you locate professionals (or you can use our own professional) who can open this "special accounts" and do the transactions to generate fast cash for you every week! But supposing you do not have the initial $1000 to open your first 'special account", THEN WHAT? CHEER UP! We can help you! You can apply and become our "ASSOCIATE SALES AGENT" (ASA) and re-sell QCSBS MANUAL to generate cash flow. WE'LL PROVIDE YOU WITH "$10.000" WORTH OF INTERNET MILLIONAIRE MARKETING (IMM) RESOURCES AND TOOLS, and set you up with your own Million dollar powerful QCSBS WEBSITE to market it both on the internet and off the internet, and generate at least $2,500+/week! After about a month, you'll make thousands of dollars easily, and will be able to spend $1000 to open your first "special accounts"! (The detailed information about our "Associate Sales Agency" (ASA) program and all the POWERFUL BENEFITS you'll get,! will be contained in the QCSBS manual you'll get, when you order) CAN I DO "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM" (QCSBS) IN MY COUNTRY? ================================================================== "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM" (QCSBS) is the engine that powers the global economy. Without it, no bank anywhere in the world can survive and the economies of the countries of the world will collapse! You can do it regardless of your age, 19 or 90, your gender, your occupation-salesman, doctor, carpenter, nurse, student, cab driver, police officer, teacher, engineer, small business owner, clerk, store owner, attorney,.... Your nationality doesn't matter, nor where you live-in the city, suburb or on a farm. You don't need any college degree or special education to do it. All you need is a little common sense and the ability to act fast and follow simple step by step instructions, using the financial tools and resources made available to you. IS QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM (QCSBS) LEGAL AND VALID??? =============================================================== QCSBS is an absolutely LEGAL and GUARANTEED fast way to generate FAST cash without sweating, large investment or selling a product! Even though this banking system is little known and used by the masses, it is a 100% legitimate financial transaction, approved by American Bankers Association, Federal Trade Commission, and US Treasury Service, as well as all International banking institutions, in every country of the world! IN TODAY'S GLOBAL, E-COMMERCE ECONOMY, NO JOB IS SECURED ANYMORE! =================================================================== During the past 10yrs, all the Fortune 500 companies have been continuously downsizing their workforce and have moved their manufacturing plants overseas with cheap labor. All Corporations and businesses are going on the internet and automating their transactions. The Internet, E-COMMERCE and robotics technology are fast replacing millions of jobs! Your job is now being directly threatened, and there is little or nothing you can do about it! It is a fact of life in modern Information technology age! No matter your country and nationality, your job is no longer secured! According to a study by Health and Human services, 96% of Americans never achieve financial independence. 85% of the people reaching 65yrs of age have less than $200 in their bank accounts. The average American is $15,000 in debt (not counting their car and mortgage payments). More than 2,200 Americans lose their jobs every day. About 500,000 Americans have filed for bankruptcy during the past couple of years. Homes are being repossessed by the thousands. It can happen to anyone! The hardest hit are people that have no other source of income besides their jobs! This is the same situation in most of the developed countries of Europe, Asia (Japan), and Australia! The middle class (the majority) work all their life to save and prosper only to retire broke and miserable! 10% of the rich and powerful members of the population control 90% of the countries wealth! The situation is far worse in developing countries of the world , in Africa and South America, where military dictators embezzle all the government revenue, financial aids from America, Europe and the World bank, and stash them away in secret Swiss banks, while their citizens suffer and die in poverty and misery! Americans have been thought to spend now and pay later. So the merchants, banks, insurance companies and car dealers end up with most of their money, while they are stuck with a mountain of bills, stress and frustration! Everyday, you are being brainwashed and conditioned through the mass media: radio, TV and internet to work hard and save. Listen to the news! They bombard you with crime news, such as arson, rape, burglary, bribery, corruption, anarchy, chaos, evil, mayhem! The media never report good news! Why? Because by making you listen to all these crime news and other peoples' woes everyday, they condition you to believe that your life is better than those of others! They give you a false sense of comfort and complacency! 