SPAMASSASSIN DEVELOPMENT SNAPSHOT PROCEDURE =========================================== - cd to the directory for the codebase you want the devel tree to come from ssh cd [checkedoutdir] - ensure the required code and data is available for the build scripts: $HOME/sabuildtools All can be copied (or symlinked) from ~jm on minotaur if required. - ensure your PATH is correct, with the right perl FIRST in the path: PATH=$HOME/sabuildtools/perl584/bin:$HOME/sabuildtools/bin:$PATH - run "./build/update_devel" to build the tar.gz files - by default, they're written to ~/ . This Works For Me (tm), as it's my local cvs checkout of the SpamAssassin website. Copy them to wherever you want, yourself. SPAMASSASSIN RELEASE PROCEDURE ============================== - cd to the directory for the codebase you want the release to come from ssh cd [checkedoutdir] - ensure the required code and data is available for the build scripts: see above. - ensure your PATH is correct, with the right perl FIRST in the path: PATH=$HOME/sabuildtools/perl584/bin:$HOME/sabuildtools/bin:$PATH - edit lib/Mail/ and comment the $IS_DEVEL_BUILD line. Ensure the correct version number is present in $VERSION and $EXTRA_VERSION. [NOTE: when editing files in these instructions, you may have to use another checkout somewhere else, check in the changes there, then 'svn update' in the release account -- since I think it builds from a read-only checkout.] - Ensure the new version number takes hold: make clean ; perl Makefile.PL < /dev/null ; make ./spamassassin -L -t < sample-nonspam.txt | grep X-Spam- Verify that the X-Spam-* headers use the correct version string, without an SVN revision number (those are only for dev builds). - create the Changes file. Do this step on your own checkout, as the release checkout is read-only. There are two options here: - For releases on a maintainance branch (e.g. 3.0.1, .2, etc.): TZ=UTC svn log --non-interactive --stop-on-copy > Changes This will output all of the changes since the .0 release in the current branch (the last copy -- note, if a copy was done afterwards (move between repositories, etc, you'll need to modify that command). - For releases on the trunk (e.g. a .0 release): TZ=UTC svn log -r HEAD:5810 --non-interactive > Changes r5810 was the start of the 3.0.0 (2.70 at the time) work; replace with the correct rev number for the point you want to start at. - Check in the updated Changes file. svn commit -m "preparing to release X.Y.Z" Changes - SVN tag the release files. This is done using "svn copy". For a maintainance release (x.y.1, x.y.2): repo= svn copy -m "creating tag for release 3.0.1" \ $repo/branches/3.0 \ $repo/tags/spamassassin_release_3_0_1 For a trunk release (x.y.0): repo= svn copy -m "creating tag for release 3.0.0" \ $repo/trunk \ $repo/tags/spamassassin_release_3_0_0 This will do a completely server-side tagging (which is the same as a branch really) of whatever the latest branch revision to be the new base of the tag release. - run "make distcheck" to ensure all files are included in the distribution that should be, and to ensure all files that are listed in the MANIFEST also exist in SVN. make distcheck - run "make disttest" to ensure all tests pass once the distribution is fully packaged. (this'll take a minute or two.) make disttest < /dev/null - run "./build/update_stable" to build the tar.gz files. ./build/update_stable - by default, they're written to ~/ . This Works For Me (tm), as it's my local cvs checkout of the SpamAssassin website. Copy them to wherever you want, yourself. - take a copy of the MD5sum line output. - test the tar.gz and zip files! redo until they work!! ;) - SVN commit the release files, including 'Changes': svn commit -m "X.Y.Z RELEASED" - Now, start the new development codebase. For minor updates of a 2.x tree (e.g. 2.x1, 2.x2), you don't need to branch; for major updates (2.x0) you should use a new development branch, off the trunk. repo= svn copy $repo/tags/spamassassin_release_3_0_0 \ $repo/branches/b3_0_0 "trunk" is SVN's concept of head. Typically, our branches are named for their minor version number. In the example above, b3_0_0 is the branch for the stable 3.0.x releases. - In the new development codeline, edit lib/Mail/, bump the $VERSION line to the correct version, and uncomment the $IS_DEVEL_BUILD line. - then, commit the new version number to the new branch: svn commit -m "X.Y.N devel cycle started" (where X.Y.N is the new version number) - (for rc and prerelease builds) copy the tarballs to the website. cp ~/site/released/Mail-SpamAssassin-[VERSION].* \ /www/ - (for full release builds) copy the tarballs to version=X.Y.Z cp ~/site/released/Mail-SpamAssassin-$version.* \ /www/ ( cd /www/ ln -s source/Mail-SpamAssassin-$version.* . for ext in {tar.bz2,tar.gz,zip}{,.asc,.md5,.sha1} ; do rm -f Mail-SpamAssassin-current.$ext ln -s Mail-SpamAssassin-$version.$ext \ Mail-SpamAssassin-current.$ext done ) chmod -R g+w /www/ - (for full release builds) remove release tarballs from now-obsolete versions from dist: cd /www/ prev=X.Y.notZ rm -f source/Mail-SpamAssassin-$prev.* rm -f binaries/*/Mail-SpamAssassin-$prev.* (Archive copies are automatically kept on .) - edit SpamAssassin site through WebMake, change released_version item at top of file to be X.Y.Z, then run "webmake" or hit "Build Fully" in the Web interface - upload to CPAN at ( ) - Before doing the next step, run through the Changes file, and write up a quick summary of the important changes in human-readable format. This should be less than 600 chars to fit into Freshmeat's format, and to be easily understandable. - announce to Freshmeat at ( may work ) - announce on SpamAssassin-Users, SpamAssassin-Dev, and SpamAssassin-Announce. Be sure to include the MD5 checksums in this mail, so paranoid folks can check the tarball's integrity. - Approve the posting to SpamAssassin-Announce (the list admins will get a mail indicating how to do this.) lastmod: Aug 12 2004 jm // vim:tw=74: