#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { require 'constants.pl'; } #use constant ROBINSON_S_CONSTANT => 0.30; #use constant N_SIGNIFICANT_TOKENS => 150; #use constant ROBINSON_MIN_PROB_STRENGTH => 0.2; #use constant PROB_BOUND_LOWER => 0.001; #use constant PROB_BOUND_UPPER => 0.999; #use constant USE_CHI_COMBINING => 0; #use constant ROBINSON_X => 0.45; # usage: draw-bayes-histogram [--spam=spam.log] [--nonspam=nonspam.log] # [--nocollapse] [--nozoom] [--buckets=20] # # or: draw-bayes-histogram spam.log nonspam.log (backwards compatible) use Getopt::Long; our ($opt_spam, $opt_nonspam, $opt_nocollapse, $opt_nozoom, $opt_buckets); GetOptions("spam=s", "nonspam=s", "nocollapse", "nozoom", "buckets=i"); my $spam = $opt_spam; if (!$spam && $ARGV[0] !~ /^\-/) { $spam = $ARGV[0]; } if (!$spam) { $spam = "spam.log"; } my $nonspam = $opt_nonspam; if (!$nonspam && $ARGV[1] !~ /^\-/) { $nonspam = $ARGV[1]; } if (!$nonspam) { $nonspam = "nonspam.log"; } my $buckets = $opt_buckets || 25; my $zoomfactor = 20; my $range_lo = 0.0; my $range_hi = 1.0; # shamelessly nicked from spambayes' testing infrastructure; a system to # compute the "cost" of a pair of thresholds and classifier. I'm supporting # it here so our stats are (at least a little) comparable against theirs. # # Note that they use a different way to run 10PCV tests; they train with 1 # bucket and test against 9, whereas the lit suggests doing the opposite, # which is what we do; so the stats may still be unportable due to us getting # better training and less testing. TODO my $best_cutoff_fp_weight = 10.0; my $best_cutoff_fn_weight = 1.0; my $best_cutoff_unsure_weight = 0.2; %bux_sp = (); %bux_ns = (); my $step = ($range_hi - $range_lo) / $buckets; my $i; for ($i = $range_lo; $i <= $range_hi; $i += $step) { push (@buckets, $i); $bux_ns{$i} = $bux_sp{$i} = 0; } foreach my $file ($spam, $nonspam) { open (IN, "<$file") || die "Could not open file '$file': $!"; my $isspam = 0; ($file eq $spam) and $isspam = 1; while () { /^#Bayes-Raw-Counts: / or next; my $score = brc_line_to_score($_); my $bucket_id; foreach my $bucket (@buckets) { if ($score >= $bucket && $score < $bucket+$step) { $bucket_id = $bucket; last; } } if ($isspam) { $bux_sp{$bucket_id}++; } else { $bux_ns{$bucket_id}++; } } } draw_hist(); compute_thresholds(); sub compute_thresholds { my $max_sp = 0; my $max_ns = 0; my $tot_sp = 0; my $tot_ns = 0; foreach my $bucket (@buckets) { $tot_sp += $bux_sp{$bucket}; if ($bux_sp{$bucket} > $max_sp) { $max_sp = $bux_sp{$bucket}; } $tot_ns += $bux_ns{$bucket}; if ($bux_ns{$bucket} > $max_ns) { $max_ns = $bux_ns{$bucket}; } } my %results = (); for ($hamcutoff = 0; $hamcutoff < 1; $hamcutoff += $step) { for ($spamcutoff = 0; $spamcutoff < 1; $spamcutoff += $step) { my $fn = 0; my $fp = 0; my $unsure_sp = 0; my $unsure_ns = 0; for ($i = $range_lo; $i < $hamcutoff; $i += $step) { $fn += $bux_sp{$i}; } # total up the unsures (between hamcutoff and spamcutoff) for ($i = $hamcutoff; $i < $spamcutoff; $i += $step) { $unsure_ns += $bux_ns{$i}; $unsure_sp += $bux_sp{$i}; } for ($i = $spamcutoff; $i < $range_hi; $i += $step) { $fp += $bux_ns{$i}; } my $cost = ($fp * $best_cutoff_fp_weight) + ($fn * $best_cutoff_fn_weight) + (($unsure_ns+$unsure_sp) * $best_cutoff_unsure_weight); $results{"$hamcutoff $spamcutoff"} = { 'hamcutoff' => $hamcutoff, 