99% of the news are putrid garbage! You listen to them and don't realize the subliminal conditioning taking place at the subconscious level of your mind! Everyday, they subliminally condition you negatively to fail! But who are the owners of these companies, factories, banks, and insurance companies? They are the same millionaire business tycoons and industrialists that own and control the mass media and feed negative, putrid, morbid crime news to your mind every day! They are the same people that use the mass media to subtly manipulate you and condition you to fail in life! They also own and finance the politicians, congress and Political Action Committees (PACS). Since they control the Senators and Congressmen/women, they also control the laws of the land you live by! They control your mind and consequently your life! By creating imaginary problems, and giving you artificial solutions they get richer and richer while you get poorer and poorer, as well as miserable! The mind controls your body and life. That is why they use the mass media to shape your mind, assault it and condition it and control it! Through the content of the programs, the so called news, movies and shows they show you on TV, movie theaters, radios, they determine the content of your mind and what happens in your life. If you think you're free, please think again! You are not free! Whoever programs your mind, controls and own it, as well as your life!!! Whether you know or admit it is besides the point! Yes, money is truly power! You're virtually their slave! No matter how much money they pay you, if you work two jobs or one job (but 60 hrs a week) and do not have the time to enjoy it with your spouse and family, what good is it? When both the husband and wife are out working, they cannot find the time to be with and enjoy the company of their family, including make love to each other! This is one of the causes of matrimonial strife and divorce! That is how they keep you miserable and controlled! And prevent you from achieving your destiny and being all you can be in life! By the time you pay your rent bill, credit card bill, phone bill, insurance bill, mortgage, car loan, dentist, therapist, attorney, college loan, alimony, palimony, and child support, you have almost zero dollars left! They are the same people that have kept "Quick Cash Secret Banking System" suppressed and restricted from the masses for 2000 years, until the internet revolution happened! Why? Because it is the "SECRET" method with which they create their wealth! When you go to your bank and deposit money in your savings account, they use it to do "Quick Cash Secret Banking System". They make thousands with your money and pay you nickels and dimes in interest! (I am sure this is opening your eyes! Know the truth and be free!) When you wish to buy a house or car or start a business and go to them to borrow money, they turn around a lend you the money 9which they used your deposits to generate from doing QCSBS). THEY MAKE YOU PAY INTEREST ON IT AND ANYTIME YOU FAIL, THEY WILL FORECLOSE YOUR HOUSE, YOUR CAR AND BUSINESS AND SELL THEM AT AUCTION! That is how banks create vast wealth easily! You work hard and labor to make everybody else, (but you) rich! For every $100 that you generate for your employer, you're getting paid only $1 or even less! YOU CAN NEVER REALLY GET RICH DOING ANY JOB (JUST OVER BROKE)! This is your wake up call, my friend! Help is here... YOU CAN CONSIDER TODAY YOUR LUCKIEST DAY! =========================================== STOP MAKING YOUR BANKER RICH AND START USING QCSBS TO MAKE YOURSELF RICH AND HAPPY! With "QUICK CASH SECRET ABNKING SYSTEM", (QCSBS), you can have Financial Security, Success and Happiness! You don't have to worry about losing your job or how to pay your bills! Using Quick Cash Secret Banking System is like owning your own personal ATM machine that spits out cold hard CASH for you 24hrs a day, 365 days a year! It is a unique CASH COW that you will be happy to milk forever! You can consider Quick Cash Secret Banking System (QCSBS) the light at the end of your dark tunnel; the rainbow leading to your pot of gold! Mountains of raw cold, hard CASH, mucho moolas, fistful of fungolas could be yours, virtually overnight! Creating personal wealth has never been this sinfully easy! We are interested in opening our giant oyster to let you reach for the shinning pearl! We are practically handing you a piece of the "American dream and pie" on a silver platter! REJOICE BECAUSE ALL YOUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE! ================================================= With our Quick Cash Secret Banking System, (QCSBS) all your dreams can come true! QCSBS is a unique concept in acquiring awesome wealth using SECRET "FAST CASH" transactions techniques of the "MONEY ELITE", the