Ten-pass cross-validation scripts. tenpass/split-log-into-buckets: Split a mass-check logfile into n identically-sized buckets, evenly taking messages from all checked corpora and preserving comments. It does this evenly by running through all buckets sequentially as each line is read. Output files are named 'out-N.log'. usage: tenpass/split-log-into-buckets 10 < mass-check.log 10pass-run: the workhorse. Generate a corpus, run this from the 'masses' directory and leave it overnight. Note that you will need to change NSBASE and SPBASE at the top of the script, to point to the basename and path of the split logfiles. usage: tenpass/10pass-run 10pass-compute-tcr: compute TCR, SpamRecall and SpamPrecision based on results data from 10pass-run. usage: tenpass/10pass-compute-tcr