# Creation: 2011-05-24 07:22:31 # passed hit-rate threshold: 2.0 meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 (0) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_1 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns body __SEEK_FRAUD_TPKDA7 / to avoid double claiming and unwarranted / body __SEEK_FRAUD_1YKNCJ /On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the .state of Late / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MTFLN9 / assure me that you will act accordingly as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GRYB_A /t need any telephone communication in this / # passed hit-rate threshold: 1.0 meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 (__SEEK_FRAUD_TPKDA7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_1YKNCJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_MTFLN9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_GRYB_A) score JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 3.0 describe JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_2 Body contains frequently-spammed text patterns body __SEEK_FRAUD_R7ZGE5 /nfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6I2KV / to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this ..s/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LHMFUQ /their contract sum, and people that have had an/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZA0FLG /Do Not Reply to this Email\. We do not reply to text inquiries, and our server will reject all response traffic\. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IGL8BZ / part of our precautionary measure to avoid / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DA_SPN / to all the people that have been scammed in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UQ_YUD /r to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4KBBOJ /ow are you today\? Hope all is well with you and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_215XVW / part of our security protocol to avoid / body __SEEK_FRAUD_0OPFLV / this money will be used in an ungodly .a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XD3U8U / disbursement according to .he percentage/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QJE0YJ /and people that have had an unfinished transaction or/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SLAG8H /I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EINBZL / have been agreed upon and have been signed/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MY06YR /the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_M8ZJ86 /who will accompany the boxes to your house / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SSISHW /international businesses that failed due to Government problems / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QU7ENV / is your honest co-operation to enable us see/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IM5YIM /ny delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YKISUY / foreign partner that made me to contact you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZBJZVN / who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OVKMST /isregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in posses/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EBNRUJ / bit apprehensive because you do not know/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DXCL4M /It is understandable that you might be a .it/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_49FI4O /ants to serve the Lord must serve him in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GAABY3 / that are active online, among the .illions that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6OI8QG /atrimonial home which the Bible is against\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y1JTCA /hat my health has deteriorated so badly,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OX1QFZ /through electronic balloting System without the winner/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XPQMLA /ed to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who ..s/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1OMKY9 / to be merciful to me and accept my soul/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_V3CKGD /documents and letter of probate\/administration in your favo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BCM_PX /After these several unsuccessful .ttempts/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E2_QDF /I need your urgent assistance in transferring the / body __SEEK_FRAUD__J8HKJ /This promotion was set-up to encourage the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IRYH8O / details and relevant documents that will help you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMITTF /This may sound strange and unbelievable to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YRCV_U /Please always be prayerful all through your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XQPYRV /othing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PXHWDT /he UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate them / body __SEEK_FRAUD_0ENSZN / within the next ten official working days/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4YVO5B /ed by an advanced automated random computer / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Z9HI0T / and forward any emails you get from impostors to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_75EPGH /now that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the .oney in the world\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SC9FOX / or simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AKYCPN /t want them to know about this development\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DMQJT4 / and complications, please remember to .uote your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_87YD7W /is heart condition was due to the death of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KEP1L_ /ed all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U0YN9X / as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FKRVOS /they refused and kept the money to themselves\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1_DZIV /led man, he must have been in contact with you in the past/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OAXXSW /Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_P8F86E /Economic and Financial Crimes Commission/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GHC0LN / and subsequent disbursement since nobody / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BPT9ZD /should there be any change of address do .nform / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MZ4KU4 / prepare the necessary documents and affidavit/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WAAEJ8 /s your moral values, do accept my apology/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__8R822 /nce I know where I am going\. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of / body __SEEK_FRAUD__2H_ZF /I have not particularly lived my life so well,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JH0IMU /econd chance to come to this world I .ould live my life/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LUOISR / was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic \& Electrical Engineers/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_S4QI3T / respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_US_OFW /hilanthropy earned him numerous awards during his life/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VNERKN /I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focus/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PTGWBT /as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LTD1IZ / did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BRNKW7 /f this business proposition offends your moral / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SUGRCM /now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YELH8F / were selected randomly from World Wide / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TKBHOI /urther communication with anybody or office/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BOG4XB /I hereby attempt to reach you again by this .ame email address / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3WUO8K / through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENT.. in Europe, America/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YGQR5E / keep your winning information confidential / body __SEEK_FRAUD_43CX5K / to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UJZKNM /I will like you to provide immediately your full .ame/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E0LMNE / to enable us seeing this .eal through\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0YTF3I /ll email addresses entered for th.{0,3} promotional draws were randomly / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VQGIG6 / includes every foreign contractors that may/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QM24QM / lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the / body __SEEK_FRAUD__9IDPT /hall be paid in accordance with his\/her Settlement Cent..\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BEAOXU / and assets to my immediate and .xtended family members / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3ZEWKC / contact me at once to indicate your .nterest/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6GPS4I /nd he also confided in me the last time he was .. my..f/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MT8HSH /nd this I must do to make sure that this fund is not wasted or end up in the wrong hands\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SRT80U / to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6RGTYS /I have distributed ..n.. to some charity .rganizations in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BGO5Z1 / activities and to help the poor and the needy/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_L2F6_R / will put you in place as the next of kin\. The Attorney will draft and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMFYMV /Furthermore, should there be any change .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XL24FM / FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON, D\.C\. 20535/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DE3CNN / Any prize not claimed within this period / body __SEEK_FRAUD_J1D82S / private, and it should be treated as such\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EDORBJ / who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E96NSG / representative in Nigeria, contact h.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_R8MXKM /I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for/ body __SEEK_FRAUD___VYVJ /You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EI4RZC /hey are only taking .dvantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QYJ0F_ / understand that blessed is the hand that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EFET6T / for this same purpose\. Please assure me that you will act according/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_K1G7F9 /I believe when God gives me a .econd chance/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DE87LA /I will want you to help me collect this deposit and .i/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OSPVFG / will be executed and also note that you will / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OW6PZN / this medium \(Internet\) has been greatly abused, I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KKQM9L /choose to reach you through it because it / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6SNWNT / your country for disbursement according t/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OHRGMW /or example submitting invalid records or applying after / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CHLODJ / to enable us seeing this deal through\. I guarantee / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MWUIJQ / confidential till your claims is processed and your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ETTPUF / presence of my husband\'s relatives around me / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJQFVB /I know within me that nothing ventured is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_27TPNC / as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_S8_5Y8 / that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that . am about to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UDD6SD /you are hereby advice only to be in contact with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGRQSU / need you to assist me in executing a business project from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZVCBKS /Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque .{0,40} Documents safely to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EBEPD_ /Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavo/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XY_KVM / will be safe in your care until I complete my service here/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TFENYE /I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord\. Exodus/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_V5HTKT / family to close one of my accounts and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CIYHRJ / paid that but they said no .ecause they do/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1MXKDB /amily to close one of my accounts and distribute the money .hich/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4HH4OS / by anybody to pay any other money except / body __SEEK_FRAUD_H78OXL /ould live my life a different way from how . have .ived/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UVUS_Y /Please submit the tax refund request and allow / body __SEEK_FRAUD_7SASLI /international passport or drivers license/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HHX2H4 /fficially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KXDZWV /ntelligence Monitoring Network System that you / body __SEEK_FRAUD__3AQGB /, we have resolved in .inding a solution to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XUIUMO /,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MCEI6K / from public notice until your claim has been / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZTOV4F / COPY OF YOUR INT\'L PASSPORT\/DRIVERS LICENSE/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EVIVRH / was a very dedicated .hristian who loved to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LC7TDH /man on earth because I have received my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JZFBVG / at once with all the claims requirements / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AM2BHX / foreign partner in a country of my choice where . w..l/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ORHOZJ /Due to your effort, sincerity, courage and trust/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_17TGPW /for the passed 7 months which ended . days ago/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EAHFYY /I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U1XVSH /after the war another notification was sent.{0,5} still no response came from/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LHPW8G / as part of their social responsibility / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NEZYJA / and his WILL is now ready for execution/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_X1E2EB / to come over and claim his money because we can/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KOZLAM /he ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NR_I4S / already been worked out even before you were contacted.{0,20} note that we will be monitoring all your ..a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CN2CTT /All we require from you henceforth is an update / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CKWDC_ /nd Monitory Crime Division\. Federal Bureau .f Investigation\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__GBFFZ / of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr\. Patrick Aziza, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JJTCEC /, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XVM0G_ /ill make any one apprehensive and worried, but I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GHFNIV /s, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FIG6EI / have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YCJQ3G / the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and . saw your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_K0Z_G7 / sent a routine notification to his forward/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__KYBSV / the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_5C_8O2 / for the collection of this international .ertified .a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZFT05W /We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PZKR_K /ever is contacting us through emails are fake/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AZUWPQ / CARD PAYMENT CENTRE in Europe, America,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_I19BXK /his message might meet you in utmost .urprise/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_M8T_DX / so we could act upon and commence investigation\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RGENNC /A winning .heque will be issued in your name / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SWKNYQ / to confirm people like you who have received their / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KJCQBN /our identity such as, international .assport or driver/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OBKXT3 / own direction as I never knew you before nor have we meet in any where before but may God.? name be praised for his ways are not like the ways of men, for he is perfect and never miss leads his loved ones\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZG_66A /lmighty that connects people and makes out of them whatsoever he desires, and this my having to write you in the first place regarding this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XBDIGO /ot trust them anymore, as they seem not to be .onte/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_B5_Q5F / and whereby you are not interested; please indicate in your reply so that I can seek for the assistance of someone else\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__2JC4J / as I have done my Home-work and fine tune the best way to create you as the beneficiary of the fund\. My position as the branch manager of the bank will be used to advance this deal\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZANDQ6 / that has remained dormant for years now\. I discovered that the account holder died without making a WILL on the depository\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EYJYD5 /I will appreciate your early reply for commencement of business\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__JNGVU /If this proposal is acceptable by you, I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I Will bestow in you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JMEGUU /e that no one except me knew of his deposit in my .ank\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TK7ZE5 /usiness as that was the only thing I cared for\. But .ow I regret all this as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RQRFPM / which you will use to withdraw up to \$.