RICH and POWERFUL, and New York "WIZARDS of WEALTH"! It is an automated absolute REALITY, not a pipe dream! If you enjoy the SIGHT, the FEEL, and the SMELL of suitcases jammed with stacks of crispy raw hard CASH, congratulations, because your ship has arrived. Smile and hop in and welcome aboard! Can you imagine the difference that an extra $6,000/week or $25,000/month (if you have four "Special accounts") guaranteed CASH can make in your life? You will be free as a bird to spend it anyhow that you desire: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *Pay off your debts (car, mortgage, credit card bills) *Buy a new home, with lavish furnishings, gold and diamond, gems, high fidelity electronics, antiques... *Buy any car of your dream, take your pick: Lexus X470, $44,000 Jaguar 2000S-type, Mercedes 2000 Model S class, Ocean blue 1999 Porsche Boxter, 1999 Rolls Royce Silver Seraph, or the ultimate prize, the $220,000 Bentley Arnage Silver Tempest! *Go on a long overdue vacation to any exotic hot spot of the world *Help your family and friends *Donate money to your favorite charity *Get the respect and admiration of your neighbors, friends and community *Be treated like a VIP and Celebrity wherever you go ! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ So my friend how much do you think that this one-in-a-million, lifetime, mega-monstrous, "le crème de la crème", motherlode cash opportunity should cost you? I paid my friend, Jim, the ex-Bank Manager, $1000, so I guess it will be fair enough to charge you the same amount, right? Well, to tell you the truth, we don't need your money! We make our money using this powerful Secret banking System ourselves. We are not like other how-to-do-it booksellers that make a living selling information by mail. We know that almost 99.5% of all money making programs out there are junk! Creating true financial opportunities that help others to create true wealth is what makes my juice flow and that is why we're sending this invitation to wealth to you! Therefore, we are not going to ask you to pay $1000. We are going to ask you to pay just enough to cover the cost of producing this powerful CASH SYSTEM and for shipping and handling cost. How about $150? (That is $850 less than what it cost me to obtain these powerful secrets and the right to publish them!) We are keeping the price of this CASH SYSTEM as low as possible so that you won't have any excuse to pass it up and miss out forever! (We are sorry, but we cannot send this cash system to you for free because it cost us money to produce it, pay our employees, pay our rent and to operate this business! Besides, human beings do not appreciate what they get for free!) The EASIEST and FASTEST way to create VAST WEALTH is to follow in the FOOTSTEPS of those WHO'RE ALREADY RICH AND POWERFUL: obtain and use the same secrets that they use to wheel and deal and pile up mega wealth! That is what Quick Cash Secret Banking System, (QCSBS) will place in your laps! The jealously guarded awesome cash secrets of the "Money Elite", New York "Wizards of Wealth", American "Movers and Shakers", and "International Banking Moguls!" can make you rich beyond your wildest imagination! Once you lay your paws on these powerful SECRETS of the Rich and famous, and follow the simple instructions in using them to generate fast cash, (as much as $25,000+/month), you'll achieve financial Security, Success and Happiness! Your family and friends will respect and love you more than ever! You will command love and respect wherever you go! You will start living a sweet life filled with sunshine, success and joy! With QCSBS, you don't have to subject yourself to back breaking torture of working like a dog for a few bones to gnaw on! It will be your only ticket out of the crazy rat race! You won't need to pinch pennies anymore or drool with jealousy at the sight of the Rich and famous who are using these secrets! So, if at this time you are overcome with excitement, you better blast off to the Post Office and send for your order T-O-D-A-Y! You will love it, and will laugh your way to the bank, with bundles of Dollars! IMPORTANT NOTICE! =================== We realize that you may have received similar sounding e-mails and guarantees in the past, offering you various kinds of money making plans which probably didn't deliver the financial security and success they promised. Therefore, if you are skeptical about buying another money making program through the mail or the Net, we understand your feelings and logic. The truth is that you cannot find real gold in life, without messing your hands in the mud! You cannot find the true gem in money making, without suffering some loss or so. That is the reality of life. But it will be quite wrong to condemn a basket of apples just because of a few rotten ones! We are not like these other fly-by-night, how-to-get-rich-overnight, tricksters and shameless shysters, who create complex financial