'spamcutoff'=> $spamcutoff, 'cost' => $cost, 'unsure_ns' => $unsure_ns, 'unsure_sp' => $unsure_sp, 'fp' => $fp, 'fn' => $fn }; } } my $count = 10; foreach my $r (sort { $a->{cost} <=> $b->{cost} } values %results) { printf "Threshold optimization for hamcutoff=%3.2f, spamcutoff=%3.2f: cost=\$%5.2f\n", $r->{hamcutoff}, $r->{spamcutoff}, $r->{cost}; printf "Total ham:spam: %d:%d\n", $tot_ns, $tot_sp; printf "FP: %5d %5.3f%% ", $r->{fp}, ($r->{fp}*100) / $tot_ns; printf "FN: %5d %5.3f%%\n", $r->{fn}, ($r->{fn}*100) / $tot_sp; my $unsure = $r->{unsure_ns} + $r->{unsure_sp}; printf "Unsure: %5d %5.3f%% ", $unsure, ($unsure*100) / ($tot_sp+$tot_ns); printf "(ham: %5d %5.3f%% ", $r->{unsure_ns}, ($r->{unsure_ns}*100) / ($tot_ns); printf "spam: %5d %5.3f%%)\n", $r->{unsure_sp}, ($r->{unsure_sp}*100) / ($tot_sp); # for TCR calc, treat "unsures" as ham # TODO: unsure_sp should probably be treated as spam, assuming # it'll fall in the 5.0-6.0 score range my $fn = $r->{unsure_sp} + $r->{fn}; my $fp = $r->{fp}; printf "TCRs: l=1 %5.3f l=5 %5.3f l=9 %5.3f\n", tcr ($tot_sp - $fn, $fn, $fp, $tot_ns - $fp, 1), tcr ($tot_sp - $fn, $fn, $fp, $tot_ns - $fp, 5), tcr ($tot_sp - $fn, $fn, $fp, $tot_ns - $fp, 9); print "\n"; last if ($count-- < 0); } } sub draw_hist { my $max_sp = 0; my $max_ns = 0; my $tot_sp = 0; my $tot_ns = 0; foreach my $bucket (@buckets) { $tot_sp += $bux_sp{$bucket}; if ($bux_sp{$bucket} > $max_sp) { $max_sp = $bux_sp{$bucket}; } $tot_ns += $bux_ns{$bucket}; if ($bux_ns{$bucket} > $max_ns) { $max_ns = $bux_ns{$bucket}; } } my $chars_in_line = 55; if ($opt_nozoom) { $chars_in_line += 10; } my $scale_sp = ($max_sp / $chars_in_line); my $scale_ns = ($max_ns / $chars_in_line); $scale_sp ||= 0.000001; $scale_ns ||= 0.000001; $tot_sp ||= 0.000001; $tot_ns ||= 0.000001; print STDOUT "SCORE NUMHIT DETAIL OVERALL HISTOGRAM (. = ham, # = spam)\n"; # 0.000 (19.217%) ..........|.................... foreach my $bucket (@buckets) { my $numdots; $numdots = int (($bux_ns{$bucket} / $scale_ns) + .5); my $line_ns = ('.' x $numdots); $numdots = int ((($bux_ns{$bucket}*$zoomfactor) / $scale_ns) + .5); my $zoomline_ns = ('.' x $numdots); $zoomline_ns = sprintf ("%-10s", substr ($zoomline_ns, 0, 10)); $numdots = int (($bux_sp{$bucket} / $scale_sp) + .5); my $line_sp = ('#' x $numdots); $numdots = int ((($bux_sp{$bucket}*$zoomfactor) / $scale_sp) + .5); my $zoomline_sp = ('#' x $numdots); $zoomline_sp = sprintf ("%-10s", substr ($zoomline_sp, 0, 10)); if (!$opt_nozoom) { $line_ns = $zoomline_ns.'|'.$line_ns; $line_sp = $zoomline_sp.'|'.$line_sp; } if ($bux_ns{$bucket} != 0 && !$opt_nocollapse) { printf STDOUT "%3.3f (%6.3f%%) %s\n", $bucket, (($bux_ns{$bucket} / $tot_ns) * 100.0), $line_ns; } if ($bux_sp{$bucket} != 0 && !$opt_nocollapse) { printf STDOUT "%3.3f (%6.3f%%) %s\n", $bucket, (($bux_sp{$bucket} / $tot_sp) * 100.0), $line_sp; } } } sub tcr { my ($nspamspam, $nspamlegit, $nlegitspam, $nlegitlegit, $lambda) = @_; my $nlegit = $nlegitspam+$nlegitlegit; my $nspam = $nspamspam+$nspamlegit; my $werr = ($lambda * $nlegitspam + $nspamlegit) / ($lambda * $nlegit + $nspam); my $werr_base = $nspam / ($lambda * $nlegit + $nspam); $werr ||= 0.000001; # avoid / by 0 my $tcr = $werr_base / $werr; #my $sr = ($nspamspam / $nspam) * 100.0; #my $sp = ($nspamspam / ($nspamspam + $nlegitspam)) * 