SPAMASSASSIN DEVELOPMENT SNAPSHOT PROCEDURE =========================================== - cd to the directory for the codebase you want the devel tree to come from - run "./build/update_devel" to build the tar.gz files - by default, they're written to ~/ . This Works For Me (tm), as it's my local cvs checkout of the SpamAssassin website. Copy them to wherever you want, yourself. SPAMASSASSIN RELEASE PROCEDURE ============================== - cd to the directory for the codebase you want the release to come from - edit lib/Mail/ and comment the $IS_DEVEL_BUILD line. - create the Changes file TZ=UTC svn log --non-interactive --stop-on-copy This will output all of the changes since the .0 release in the current branch. - run "make disttest" to ensure all tests pass once the distribution is fully packaged. - run "./build/update_stable" to build the tar.gz files. - by default, they're written to ~/ . This Works For Me (tm), as it's my local cvs checkout of the SpamAssassin website. Copy them to wherever you want, yourself. - take a copy of the MD5sum line output. - test the tar.gz and zip files! redo until they work!! ;) - SVN commit the release files, including 'Changes': svn commit -m "X.YZ RELEASED" - SVN tag the release files. This is done using "svn copy", ie: svn copy \ This will do a completely server-side tagging (which is the same as a branch really) of whatever the latest branch revision to be the new base of the tag release. - Now, start the new development codebase. For minor updates of a 2.x tree (e.g. 2.x1, 2.x2), you don't need to branch; for major updates (2.x0) you should use a new development branch, off HEAD. svn copy \ "trunk" is SVN's concept of head. Typically, our branches are named for their minor version number. In the example above, b2_6_0 is the branch for the stable 2.6x releases. b3_0_0 would be the branch for the stable 3.0.x releases, etc. - In the new development codeline, edit lib/Mail/, bump the $VERSION line to the correct version, and uncomment the $IS_DEVEL_BUILD line. - then, commit the new version number to the new branch: svn commit -m "X.YN devel cycle started" (where X.YN is the new version number) - edit SpamAssassin site through WebMake, change released_version item at top of file to be X.YZ, then run "webmake" or hit "Build Fully" in the Web interface - run this to update the mirrors: ~/lib/html_spamassassin_put.rsync - upload to CPAN at ( ) - Before doing the next step, run through the Changes file, and write up a quick summary of the important changes in human-readable format. This should be less than 600 chars to fit into Freshmeat's format, and to be easily understandable. - announce to Freshmeat at ( may work ) - announce on SpamAssassin news site: ( ) - announce on ( ) - announce on SpamAssassin-Talk, SpamAssassin-Devel, and SpamAssassin-Announce. Be sure to include the MD5 checksums in this mail, so paranoid folks can check the tarball's integrity. - Approve the posting to SpamAssassin-Announce (the list admins will get a mail indicating how to do this.) lastmod: Jan 17 2004 tvd // vim:tw=74: