# the top-level directory for the automc stuff; ie. this dir TOP=/home/automc/svn/spamassassin/masses/rule-qa/automc # a writable directory where automc can store its state MCTMP=/home/automc/tmp/automc # where the SVN checkout of SpamAssassin is. This must be writable # by the automc user SADIR=/home/automc/svn/spamassassin # username and password for bugzilla account to comment with BZ_USERNAME=automc@example.com BZ_PASSWORD_FILE=/home/automc/.bz_passwd.cf # SVN username to commit changes to "rules/70_scraped.cf" with SVN_USERNAME=automc # URL of the "ruleqa.cgi" script as installed RULEQA_URL=http://buildbot.spamassassin.org/ruleqa # these must match what's in ~/.corpus, cf. "masses/rule-qa/README.nightly" html=/home/automc/corpus/html tagtime=/home/automc/corpus/tagtime