100.0; $tcr; } ########################################################################### use constant ROBINSON_S_DOT_X => (ROBINSON_X * ROBINSON_S_CONSTANT); $cached_probs = { }; sub brc_line_to_score { my ($line) = @_; $line =~ s/^\#Bayes-Raw-Counts:\s+ns=(\d+) nn=(\d+)\s+//; my $ns = $1; my $nn = $2; my @probs = (); while ($line =~ s/^\s*s=(\d+),n=(\d+)\s*//) { my $s = $1; my $n = $2; my $pw = cached_compute_prob_for_token ($s,$n,$ns,$nn); if ($pw < PROB_BOUND_LOWER) { push (@probs, PROB_BOUND_LOWER); } elsif ($pw > PROB_BOUND_UPPER) { push (@probs, PROB_BOUND_UPPER); } else { push (@probs, $pw); } } my $count = N_SIGNIFICANT_TOKENS; my @sorted = (); for (sort { abs($b - 0.5) <=> abs($a - 0.5) } @probs) { if ($count-- < 0) { last; } next if (abs($_ - 0.5) < ROBINSON_MIN_PROB_STRENGTH); push (@sorted, $_); } if ($#sorted < 0) { goto skip; } my $score; if (USE_CHI_COMBINING) { $score = chi_squared_probs_combine (@sorted); } else { $score = robinson_naive_bayes_probs_combine (@sorted); } return $score; skip: return 0.5; # nice and neutral } sub cached_compute_prob_for_token { my ($s, $n, $ns, $nn) = @_; my $prob; my $shash = $cached_probs->{$s}; if (defined $shash) { $prob = $shash->{$n}; } if (defined $prob) { return $prob; } $prob = compute_prob_for_token($s,$n,$ns,$nn); if (defined $cached_probs->{$s}) { $cached_probs->{$s}->{$n} = $prob; } else { $cached_probs->{$s} = { $n => $prob }; } return $prob; } sub compute_prob_for_token { my ($s, $n, $ns, $nn) = @_; if (!USE_ROBINSON_FX_EQUATION_FOR_LOW_FREQS) { return if ($s + $n < 10); # ignore low-freq tokens } my $ratios = ($s / $ns); my $ration = ($n / $nn); my $prob; if ($ratios == 0 && $ration == 0) { warn "oops? ratios == ration == 0"; return 0.5; } else { $prob = ($ratios) / ($ration + $ratios); } if (USE_ROBINSON_FX_EQUATION_FOR_LOW_FREQS) { # use Robinson's f(x) equation for low-n tokens, instead of just # ignoring them my $robn = $s+$n; $prob = (ROBINSON_S_DOT_X + ($robn * $prob)) / (ROBINSON_S_CONSTANT + $robn); } return $prob; } sub robinson_naive_bayes_probs_combine { my (@sorted) = @_; my $wc = scalar @sorted; my $P = 1; my $Q = 1; foreach my $pw (@sorted) { $P *= (1-$pw); $Q *= $pw; } $P = 1 - ($P ** (1 / $wc)); $Q = 1 - ($Q ** (1 / $wc)); return (1 + ($P - $Q) / ($P + $Q)) / 2.0; } ########################################################################### # Chi-squared function sub chi2q { my ($x2, $v) = @_; die "v must be even in chi2q(x2, v)" if $v & 1; my $m = $x2 / 2.0; my ($sum, $term); $sum = $term = exp(0 - $m); for my $i (1 .. ($v >> 2)) { $term *= $m / $i; $sum += $term; } return $sum < 1.0 ? $sum : 1.0; } # Chi-Squared method. Produces mostly boolean $result, # but with a grey area. sub chi_squared_probs_combine { my (@sorted) = @_; # @sorted contains an array of the probabilities my ($H, $S); my ($Hexp, $Sexp); $H = $S = 1.0; $Hexp = $Sexp = 0; my $num_clues = @sorted; use POSIX qw(frexp); foreach my $prob (@sorted) { $S *= 1.0 - $prob; $H *= $prob; if ($S < 1e-200) { my $e; ($S, $e) = frexp($S); $Sexp += $e; } if ($H < 1e-200) { my $e; ($H, $e) = frexp($H); $Hexp += $e; } } use constant LN2 => log(2); $S = log($S) + $Sexp + LN2; $H = log($H) + $Hexp + LN2; my $result; if ($num_clues) { $S = 1.0 - chi2q(-2.0 * $S, 2 * $num_clues); $H = 1.0 - chi2q(-2.0 * $H, 2 * $num_clues); $result = (($S - $H) + 1.0) / 2.0; } else { $result = 0.5; } return $result; }