maze like a sly fox to trap the unsuspecting person and force him or her to squander a lifetime of savings on worthless, hare-brained, financial concoctions that are nothing but absolute puffery! We are not those other dubious mail order companies that promise you gold but deliver bread crumbs. We are reputable , honest, serious business people and everything we say in this letter is true, accurate, legitimate, honest and perfectly 100% legal. Our word is our bond. We have nothing to gain by lying to you or defrauding you. That will be foolish! Our innermost desire is to help you, to enrich you and to guide you towards financial independence and success. So, please order with confidence. "SPECIAL, 2 WEEKS LIMITED OFFER" : ================================ If you order within the next two weeks, starting today, you can pay $100 (save $50), plus $10 non-refundable shipping and handling fee, TOTAL $110. And in addition, you'll receive 12 FREE POWERFUL CASH REPORTS bonuses! (TOTAL WORTH 12 X $200 = $2,400!) HERE THEY ARE: ================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 1>> "HOW TO POCKET AN EXTRA $2,500/WEEK IN FAST CASH EASILY, AS OUR ASSOCIATE SALES AGENT, (ASA) STARTING IMMEDAITELY!" (WORTH $200!) ===================== We'll send to you details on how to apply and become our ASSOCIATE SALES AGENT, (ASA) and re-sell this world famous QCSBS AND GENERATE THOUSANDS EVERY WEEK! For each sale you make, you make you get $50, fast cash! Do you know any product out there that you can sell and make $50 easy fast cash? Not too many! (Even Bill Gates of Microsoft Corp. do not make that kind of profit selling softwares!) We'll supply you with $10,000 worth of Internet Millionaire Marketing (IMM) resources and tools, YOUR OWN MILLION DOLLAR QCSBS WEBSITE, do the selling for you and drop ship the order to your customer. It is as simple as that! You'll get more details in QCSBS package that you'll receive! ==================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 2>> LIST OF INSIDERS' SOURCES FOR FREE MONEY. (WORTH $200!) ===================== You are guaranteed to obtain about $10,000 to $50,000 or more from these "little known" secret sources to pay your bills, buy a new car, home, to start a business or to expand an existing one. (Up to $750,000, guaranteed!) ===================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 3 >> GET FREE INFORMATION ON HOW TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS, GET OUT OF DEBT, CLEAN YOUR CREDIT HISTORY, ESTABLISH A NEW LINE OF CREDIT FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! (WORTH $200!) ===================== Are you in debt? Is your credit history messed up? Rejoice because the powerful information in this report will free you from debt and help you clean your credit history and begin a new life with credit lines of thousands of dollars! ===================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 4 >> LEARN HOW TO RAISE "$100,000 IN 24HRS", USING A POWERFUL MILLIONAIRES' CASH STRATEGY (WORTH $200!) ====================== THERE ARE TEN STEPS INVOLVED, AND IT TAKES ABOUT A MONTH TO COMPLETE THEM, AFTER WHICH YOU CAN INSTANTLY OBTAIN $100,000 IN 24HRS! (Worth $1000! (WE GUARANTEE THAT IF YOU USE THIS GREAT SECRET MILLIONAIRE'S STRATEGY BUT FAIL "TO RAISE $100,000 IN 24HRS", OUR COMPANY WILL PAY YOU $100 FOR WASTING YOUR TIME!!!) WE CANNOT MAKE THIS POWERFUL $100 LEGAL CASH GUARANTEE UNLESS WE ARE SURE OF WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! ) ===================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 5>> HOW TO GET RICH BY INVESTING YOUR CASH FLOW FROM QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM, (QCSBS) (WORTH $200!) ====================== You'll receive a FREE details about QCSBS # 2, "MORTGAGE BANKING", and learn how to generate $50,000 from buying and selling Real Estate Notes and Trust deeds, and how to acquire Real Estate from all over USA and other countries of the world! You'll be invited to join our "MILLIONAIRE ASSOCIATE NETWORK", (MAN), where you'll get all millionaire FAST CASH INVESTMENT SECRETS to help you reap Millions of Dollars from investments in IPOs (Initial Public Offerings), Stocks, bonds, CDs, Swiss Annuities, Commodities, MTN's and other powerful securities. With the right timing and clever investment plan, you'll soon be worth millions of dollars! ==================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 6 >> YOU'LL GET A FREE REPORT ON HOW TO APPLY AND BECOME MAYCHIC WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATE CORPORATE AGENT (ACA) AND GET PAID $25,000+/MONTH COMMISSION TO REPRESENT US IN YOUR CITY! (WORTH $200!) ================== Yes, it is true! By being Maychic Associate Corporate Agent, (ACA), you'll represent the corporation in your city and help them to conduct all their business activities in your City, State and Country, and so will get the one-in-life-time CASH opportunity to