#!/usr/bin/perl -w # settings are located in $HOME/.corpus use strict; use Getopt::Long; our ( $corpusdir, $opt_override, $opt_tag ); GetOptions( "tag=s" => \$opt_tag, "dir=s" => \$corpusdir, "override=s" => \$opt_override, ); $opt_override ||= ''; $opt_tag ||= 'n'; # nightly is the default use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Time::ParseDate; use Cwd; use POSIX qw(nice strftime); use constant WEEK => 60*60*24; nice(15); my $configuration = "$ENV{HOME}/.corpus"; my %opt; my %revision = (); my %logs_by_rev = (); my %is_net_revision = (); my %time = (); my %revision_date = (); my @files; my @tmps = (); my $skip = ''; my $time_start = time; $time_start -= ($time_start % 3600); my $output_revpath; &configure; &init; if ($corpusdir) { print "reading logs from '$corpusdir'\n"; } else { $corpusdir = $opt{corpus}; &update_rsync; } &locate; ¤t; &clean_up; sub configure { # does rough equivalent of source open(C, $configuration) || die "open failed: $configuration: $!\n"; my $pwd = getcwd; # add 'override' options my @lines = (, split(/\|/, $opt_override)); foreach $_ (@lines) { chomp; s/#.*//; if (/^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/) { my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2); $val =~ s/\$PWD/$pwd/gs; $opt{$key} = $val; } } close(C); } sub clean_up { system "rm -f $opt{tmp}/*.$$ ".join(' ', @tmps); } sub init { $SIG{INT} = \&clean_up; $SIG{TERM} = \&clean_up; $ENV{RSYNC_PASSWORD} = $opt{password}; $ENV{TIME} = '%e,%U,%S'; $ENV{TZ} = 'UTC'; } sub update_rsync { chdir $corpusdir; # allow non-running of rsync under some circumstances if ($opt{rsync_command}) { system $opt{rsync_command}; } else { system "rsync -CPcvuzt --timeout=300 $opt{username}" . '@rsync.spamassassin.org::corpus/*.log .'; } # this block is no longer required -- we do sensible things with modtime # comparisons to work it out! if (0 && !$opt{always_update_html}) { if (-f "rsync.last") { open(FIND, "find . -type f -newer rsync.last |"); my $files = ""; while() { $files .= $_; } close(FIND); if (! $files) { print STDERR "no new corpus files\n"; if (rand(24) > 1) { exit 0; } else { print STDERR "updating anyway\n"; } } } } open(RSYNC, "> rsync.last"); close(RSYNC); system "chmod +r *.log"; } sub locate { # chdir "$opt{tree}/masses" or die "cannot chdir $opt{tree}/masses"; opendir(CORPUS, $corpusdir); @files = sort readdir(CORPUS); closedir(CORPUS); @files = grep { /^(?:spam|ham)-(?:net-)?[-\w]+\.r[0-9]+\.log$/ && -f "$corpusdir/$_" && -M _ < 10 } @files; foreach my $file (@files) { # my $time = 0; my $tag = 0; my $revtime; open(FILE, "$corpusdir/$file") or warn "cannot read $corpusdir/$file"; while (my $line = ) { last if $line !~ /^#/; if ($line =~ m/^# Date:\s*(\S+)/) { my $date_line = $1; my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd, $h, $m, $s) = $date_line =~ /(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)Z/; my $timet = Time::ParseDate::parsedate("${yyyy}/${mm}/${dd} ${h}:${m}:${s} GMT+0", GMT => 1, PREFER_PAST => 1); $revtime = Time::ParseDate::parsedate("${yyyy}/${mm}/${dd} 09:00:00 GMT+0", GMT => 1, PREFER_PAST => 1); $time{$file} = $timet; print "$corpusdir/$file: time=$timet\n"; # if ($hh != 8) { $time++; } } if ($line =~ m/^# SVN revision:\s*(\S+)/) { my $rev = $1; $revision{$file} = $rev; $logs_by_rev{$rev} ||= [ ]; push (@{$logs_by_rev{$rev}}, $file); if ($file =~ /-net-/) { $is_net_revision{$rev} = 1; print "$corpusdir/$file: rev=$rev (net)\n"; } else { print "$corpusdir/$file: rev=$rev (non-net)\n"; } } } close(FILE); if ($revtime) { my $rev = $revision{$file}; $revision_date{$rev} = $revtime unless defined $revision_date{$rev}; if ($revtime < $revision_date{$rev}) { $revision_date{$rev} = $revtime; } } # if (!$time) { # $skip .= "# skipped $_: time is between 0800 UTC and 0900 UTC\n"; # } } } sub sort_all { my ($a1, $a2) = ($a =~ m/(\(.*?\)|\S+)(?::(\S+))?$/); my ($b1, $b2) = ($b =~ m/(\(.*?\)|\S+)(?::(\S+))?$/); $a1 =~ s/^[\+\-]//; $b1 =~ s/^[\+\-]//; my $n = ($a1 cmp $b1) || (($a2 || '') cmp ($b2 || '')); if ($a1 =~ /^OVERALL/) { $n -= 1000; } elsif ($a1 =~ /^\(all messages\)/) { $n -= 100; } elsif ($a1 =~ /^\(all messages as \%\)/) { $n -= 10; } if ($b1 =~ /^OVERALL/) { $n += 1000; } elsif ($b1 =~ /^\(all messages\)/) { $n += 100; } elsif ($b1 =~ /^\(all messages as \%\)/) { $n += 10; } return $n; } sub time_filter { my ($target, $after, $before) = @_; if (/time=(\d+)/) { return (($target - $1 >= WEEK * $after) && ($target - $1 < WEEK * $before)); } return 0; } sub current { my $classes = $opt{output_classes}; $classes ||= "DETAILS.new DETAILS.all DETAILS.age HTML.new HTML.all HTML.age NET.new NET.all NET.age"; foreach my $entry (split(' ', $classes)) { $entry =~ /^(\S+)\.(\S+)$/; my $class = $1; my $age = $2; if (!$age) { warn "no age in $entry"; next; } foreach my $rev (sort keys %logs_by_rev) { next if ($rev eq 'unknown'); if ($class =~ /NET/) { next unless $is_net_revision{$rev}; } gen_class ($rev, $class, $age); } } } sub gen_class { my ($rev, $class, $age) = @_; print STDERR "\ngenerating r$rev $class.$age:\n"; next if ($class eq "NET" && $age !~ /^(?:new|all|age|7day)$/); my @ham = grep { /^ham/ } @{$logs_by_rev{$rev}}; my @spam = grep { /^spam/ } @{$logs_by_rev{$rev}}; print STDERR "input h: " . join(' ', @ham) . "\n"; print STDERR "input s: " . join(' ', @spam) . "\n"; chdir $corpusdir; # net vs. local if ($class eq "NET") { @ham = grep { /-net-/ } @ham; @spam = grep { /-net-/ } @spam; } else { # if both net and local exist, use newer my %spam; my %ham; for my $file (@spam) { $spam{$1}++ if ($file =~ m/-(\w[-\w]+)\.r[0-9]+\.log$/); } for my $file (@ham) { $ham{$1}++ if ($file =~ m/-(\w[-\w]+)\.r[0-9]+\.log$/); } while (my ($user, $count) = each %ham) { if ($count > 1) { my $nightly = "ham-$user.log"; my $weekly = "ham-net-$user.log"; if ($revision{$nightly} >= $revision{$weekly}) { @ham = grep { $_ ne $weekly } @ham; } else { @ham = grep { $_ ne $nightly } @ham; } } } while (my ($user, $count) = each %spam) { if ($count > 1) { my $nightly = "spam-$user.log"; my $weekly = "spam-net-$user.log"; if ($revision{$nightly} >= $revision{$weekly}) { @spam = grep { $_ ne $weekly } @spam; } else { @spam = grep { $_ ne $nightly } @spam; } } } } # age if ($age =~ /(\d+)day/) { my $mtime = $1; @ham = grep { -M "$_" < $mtime } @ham; @spam = grep { -M "$_" < $mtime } @spam; } elsif ($class ne 'NET' && $age =~ /^(?:new|all|age)$/) { # just ignore the tagtime stuff; since we now may be # dealing with multiple mass-checks per day, just use svn rev data # my $tt = (-M $opt{tagtime}); # @ham = grep { !defined($tt) || ((-M "$_") < $tt) } @ham; # @spam = grep { !defined($tt) || ((-M "$_") < $tt) } @spam; } print STDERR "selected h: " . join(' ', @ham) . "\n"; print STDERR "selected s: " . join(' ', @spam) . "\n"; # we cannot continue if we have no files that match the criteria... # demand at least 1 ham and 1 spam file if (scalar @spam <= 0 || scalar @ham <= 0) { warn "not enough files found matching criteria ($rev $class $age)\n"; return; } my $time = $revision_date{$rev}; my $dir = create_outputdir($rev, $time); my $fname = "$dir/$class.$age"; # now, if the target file already exists, check to see if it's newer # than all the sources, make-style if (-f $fname) { my $targetfreshness = (-M $fname) + (6*3600); my $needsrebuild = 0; foreach my $srcfile (@spam, @ham) { my $srcfreshness = (-M $srcfile); if ($targetfreshness > $srcfreshness) { # src is fresher print "$fname is older than $srcfile: $targetfreshness > $srcfreshness\n"; $needsrebuild = 1; last; } } if (!$needsrebuild) { print "existing: $fname, fresher than sources\n"; return; } } my $when = scalar localtime time; print qq{creating: $fname started $when... }; my $bytes = 0; if ($class eq 'LOGS') { foreach my $f (@ham, @spam) { $f =~ s/[^-\._A-Za-z0-9]+/_/gs; # sanitize! my $zf = "$fname-$f.gz"; system("gzip -c < $f > $zf.$$"); if ($? >> 8 != 0) { warn "gzip -c < $f > $zf.$$ failed"; } rename("$zf.$$", $zf) or warn "cannot rename $zf.$$ to $zf"; $bytes += (-s $zf); } # reduce the number of times that the raw logs are copied over my $tmpfname = "$fname.$$"; open(OUT, "> $tmpfname") or warn "cannot write to $tmpfname"; print OUT "$$ : $time_start"; close(OUT); rename($tmpfname, $fname) or warn "cannot rename $tmpfname to $fname"; } else { my $tmpfname = "$fname.$$"; open(OUT, "> $tmpfname") or warn "cannot write to $tmpfname"; print OUT "# ham results used for $rev $class $age: " . join(" ", @ham) . "\n"; print OUT "# spam results used for $rev $class $age: " . join(" ", @spam) . "\n"; for (@ham) { print OUT "# $_ was at r$revision{$_}\n"; } for (@spam) { print OUT "# $_ was at r$revision{$_}\n"; } push (@tmps, $tmpfname); my $flags = ""; $flags = "-t net -s 1" if $class eq "NET"; $flags = "-M HTML_MESSAGE" if $class eq "HTML"; $flags = "-o" if $class eq "OVERLAP"; $flags = "-S" if $class eq "SCOREMAP"; if ($opt{rules_dir}) { $flags .= " -c '$opt{rules_dir}'"; } if ($age eq "all") { my %spam; my %ham; my @output; for my $file (@spam) { $spam{$1} = $file if ($file =~ m/-(\w[-\w]+)\.r[0-9]+\.log$/); } for my $file (@ham) { $ham{$1} = $file if ($file =~ m/-(\w[-\w]+)\.r[0-9]+\.log$/); } unlink "$opt{tmp}/ham.log.$$"; unlink "$opt{tmp}/spam.log.$$"; if (scalar keys %spam <= 0 || scalar keys %ham <= 0) { warn "no files found for $class.$age"; return; } chdir "$opt{tree}/masses" or die "cannot chdir $opt{tree}/masses"; for my $user (sort keys %spam) { next unless $ham{$user}; system("cat $corpusdir/$ham{$user} >> $opt{tmp}/ham.log.$$"); system("cat $corpusdir/$spam{$user} >> $opt{tmp}/spam.log.$$"); open(IN, "./hit-frequencies -TxpaP $flags $corpusdir/$spam{$user} $corpusdir/$ham{$user} |"); while() { chomp; push @output, "$_:$user\n"; } close(IN); } open(IN, "./hit-frequencies -TxpaP $flags $opt{tmp}/spam.log.$$ $opt{tmp}/ham.log.$$ |"); while() { push @output, $_; } close(IN); for (sort sort_all @output) { print OUT; } } elsif ($age eq "age") { my @output; for my $which (("0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-6")) { my ($after, $before) = split(/-/, $which); # get and filter logs chdir $corpusdir; for my $type (("ham", "spam")) { open(TMP, "> $opt{tmp}/$type.log.$$"); my @array = ($type eq "ham") ? @ham : @spam; for my $file (@array) { open(IN, $file) or warn "cannot read $file"; while () { print TMP $_ if time_filter($time, $after, $before); } close(IN); } close (TMP); } # print out by age chdir "$opt{tree}/masses" or die "cannot chdir $opt{tree}/masses"; open(IN, "./hit-frequencies -TxpaP $flags $opt{tmp}/spam.log.$$ $opt{tmp}/ham.log.$$ |"); while() { chomp; push @output, "$_:$which\n"; } close(IN); } for (sort sort_all @output) { print OUT; } } elsif (@ham && @spam) { # get logs system("cat " . join(" ", @ham) . " > $opt{tmp}/ham.log.$$"); system("cat " . join(" ", @spam) . " > $opt{tmp}/spam.log.$$"); chdir "$opt{tree}/masses" or die "cannot chdir $opt{tree}/masses"; open(IN, "./hit-frequencies -TxpaP $flags $opt{tmp}/spam.log.$$ $opt{tmp}/ham.log.$$ |"); while() { print(OUT); } close(IN); } $bytes = (-s OUT); close(OUT); rename($tmpfname, $fname) or warn "cannot rename $tmpfname to $fname"; } $when = scalar localtime time; print qq{created: $bytes bytes, finished at $when URL: http://buildbot.spamassassin.org/ruleqa?daterev=$output_revpath }; } sub create_outputdir { my ($rev, $time) = @_; my $revpath = strftime("%Y%m%d", gmtime($time)) . "/r$rev-$opt_tag"; my $dir = $opt{html} .'/'. $revpath; # print "output dir: $dir\n"; if (!-d $dir) { my $prevu = umask 0; mkpath([$dir], 0, oct($opt{html_mode})) or warn "failed to mkdir $dir"; umask $prevu; } $output_revpath = $revpath; # set the global $output_revpath =~ s/\//-/; # looks nicer return $dir; }