Maintainer for this stuff: Daniel Quinlan (rather obvious hint, isn't it?) Scripts to handle running nightly mass-checks and merging results. Recommended stuff: - account to run the nightly/hourly jobs - various directories: $HOME/scripts - the scripts $HOME/log - cron job logs $HOME/tmp - temporary files and "tagtime" timestamp file $HOME/cvs/spamassassin - the tree (checked out with the correct tag) $HOME/cvs/spamassassin/corpus - the corpus description (for "mass-check -f") - $HOME/.corpus contains various settings, see corpus.example in this directory. - A cron job (hours for tagtime and corpus-nightly for your local time, this is US/Pacific, adjust appropriately for your timezone) The "tagtime" and "corpus-nightly" cron jobs should be run twice a day to handle daylight savings since cron does not. They exit if it's 0800-0859 or 1000-1059 UTC (which means you can "corpus-nightly" any other time of day if you want). The "corpus-hourly" script only needs to be run if you are producing optional mass-check summary reports. "pyzor discover" only needs to be run if you are running Pyzor. ------- start of cut text -------------- PATH=/home/corpus/scripts:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin 0 1,2 * * * corpus-tagtime 10 1,2 * * * corpus-nightly >/home/corpus/log/nightly 2>&1 30 * * * * corpus-hourly >/home/corpus/log/hourly 2>&1 5 1 * * * pyzor discover >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ------- end ----------------------------