{0,40} per day from any ATM machine that has the ..s/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WRDYDC / funds have been successfully transferred into your account, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RDS1VJ /t want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_TTMYIZ /istributed money to some charity .rganizations in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F8VGZN /more, as they seem not to be contended with what I have / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DIIRM8 /With God all things are possible\. As soon as I / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YMLRLS / I will like you to accept this token with .ood .aith as this is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EXFYTU /ynthetic nylon seal and padded with machine/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WJ_B8R / PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NV1HR9 /My dear friend I will like you to contact / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MUHJKV /t is my duty to write and reach out to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_X0AUJ9 /I contacted him and he explained everything to me. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AGOTOV /I wish to seek your assistance for the transfer of US\$25M depository made by a foreign investor / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NZYMII / and show my gratitude to you with the sum / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MPY_VV /, but can only be approved to a foreigner\. If you will stand as next of kin to the fund, it will be shared 50\%\/50\%/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LOSETJ /Federal Bureau of Investigation \(FBI\) Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QYYA7N /Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZIZCXR /he explained everything to me\. He said whoever is/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BUW_FJ / social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ODPI0W /implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinar/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZARJER / to avoid unnecessary delay and complications/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9_B4GD / evidencing your claim purported to have been signed / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JHIYQX / any member of his family hence I contacted you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LV_HB6 / or rather issue a letter of .uthorization to some.o.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CPHODZ / from my private banking clients\. Do not betray/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SIYSH8 / to always pray for me because the lord is my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CCF1EW /\. This panel was primarily delegated .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LMGXMW /claims due to winners informing close friends / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VMKU09 / has called me, I have willed and given .ost of my propert/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PLK7HH / life of my family at stake with this venture\. Although nothing ventured / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OPAU37 /d over-invoiced payment as the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SBLZOX /o you via our accredited shipping company / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EFJ5G0 / will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HDNX7F /used by unbelievers\. I don\'t want a situation where this money will be used in/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CTPNAE / trying to get my payment all to no avail\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LYNJ8F / was conducted from an exclusive list of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YMNO86 / to themselves\. Hence, I do not trust them any/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KVUGR_ / showed at the course of the transaction/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NONVU5 /hey are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XI2Y6Z /FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FBI\.WASHINGTON D/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RXQMYQ /Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XNIO3Q / required arrangements have been made for the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GGXKDC / and confidentiality please contact me on my personal email address/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_45YXI4 /s after you have made the payment for shipping\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DIPNHU /To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DDU0Y_ /e more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_R2403I / health and because of the presence of my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BBKOZZ / that any double claim discovered by the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4ONVKC / internet E-mail draw is held periodically and is organized to encourage the use of the Internet / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YGGJHJ / and promote computer literacy worldwide\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Q3UEYG /After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AKAEF9 /e said whoever is contacting us through emails .r/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LP_GQ9 /The above figure was given to me as my share/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FNYQLN /He informed us that he had a financial portfolio .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NLVNRE /u and then you and me can share the money/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QR3CL9 /PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh\.Esq M/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CYOVLC /pon your response, I shall then provide you with / body __SEEK_FRAUD__39VBB /ur foreign customer who died along .i.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_S0K3GF /s and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LXBIXJ /is WILL is now ready for execution\. According to him this money is to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EBL4QT /\. I,m a single female medical\. I come from / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JOFPVK / you without your prior consent and writing through this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OHDPXP /ly lost their lives\. Since then I have made several/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UMXZKW / if this message comes to you as a surprise / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CEXPEV / have successfully passed a mandate to the current / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AZ117T / to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to .{0,40}s and organizations who have been found not to have receive/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MFX2AC /The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the U/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WX939W /Congratulations from the Staffs \& Members of the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VHIAJA /, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MSZKFU /ed to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NM1G_Z / you because you bear the surname identity / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AMZ2AH /About me if you want to know i just like honest people and i am a very loving girl / body __SEEK_FRAUD_U5YTAO /Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that . w..l/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RF_LD1 / and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me.{0,40} contact working / body __SEEK_FRAUD_9HWDUP /So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MHAKVX / and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XJ5D1P / his WILL\. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars \(/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8802C6 / unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BGXWIY / as soon as you receive this important message/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3NIFMV /confidential until you claim your prize\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MLFHRU / COMPENSATION UNIT, IN AFFILIATION WITH / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LYS3UM /I want you and the church to always pray for me/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D_9LCK / remains the fastest, surest and most secured .edium of communication/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_P8Y20W /This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_8FUQE6 / About me, im just a very loving and caring girl and i want someone who is very honest and loving/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6XGKRW / by non-participant or unofficial personnel\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EJM0XB / with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SF0AZL / on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by co/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9TSKUH /sion of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advi.e/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QA7MN5 /information confidential till your claim/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_S5PJZQ /fter further investigation it was also discovered that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_RZTEYR /of one of my bank clients who died .long with his entire family .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WOZDRE /iplomatic immunity clearance .ertificate/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JSGI1K / now I seek your consent to present you as the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NEK_SA /I have already submitted an approved end/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EQOQFJ / to his forwarding address but got no reply/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DWEVNF /ou for being part of our promotional lottery program/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DNXWDS / has discovered a huge number of double claims due to ..n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6WUAZ /ourt probate division for the release of this .u/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6ZADOM /y from any ATM MACHINE CENTER anywhere in the world with a maximu/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_F5RHSQ / from my private banking clients. .o not betray/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MCWOGJ / of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1Z81CI / MASTERPIECE POLICY HOLDER OWNERSHIP CLAIM/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EHVE3Y / PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICY/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KAXALL / agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FEGJGO /hey are not with your fund, they are only / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QEHQCV /I was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XOG2QH / you should not entertain any atom of fear a. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5PW27G / in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they .efused and kept the money to them/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OTQGVF / as such your fund should be paid to h.. as the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_BSX___ / you at this stage is for you to provide me with your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_HW7ENB /ssue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VWUGC4 / Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VBQ9JO /this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UBE1VZ /ve 40\% of the above mentioned amount if you agree to help me execute this / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Y85XCV /e and other Winning Documents safely to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FBF2GA /remains the most widely used search engine, .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_2C0NY6 /nfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__VYNLD / through random selection .n .ur .omputerized/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_32EE0G /his mail might come to you as a surprise / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XRLAX1 /100\.000\.00\) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his WILL/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_0KBZGH / I believe everyone will die someday\. My name is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AJIUNF /\. Your own part of this deal is to find a safe place / body __SEEK_FRAUD_OZ6FMP / to avoid any hitches in receiving your / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZG9WSB / of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax re/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__BQIMV /hat disturbs me most is my stroke sickness\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QTLTMM / mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep / body __SEEK_FRAUD_MXSTN1 / Development Bank of Singapore \(DBS\)\. . / body __SEEK_FRAUD__R9RUV / I, working with you can secure the funds in the account for us instead of allowing / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LPKLJU / no body came forward all these years\. I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZZZGAR / your FULL NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, TELEPHONE NUMBER, FAX NUMBER/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMC3N_ /A foreigner with thesame last name as yours, died here in Singapore, twelve years ago leaving behind an estate\/capital \(US\$31\.8M/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_SOMTJG /, this correspondence is purely private,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_CIXFCH / your information you have to stop any further .ommunication with any/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XDLBLQ / Please forgive this unusual manner .. contact/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_E3BQDD / including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is \$/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DI5SMP /maintained\. The Bible made us to understand that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CVF7N_ / fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable .. file / body __SEEK_FRAUD_B5MV9F / I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_VGOMHH / came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our private banking division\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WIWCGI /office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank\. So, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3MBUTP / of registered software and domain users/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JGFD5P /This is a reward program for the patronage of internet services.? and all email addresses entered for th/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NBYKUF / transaction of this magnitude will make any/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HWSBID /Do email the above Claims Administrator, / body __SEEK_FRAUD_SNZJVQ / be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_I3HLDY /m one of those that took part in the Compensation in / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZWACFE /ou have to be rest assured for this is 100\% risk free it is our duty to protect / body __SEEK_FRAUD_JQSWAX /I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QHXUIZ / Pacific, which is the instruction given by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_8LRGPA / your Approval Slip which contains details o. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_48B9UL / meant to sponsor Terroris. attack in your Country/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RERCVT / is still reflecting .n our .entral .omputer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9Q29S6 / stopped further payment through bank to bank transfer/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QJAXMZ / your full house address and your identity such as,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_JGKWCZ /anel was primarily delegated to investigate / body __SEEK_FRAUD_5DE4QU /n numbers\. As a result of this, these friends try to claim/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_A8CING / as part of our international promotions .rogram which .. conduct/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FJ0VSO / working hours\. Because we are so sure of everything we are giving you a 100\% money back guarantee if you do not receive / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FUHSU6 / years in our Bank here without any body coming for it\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_RXXJX0 / Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terroris.{0,20} in your Country/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XNGIGX / I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer \./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6EGJH6 / the way I am going to instruct herein\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AQGCND /secured medium of communication\. However, this correspondence is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PKVKI1 /I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PIVB38 /e sickness\. Having known my condition I decided to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_LOG1TG / in this matter until the task is accomplish/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_V51UD0 / will appreciate your utmost confidentiality .n/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ONIU_1 /\. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr\. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NTKFTP /You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager / body __SEEK_FRAUD_O9Z_CI / relation died alongside with him .. the plane crash leaving nobody behind .o/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UV2ATY /I have set aside 25\% for you and for your time/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4HG3KH /requirements, statutory obligations, verific/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_FE742Q / be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_Z_XCEI /mail address emerged as one of the online Winning emails in the .{0,3} category and therefore attracted a/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HDEE2F / to go into our Bank treasury as an abandoned fund. .o this is the reason why . contacted you, so that / body __SEEK_FRAUD_KB6SDS /ontact the processing office immediately upon receipt of this message/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_NRTQUK / and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FDV82D / I have the intention to invest in your home town but I don\'t know anybody that can help me to execute this plan when I come over to your country ,This is the simple reason I/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_9OJUVS /If your are interested,I have the sum of \$.{0,20}ollars created aside that I intended to invest in your country profitable\. So if you are capable to handle this transaction kindly get back to me to enable us discuss and workout the modalities\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_PWBOPK /am contacting you to know if you can be able to assist me in championing this venture to the best of our benefit\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KM_YXP / have the opportunity of transferring the left over .unds/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OUKYFQ /corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OCO1GZ /s that will help you understand the transaction\. I need your assistance and co-operation to this reality/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_AFLP80 /through their latest internet software\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MHMBRT / of your fiscal activity, we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4O7OHH /elephone number\/your correct mailing address where you want / body __SEEK_FRAUD_FNGZ_9 /used by unbelievers\. I don.t want a situation where this money will be used in/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_3BJDGY /our e-mail address was selected and confirmed by / body __SEEK_FRAUD_J64CD_ /e impostors claiming to be .he Federal Bureau .f Investigation\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__EWXDD /Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation / body __SEEK_FRAUD_X292DB /\)Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque Name and other / body __SEEK_FRAUD_VBWCGG / years in our Bank here without any.?body coming for it\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QC2_HS / into your account due to one reason or the other best known to you/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_1HLDVM / in Europe, America, Africa and Asia .acific. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_PURFZB /I am writing to solicit your assistance .. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_P2DHOP /we do await your response so we can move on with our Investigation and make sure your ATM SWIFT CARD gets to you\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_THHLIU /Winners shall be paid in accordance with / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6AN_A8 / to issue you international certified bank draft/ body __SEEK_FRAUD__IHT37 /t release it unless somebody applie. for it/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_4E_TZA / any atom of fear as all required .rrangements have been made for the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_DI5ZE7 / the way I am going to instruct here in\. I w/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZXVMN_ /wait your prompt response\. Yours in Service/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_6VUONK /to avoid any further delay and remember to pay the/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OO8I_O / surprise to receive this message from complete stranger / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XXKDNE /During our Investigation, we noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you / body __SEEK_FRAUD_CO9T0G / contact immediately the real office of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGPBDD / concealed in barrels with piles of weapons and ammunition/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_OWUEYF / within our European booklet representative/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XLYR4B /if you want me to forward you my picture or facebook id please mail me at my direct personal id / body __SEEK_FRAUD_TCEBVN / further contact with them in your best interest and / body __SEEK_FRAUD_EVV7AA / client\'s next-of-kin will be provided\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_DV9GWF /I have urgent and very confidential business propos/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2PPL8T /If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely response/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UCSJVN / from his account unless someone applies for/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZSL9HJ /in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3OPYSM /remium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BLDS9E / am delighted to inform you that the contract panel/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GVTOJY /propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is / body __SEEK_FRAUD_BPS76O / Christians\. Since his death I decided not to r/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_KACFL9 /ttorney at law\. A deceased client of .ine/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2BLGLA /siness project from our bank worth US\$..\.5/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_UD45OB / might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_QNKQRV /divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZBKRPU /e spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UL0ICM /e were also made to understand that a lady / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GTSAAF / while in the US, trying to get my payment / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZLALWU / per transaction\. So, if you like to receive your fund this way,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IBU0WA /REMITTANCE OF US\$15,200,000\.00 CONFIDENTIAL IS THE CASE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZRUZX2 / promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of / body __SEEK_FRAUD_NZYXPO / Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EFYHRC / the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am / body __SEEK_FRAUD_YJCYR4 / next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_XGEQEE / relation or next of kin .. the deceased/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_HXXOMT /Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry .f Finance / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WGFD9Y /I will appreciate your timely response\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_LFNI27 /15,860 000\.00 \[FIFTEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING\] ONLY, EXITING WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANY WHEN ADDED UP THE FOLLOWING BONUS: BASIC ALLOWANCE, WAIVER PREMIUM AND ACCIDENTAL INDEMNITY, WHICH HAS BEEN WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR A VERY LONG TIME UNCLAIMED\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_GZNCSH /FORGIVE MY INDIGNATION IF THIS MESSAGE COMES TO YOU AS A SURPRISE AND MAY OFFEND YOUR PERSONALITY FOR CONTACTING YOU WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR CONSENT AND.?WRITING THROUGH THIS CHANNEL\.I GOT YOUR CONTACT FROM A PROFESSIONAL DATABASE FOUND ON THE INTERNET WHILE SEARCHING FOR A RELIABLE AND HONEST PERSON THAT WILL ASSIST ME TO SAFE GUARD/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WC2DJX /I PERSONALLY HAVE WATCHED WITH KEEN INTEREST TO SEE THE BENEFICIARY TO HIS MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER, BUT ALL HAS PROVED ABORTIVE AS NO ONE HAS REPORTED TO CLAIM HIS BENEFIT OF \[PERSONAL INSURANCE CASH ACCUMULATION MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP\] OF TOTAL SUM AMOUNTING TO / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IBGMSB /I THEREFORE PROPOSE THAT 40\% OF THIS ABOVE FUND WILL BE FOR YOU AS A FOREIGN PARTICIPANT IN RESPECT OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT, COMPLIANCE AND FULL CO-OPERATION TOWARDS THE SUCCESSFUL CLAIMANT, WHILE 5\% WILL BE FOR ANY EXPENSES THAT MIGHT BE INCURRED IN THE PROCESS OF PROCURING SATISFACTORY PROOF DOCUMENTS TO BE ISSUED ON YOUR NAME LEGALLY FOR BACK-UP TO ENABLE CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY OF EUROPE S\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_YRLEBH /INSPIRED TO PICK YOUR NAME AMONG ALL OTHER NAMES FOUND IN THE DATABASE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_D_URQY /MY HIGHEST CONSIDERATIONS AND REGARDS AS I AWAIT YOUR URGENT RESPONSE\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__Y9XPU /ON THIS VERY