#!/usr/bin/perl -w our $BZ_URI = 'http://bugzilla.spamassassin.org'; our $ALLOWED_NEEDSMCERS = qr/^ jm\@jmason\.org |quinlan\@pathname\.com |felicity\@kluge\.net |parkerm\@pobox\.com |duncf\@debian\.org |spamassassin-contrib\@msquadrat\.de |sidney\@sidney\.com |(?:bob|robert)\@menschel\.net $/ix; use URI::Escape; use XML::Simple; use Storable; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_base64); use strict; use bytes; my $grep_re; if (defined $ARGV[0]) { $grep_re = $ARGV[0]; } open (CF, ") { /^(\S+)=(\S+)/ and $conf{$1} = $2; } close CF; use WWW::Mechanize; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1); # use WWW::Mechanize::Cached; # my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Cached->new( autocheck => 1); my %outputs = ( allbugs => [ ], messages => { }, rule_renames => { } ); sub mywarn; open (RULES, ">70_scraped.cf") or die "cannot write to output file"; print RULES "# SpamAssassin rules file: bugzilla-scraped needs-mc rules\n\n"; open (COMMIT, ">".$conf{MCTMP}."/commit.msg") or die "cannot write to output file"; print COMMIT "auto-mass-checks:\n\n"; main(); close RULES; close COMMIT; exit; sub main { get_bug_list(); store \%outputs, $conf{MCTMP}."/outputs.str"; } sub get_bug_list { $mech->get ( $BZ_URI.'/buglist.cgi?long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=NEEDSMC&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED' ); my @buglinks = $mech->find_all_links(url_regex => qr/show_bug\.cgi\?id=\d+/); print "found ".scalar(@buglinks)." bugs...\n"; foreach my $bugurl (@buglinks) { my $url = $bugurl->url_abs; if (defined $grep_re) { print "testing '$url' against grep regexp\n"; next unless $url =~ /${grep_re}/o; } $url =~ s/show_bug\.cgi/xml\.cgi/; # use XML output my $bugnum = 0; $url =~ /id=(\d+)/ and $bugnum = $1; next unless $bugnum; my $resp = $mech->get($url); if ($resp) { do_bug($mech, $resp, $bugnum); } else { warn "get failed!\n"; } } } use HTML::Entities (); sub fixup_bugzilla_xml { # BZ XML leaves some stuff unencoded - invalid XML! my $in = shift; return HTML::Entities::encode_numeric($in, "\200-\377"); } sub do_bug { my ($mech, $resp, $bugnum) = @_; my $page = $mech->content(); $page = fixup_bugzilla_xml ($page); my $xml; eval { $xml = XMLin($page); }; if ($@) { warn "invalid XML? see stdout for document $@\n"; print $page; die; } my $ctx = { bugnum => $bugnum, cmts_by_num => { }, cmts => [ ], rulenames => [ ], default_needsmc_start => 0 }; # parse all the comments my $count = 0; foreach my $cmt (@{$xml->{bug}->{long_desc}}) { $cmt->{cmtnum} = $count; $ctx->{cmts_by_num}->{$count} = $cmt; push @{$ctx->{cmts}}, $cmt; $count++; } foreach my $cmt (@{$xml->{bug}->{long_desc}}) { process_comment_for_needsmc($ctx, $cmt); } # foreach my $cmt (@{$xml->{bug}->{long_desc}}) { # process_comment_for_done($ctx, $cmt); # } # now mark all the ones that need mass-checking my @trigger_cmts = (); foreach my $cmt (@{$ctx->{cmts}}) { if ($cmt->{has_needsmc}) { my $i = $cmt->{needsmc_start}; if ($i == 0) { $i = $ctx->{default_needsmc_start}; } for (; $i <= $cmt->{needsmc_end}; $i++) { my $mccmt = $ctx->{cmts_by_num}->{$i}; if ($mccmt) { $mccmt->{needsmc} = 1; } } push @trigger_cmts, $cmt->{cmtnum}; } } # use Data::Dumper; warn "JMD ".Dumper($ctx); my $bug = $ctx->{bugnum}; # and extract the code my $rulecf = ''; my $foundrules = 0; $ctx->{rules_seen_in_bug} = { }; foreach my $cmt (@{$ctx->{cmts}}) { next unless ($cmt->{needsmc}); my $cmtnum = $cmt->{cmtnum}; my $rules = $cmt->{mcrules}; next unless $rules; $rules =~ s/\n$//s; next unless ($rules =~ /\S/); if (!validate_rule_code($rules)) { mywarn "bug $bug cmt $cmtnum: ignored, lint failed\n"; push (@{$outputs{allbugs}}, $bug); $outputs{$bug} = { }; $outputs{$bug}{rulenames} = $ctx->{rulenames}; $outputs{$bug}{trigger_cmts} = \@trigger_cmts; # but don't add it to anything else! next; } $rules = fixup_rule_code ($ctx, $rules, $bug, $cmtnum); $rulecf .= "## MC: bug $bug cmt $cmtnum: start\n" .$rules."\n" ."## MC: bug $bug cmt $cmtnum: end\n\n"; $foundrules++; } if (!$foundrules) { mywarn "bug $ctx->{bugnum}: no usable needs-mc rules found\n"; return; } print COMMIT "bug $bug: "; add_rule_code ($ctx, $rulecf); push (@{$outputs{allbugs}}, $bug); $outputs{$bug} = { }; $outputs{$bug}{rulenames} = $ctx->{rulenames}; $outputs{$bug}{trigger_cmts} = \@trigger_cmts; print "\n\n"; } sub validate_rule_code { my ($code) = @_; my $prefs = "$conf{MCTMP}/prefs.cf"; my $conf = "$conf{MCTMP}/testrule.cf"; open (OUT, ">$prefs"); close OUT; open (OUT, ">$conf"); print OUT $code."