get paid $25,000+/week in commissions! If you're loyal, competent and honest, with time, Maychic will assist you to create your own million dollar Corporation. In about 2 years, with the help of our connection to Wall street investment bankers and Venture Capitalists, you'll do an IPO, take it public and raise millions of dollars! At that time, you'll easily be able to own and maintain your own million dollar mansion, any luxury car of your dream (Mercedes Benz, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini?, pick one!), and vacation at all the exciting "hot spots" of the world! ===================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 7 >> SECRET DIRECTORY OF THE BEST COMPANIES IN AMERICA THAT PAY YOU THOUSANDS TO WORK FOR THEM FROM HOME! (WORTH $200!) ================== In this age of cellphone, laptops and internet, you need not keep slaving at regular 9-5 job Anymore! You can stay at home and earn thousands of Dollars by working with companies that offer STAY-AT-HOME cash programs! This directory contains a SECRET list of these companies, their addresses and phones. You can call and write to them to send the programs to you! Discover how to make $1000-$2000/week starting immediately, from the convenience of your home! ===================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 8 >> SECRET DIRECTORY OF SERVICE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (WORTH $200!) ================= The secret to creating true wealth and taking control of your destiny is to own your own business! The richest people on earth are people that own their business! This directory contains a "confidential list" of companies in America that can set you up with your own service business! In a month from today, you could own your own legitimate service business and start raking in thousands of dollars every week! ===================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 9 >> SECRET DIRECTORY OF COMPUTER RELATED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (WORTH $200!) =================== This is a "SECRET directory" of the most powerful computer business that you can start and get rich easily! Computer and the internet are dominating every industry and business activity. You cannot lose when you get into computer business! The secret companies in this directory will set you up in your own computer business! You can apply and get free money from your city, state and the Federal government (see bonus report # 2, above) to operate and expand your business, so that within a year you could become a millionaire, and an important and respected member of your community! ================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 10 >> SECRET DIRECTORY OF BEAUTY & HEALTH RELATED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (WORTH $200!) =================== Beauty and Health related businesses are among the fastest growing and most profitable business in the world! You cannot lose! This secret directory will reveal to you all the companies in America that can set you up in your own beauty and health business so that you can begin to generate thousands of dollars every week! You'll be amazed! =================================================================== **FREE BONUS # 11 >> SECRET DIRECTORY OF HOME IMPROVEMENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (WORTH $200!) =================== Home improvement business is one of the most lucrative businesses that can make you rich! People can do without a car, food, entertainment, vacation, TV, but not without a roof over their heads! It is one of the basic necessities in life. Therefore you cannot lose in home improvement business! The companies in this directory are the best in America and they are expecting to hear from you and to set you up in this business so that you can get rich and join the "club of millionaires" in your city within the next one year! =================================================================== ** FREE BONUS # 12 >> THE SECRET SOURCE OF 12,000 MOST POWERFUL MILLIONAIRE eBOOKS (ELECTRONIC BOOKS) ON EARTH! (WORTH $200!) =============== This report will reveal to you where on the internet that you can download 12,000 most powerful millionaire ebooks on earth! You can get most for free and they cover all kinds of secrets, cash programs and marketing information, tools and resources that can help you create wealth, success and happiness! The massiveness and the power of these ebooks will blow your mind! You may end up spending a whole week just downloading them! These ebooks can make you filthy rich and happy! 