NOTE; AS NO ONE HAS COME TO PUT UP ANY CLAIM REPORT TO OUR OFFICE AS REGARDS TO THE BENEFICIARY TO THE MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP AND THE INSURANCE ETHIC HERE IN THE UK, REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY \(FSA\) RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF UK BUSINESS, INSURANCE CODE AND BUSINESS INSURANCE CODE STANDARDS OF WHICH CHUBB INSURANCE COMPANY IS A MEMB.?ER OF THE FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN SCHEME\. DOES NOT ALLOW SUCH CLAIM TO STAY FOR OVER MORE THAN MANY YEARS, BECAUSE THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE POWER AFTER TEN GOOD YEARS TO DISCONTINUE THE POLICY AND TERMINATE THE INSURED MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER OWNERSHIP BENEFITS\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_EYYR3G /SINCE THE DEMISE OF ENGR\.WILLIAM F\. ABRAHAMSON,/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8AR9FD /\. I AM WRITING IN RESPECT OF A FOREIGN CLIENT \[MASTERPIECE POLICYHOLDER\] OF THE ABOVE NAMED INSURANCE COMPANY \[ENGR\.WILLIAM F\. ABRAHAMSON OF AMERICA\] WHO PERISHED IN THE U\.S 9\/11\/2001,TERRORIST ATTACK WITH OTHER PASSENGERS ABOARD AS YOU ARE AWARE OF THIS FACT OR CAN CONFIRM IT YOURSELF\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD_2YLAPH / take out a moment of your very busy .chedule to/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_MIDFZQ / declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic Film Material. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_WPB12A / does not know the original contents of the boxes\./ body __SEEK_FRAUD__ERENB /Confirm the receipt of this message and send the requirements to me immediately / body __SEEK_FRAUD_QDBCS4 /I did not declare money to them please\. If they call you and .sk you the contents please tell them the same thing/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_IYZBV6 /\. This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_GFNFIK / that if such money remained unclaimed after / body __SEEK_FRAUD_3XHTM6 / if you are not interested\. Upon receipt of your reply, I will / body __SEEK_FRAUD_F6ZEVO / is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to hono/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WZCO5O / file letter of claim to the appropriate/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_XNFRMH /\(2\) Address where you want the payment cent.. to send your ATM CARD/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_ETY7LT /s I never really cared for anyone\(not even myself\)/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_WQF7OY / I trained and work as an external auditor/ body __SEEK_FRAUD_8GOL16 / a notice to contact the next of kin, or the / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ZYDQF_ / to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via email / body __SEEK_FRAUD_ALSZID / for their requirements to proceed and procure your Approval Slip on your behalf whi.. / body __SEEK_FRAUD_AK5MDQ / we were both born again Christians\. Since / body __SEEK_FRAUD_6BI3C9 / payment center has been mandated to issue out / body __SEEK_FRAUD_IG_EAL / Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to / body __SEEK_FRAUD_UF2Q_4 /election process was carried out through / meta JM_SOUGHT_FRAUD_3 (__SEEK_FRAUD_R7ZGE5 || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y6I2KV || __SEEK_FRAUD_LHMFUQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZA0FLG || __SEEK_FRAUD_IGL8BZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_DA_SPN || __SEEK_FRAUD_UQ_YUD || __SEEK_FRAUD_4KBBOJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_215XVW || __SEEK_FRAUD_0OPFLV || __SEEK_FRAUD_XD3U8U || __SEEK_FRAUD_QJE0YJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_SLAG8H || __SEEK_FRAUD_EINBZL || __SEEK_FRAUD_MY06YR || __SEEK_FRAUD_M8ZJ86 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SSISHW || __SEEK_FRAUD_QU7ENV || __SEEK_FRAUD_IM5YIM || __SEEK_FRAUD_YKISUY || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZBJZVN || __SEEK_FRAUD_OVKMST || __SEEK_FRAUD_EBNRUJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_DXCL4M || __SEEK_FRAUD_49FI4O || __SEEK_FRAUD_GAABY3 || __SEEK_FRAUD_6OI8QG || __SEEK_FRAUD_Y1JTCA || __SEEK_FRAUD_OX1QFZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_XPQMLA || __SEEK_FRAUD_1OMKY9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_V3CKGD || __SEEK_FRAUD_BCM_PX || __SEEK_FRAUD_E2_QDF || __SEEK_FRAUD__J8HKJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_IRYH8O || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMITTF || __SEEK_FRAUD_YRCV_U || __SEEK_FRAUD_XQPYRV || __SEEK_FRAUD_PXHWDT || __SEEK_FRAUD_0ENSZN || __SEEK_FRAUD_4YVO5B || __SEEK_FRAUD_Z9HI0T || __SEEK_FRAUD_75EPGH || __SEEK_FRAUD_SC9FOX || __SEEK_FRAUD_AKYCPN || __SEEK_FRAUD_DMQJT4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_87YD7W || __SEEK_FRAUD_KEP1L_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_U0YN9X || __SEEK_FRAUD_FKRVOS || __SEEK_FRAUD_1_DZIV || __SEEK_FRAUD_OAXXSW || __SEEK_FRAUD_P8F86E || __SEEK_FRAUD_GHC0LN || __SEEK_FRAUD_BPT9ZD || __SEEK_FRAUD_MZ4KU4 || __SEEK_FRAUD_WAAEJ8 || __SEEK_FRAUD__8R822 || __SEEK_FRAUD__2H_ZF || __SEEK_FRAUD_JH0IMU || __SEEK_FRAUD_LUOISR || __SEEK_FRAUD_S4QI3T || __SEEK_FRAUD_US_OFW || __SEEK_FRAUD_VNERKN || __SEEK_FRAUD_PTGWBT || __SEEK_FRAUD_LTD1IZ || __SEEK_FRAUD_BRNKW7 || __SEEK_FRAUD_SUGRCM || __SEEK_FRAUD_YELH8F || __SEEK_FRAUD_TKBHOI || __SEEK_FRAUD_BOG4XB || __SEEK_FRAUD_3WUO8K || __SEEK_FRAUD_YGQR5E || __SEEK_FRAUD_43CX5K || __SEEK_FRAUD_UJZKNM || __SEEK_FRAUD_E0LMNE || __SEEK_FRAUD_0YTF3I || __SEEK_FRAUD_VQGIG6 || __SEEK_FRAUD_QM24QM || __SEEK_FRAUD__9IDPT || __SEEK_FRAUD_BEAOXU || __SEEK_FRAUD_3ZEWKC || __SEEK_FRAUD_6GPS4I || __SEEK_FRAUD_MT8HSH || __SEEK_FRAUD_SRT80U || __SEEK_FRAUD_6RGTYS || __SEEK_FRAUD_BGO5Z1 || __SEEK_FRAUD_L2F6_R || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZMFYMV || __SEEK_FRAUD_XL24FM || __SEEK_FRAUD_DE3CNN || __SEEK_FRAUD_J1D82S || __SEEK_FRAUD_EDORBJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_E96NSG || __SEEK_FRAUD_R8MXKM || __SEEK_FRAUD___VYVJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_EI4RZC || __SEEK_FRAUD_QYJ0F_ || __SEEK_FRAUD_EFET6T || __SEEK_FRAUD_K1G7F9 || __SEEK_FRAUD_DE87LA || __SEEK_FRAUD_OSPVFG || __SEEK_FRAUD_OW6PZN || __SEEK_FRAUD_KKQM9L || __SEEK_FRAUD_6SNWNT || __SEEK_FRAUD_OHRGMW || __SEEK_FRAUD_CHLODJ || __SEEK_FRAUD_MWUIJQ || __SEEK_FRAUD_ETTPUF || __SEEK_FRAUD_JJQFVB || __SEEK_FRAUD_27TPNC || __SEEK_FRAUD_S8_5Y8 || __SEEK_FRAUD_UDD6SD || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZGRQSU || __SEEK_FRAUD_ZVCBKS || __SEEK_FRAUD_EBEPD_ || 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