\n"; close OUT; system ("cd $conf{SADIR}; ./spamassassin -C $conf -p $prefs --lint"); return ($? >> 8 == 0); } sub fixup_rule_code { my ($ctx, $cf, $bug, $cmtnum) = @_; my @oldnames = (); my @newnames = (); my %done = (); my @rulenames = ($cf =~ /^(?{rules_seen_in_bug}{$newname}) { $newname .= "_".$rnd; } # undef $ctx->{rules_seen_in_bug}{$newname}; $newname .= "_".$rnd; if ($newname !~ /^__/) { # ensure it has an "T_MC_" prefix (non-subrules only) if ($newname !~ /^T_MC_/) { $newname =~ s/^T_//; # remove optional "T_" $newname =~ s/^/T_MC_/; } } $outputs{rule_renames}{$newname} = "rule $n bug $bug cmt $cmtnum"; $cf =~ s/\b${n}\b/${newname}/gs; push (@newnames, $newname); push (@oldnames, $n); } $ctx->{rulenames} ||= [ ]; push (@{$ctx->{rulenames}}, @newnames); return $cf; } sub add_rule_code { my ($ctx, $cf) = @_; print COMMIT join(' ', @{$ctx->{rulenames}}), "\n"; print RULES $cf; } sub process_comment_for_needsmc { my ($ctx, $cmt) = @_; my $text = decode_xml_text ($cmt->{thetext}); if ($text =~ /NEEDSMC/) { if ($cmt->{who} !~ $ALLOWED_NEEDSMCERS) { needsmc_not_permitted($ctx, $cmt); } else { $cmt->{has_needsmc} = 1; if ($text =~ /NEEDSMC\s+(\d+)-(\d+)/) { $cmt->{needsmc_start} = $1; $cmt->{needsmc_end} = $2; } elsif ($text =~ /NEEDSMC\s+(\d+)/) { $cmt->{needsmc_start} = $1; $cmt->{needsmc_end} = $cmt->{cmtnum}; } else { $cmt->{needsmc_start} = $ctx->{default_needsmc_start}; $cmt->{needsmc_end} = $cmt->{cmtnum}; } print "bug $ctx->{bugnum} cmt $cmt->{cmtnum}: needs-mc by $cmt->{who} from $cmt->{needsmc_start} to $cmt->{needsmc_end}\n"; } } elsif ($text =~ /\# DONEMC (\d+)/) { my $done = $1; $cmt->{needsmc_done} = $done; my $mccmt = $ctx->{cmts_by_num}->{$done}; # note that future "NEEDMC"s start from after that comment's # NEEDMC end number $ctx->{default_needsmc_start} = ($mccmt->{needsmc_end}||$mccmt->{prior_needsmc_end}) + 1; # delete the "needsmc" flag from that comment object. save # a copy of the start/end values in case we have multiple DONEMC # comments later $mccmt->{prior_needsmc_start} = $mccmt->{needsmc_start}; $mccmt->{prior_needsmc_end} = $mccmt->{needsmc_end}; delete $mccmt->{needsmc_start}; delete $mccmt->{needsmc_end}; $mccmt->{has_needsmc} = 0; print "bug $ctx->{bugnum} cmt $cmt->{cmtnum}: needs-mc on $done already done\n"; } if ($text =~ /^Created an attachment \(id=(\d+)\)/) { my $att = get_rules_from_attachment($ctx, $cmt, $1); read_cmt_rules_from_text($ctx, $cmt, $att); } elsif ($text =~ /{{{/) #}}} { # remove all text bits -- outside of {{{ ... }}} markers $text =~ s/^.*?{{{//s; #}}} #{{{ $text =~ s/}}}.*?$//s; #{{{ $text =~ s/}}}.*?{{{//gs; #}}} $text .= "\n"; print "bug $ctx->{bugnum} cmt $cmt->{cmtnum}: rules in marked block\n"; read_cmt_rules_from_text($ctx, $cmt, $text); } else { # just infer it... read_cmt_rules_from_text($ctx, $cmt, $text); } } sub decode_xml_text { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/<//gs; $text =~ s/"/"/gs; $text =~ s/&/\&/gs; $text; } sub needsmc_not_permitted { my ($ctx, $cmt) = @_; mywarn "bug $ctx->{bugnum} cmt $cmt->{cmtnum}: needs-mc not permitted for $cmt->{who}\n"; } sub mywarn { my ($log) = @_; warn $log; if ($log =~ /^bug (\d+)/) { $outputs{messages}{$1} ||= ''; $outputs{messages}{$1} .= $log; } } sub read_cmt_rules_from_text { my ($ctx, $cmt, $text) = @_; $cmt->{mcrules} ||= ''; my $seenrules = 0; my $lastwasrule = 0; foreach my $line (split(/^/m, $text)) { $line =~ s/(?{mcrules} .= "$type $name $code\n"; $lastwasrule = 1; if (!$seenrules) { print "bug $ctx->{bugnum} cmt $cmt->{cmtnum}: rules inline\n"; $seenrules++; } } else { if ($line =~ /\S/) { if ($lastwasrule) { # assume it's a continuation of the last line chomp ($cmt->{mcrules}); $cmt->{mcrules} .= "$line\n"; } } else { $lastwasrule = 0; } } } if ($cmt->{mcrules} =~ /\S/) { my $ruletext = $cmt->{mcrules}; $ruletext =~ s/^/>> /gm; print "bug $ctx->{bugnum} cmt $cmt->{cmtnum}: code: \n".$ruletext; } } sub get_rules_from_attachment { my ($ctx, $cmt, $id) = @_; $mech->get ( $BZ_URI.'/attachment.cgi?id='.$id ); return $mech->content(); }