100% AIR TIGHT, IRON GLAD, NO HASSLES $100 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!! ================================================================= We offer you this guarantee that our powerful cash system will help you generate fast cash without sweating or large investment and that everything we said in this letter is true and works. However, if you receive and try our CASH program for ONE FULL YEAR, STARTING FROM THE DAY YOU RECEIVE IT, and following the simple instructions but didn't succeed (and can supply us with a documented proof ), we will award you "$100" for wasting your time! (NOTICE: Documented proof include a copy of the application form with which you opened the "special accounts", and the bank statement of account indicating loss of money from doing the transactions. When you order this powerful cash system, you in effect admitting that you have read and understood the terms under which we are making this sale to you. There is no 30 or 90 days money back guarantee offered or implied here. By ordering, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions of our "SALES CONTRACT", which will be legally binding! to you and us in this transaction. Thank you.) SALES CONTRACT & AGREEMENT ============================== By ordering QCSBS manual, I automatically understand, agree, accept to abide by the terms of this "Sales Contract". (1) I understand and agree to PRINT my name, address, phone, fax (if any), e-mail address (if any) CLEARLY, and that failure to do so may result in my order getting lost, and if so, I accept full responsibility. I agree to DOUBLE CHECK all these before sending my order to make sure they are correct! (2) I agree and accept that it is my responsibility to make sure that my payment was received by the agent AND the company. I understand that my order will not be sent, unless my payment was received by BOTH. (3) If I am paying with a credit card, I understand and agree it may cost me more, (as opposed to paying with cash.) I understand and agree that my order will not be sent unless the merchant account service process and send my payment to the sales agent. (4) If there is any problem with the credit card or merchant account, I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to cancel my payment and to send payment again by an alternative means such as a certified cashier's bank check or money order. I understand and agree that my order will not be sent unless both the agent and the company receive my payment in full. (5) I understand and agree that QBSBS manual is sold to me as "information only" and that all figures and dollar amount used are for illustrative purpose only, and do not reflect the actual amount that can be made, and neither the agent nor the company (MAYCHIC W. CORP/QCC/IKE BENNEY, CEO) will be responsible for the outcome of using the information in QCSBS manual or dealing with anyone or company referred to in the manual. (6) MAYCHIC/ QCC/IKE BENNEY, CEO, are absolutely not liable for the actions of the sales agent . (I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to buy this manual from ONLY authorized Maychic and QCC Associate Sales Agents (ASA). MAYCHIC/QCC/IKE BENNEY, CEO are absolutely not liable for the actions of the sales agent. (7) I understand and agree that there is no 30 or 90 days money back guarantee in this sales contract, and that I will use the manual for at least I year, after which if I do not like the results I obtained, and present a 'documented evidence" of putting it into action and failing, I may return it for a refund of my money ($100) . I understand and agree not to duplicate this manual or to pass it to a third party or to resell it in any way or to copy and use QCSBS sales letter or QCSBS website or any promotional information [unless I apply and is accepted to be an Associate Sales Agent (ASA) for the company]. I understand and agree that if I violate this agreement (including seeking a credit card charge-back after purchasing the manual), or make false accusations/complaints against the company, I will face legal action that will result in my paying damages (as well as all attorneys fees incurred) to the company(MAYCHIC/QCC/IKE BENNEY, CEO). (8) I understand and agree to wait at least 4-6 weeks (or as long as it may take) to get my order. I understand that MAYCHIC/QCC/IKE BENNEY, CEO/THE AGENT do not ship by UPS, special courier services and have no control to what happens to my QCSBS package after it is sent out. At its discretion, (and if shipping and handling cost is paid by the customer), MAYCHIC/QCC will consider sending a FREE replacement, if the order is lost. =============NO RISK, EXPRESS ORDER FORM=============== [ X ] Yes Ike, I am very excited about your jealously guarded SECRETS of the Rich and Powerful and I will like to obtain them to use in creating vast wealth! Thank you for sharing these awesome cash SECRETS with the public! I am SERIUOSLY interested in achieving TRUE WEALTH, SUCCESS, PROSPERITY & HAPPINESS! I have read, understood and ACCEPT the terms and conditions of this offer and sale. Here is my $110, please rush your "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM, (QCSBS)" PACKAGE to me immediately! ORDERING STEPS: ================ (1) COMPLETE AND PRINT TWO COPIES OF THIS ORDER FORM WRITE (PRINT) CLEARLY YOUR FULL NAME:__________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ CITY:__________________STATE:______________ZIP CODE:_____________________ COUNTRY________________________________________________________________ PHONE:_________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS(If any):__________________________________________________ SIGNATURE:_______________________DATE:___________________________________ (NOTICE: Orders without a CLEAR AND READABLE ADDRESSS, E-MAIL, SIGNATURE and a DATE will be rejected.) (2) YOU'LL BE MAKING THE PAYMENT FOR QCSBS IN TWO PAYMENTS. ONE, TO QCSBS COMPANY, AND THE ORDER TO QCSBS AGENT, (ASA). YOU HAVE TO SEND THE FIRST COMPLETED ORDER FORM AND $50 (PLUS $10 SHIPPING & HANDLING FEE) TOTAL, $60, TO THE COMPANY BELOW: ****************** IKE BENNEY, CEO, QCC, 328 FLATBUSH AVENUE, SUITE 221, BROOKLYN, NY 11238, USA. PHONE: 917 365 5561, (10am-10pm, Mon-Frid, New York time only), FAX: 1-877 604 2211 *********************************************************************** (3) SEND THE SECOND COMPLETED ORDER FORM AND $50 TO OUR AGENT BELOW: *********************************************************************** SCOTT LOCY, ASA, QCSBS LIFELINE, 3425 WEST HAYES AVENUE, MILWAUKEE, WI 53215 PHONE: 414-643-8041 (10am-10pm, Monday-Friday, Central Time Only, 877-733-1155 (24 HOUR, 7 DAYS/WEEK VOICE MAIL LINE) FAX: 414-643-8041 *********************************************************************** PS: PLEASE BE SURE TO WRITE CLEARLY, AND DOUBLE CHECK THE ADDRESSES, TO AVOID MISTAKES AND YOUR ORDER GETTING LOST, BEFORE YOU POST BOTH OF THE ORDERS ABOVE. (4) PAYMENT METHODS: ===================== (A) FOR USA CUSTOMERS : ======================= PAYMENT MUST BE IN US POST OFFICE MONEY ORDER. (no personal checks or credit cards accepted) The company do not accept credit card payment. However, if you wish to pay our agent (ASA), with a credit card, you must call him/her to obtain instructions. (B) FOR OUTSIDE USA (OVERSEAS) CUSTOMERS: =========================================== PLEASE SEND PAYMENT IN USA INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER OR CERTIFIED CASHIER'S CHECK OR BANK DRAFT (DRAWN IN ANY USA BANK) The company (first payment) do not accept credit card payment. However, if you wish to pay our agent (ASA) (second payment) with a credit card, you must call him/her to obtain the instruction. Payments must be received by BOTH the Company and the Agent (ASA), and verified by both to each other, BEFORE your QCSBS will be sent to you. RISK FACTOR: ============ We want to be totally honest to you: yes, just like everything in life, it can be risky using this cash system to create wealth. Yes, if you master the system and do it right, you can make $1,500, $5,000, $10,000 easily from a couple of transactions. But if you do not keep up with current information or do not employ the "Risk Avoidance Technique" (RAT) we suggest, you can lose not only thousands but also your shirt! (We hope you appreciate our honesty!) Even to breath air, can be risky. Life is risky! You can never be rich and happy in life if you're afraid of taking action, taking a calculated, educated risk! LEGAL DISCLAIMER: ================= Please be informed that "QUICK CASH SECRET BANKING SYSTEM", (QCSBS) is the brand name of a known and valid financial transaction and market, the same way that Mercedes Benz, Alfa Romeo, Bentley, Ford and Toyota are brand names of cars! By using the term "SECRET", in this ad, we do not mean it is secret! We mean that the best kept "secrets' are not secret, but "open", but not "recognizable"! By using the terms "QUICK CASH" and "GUARANTEED" do not mean that this system is MAGICAL, and once you order it, instantly, you'll be come a millionaire overnight. No! Sorry to burst your bubbles and dreams! THIS IS NOT A GET RICH OVER NIGHT MONEY MAKING SCHEME! You must study, understand and put QCSBS into action, following the simple instructions, before you can make money from it. Even though Quick Cash Secret Banking System, (QCSBS) is the fastest and greatest way to make fast cash in the world today, it does not mean that it is suitable for every body! Even though we cannot promise that you'll make a millionaire dollar over night, WE DO PLEDGE that when you buy this world famous powerful cash system, we'll do everything in our power to help you succeed and be happy! ****************************************************************** DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? DO YOU NEED ANY REFERENCES? ARE YOU CONFUSED AND NEED FURTHER EXPLANATIONS? PLEASE CALL US TODAY! ****************************************************************** CALL CELLPHONE: 1-917 365 5561 (10AM-10PM, MON-FRID, NEW YORK TIME ONLY) OR FAX: (718) 703 6308. TELL US YOUR PROBLEMS AND INCLUDE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS AND FAX NUMBER. WE'LL REPLY WITHIN 24HRS!) THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY!