# smf test rules header SMF_BRACKETS_TO To:raw =~ /<<[^<>]+>>/ describe SMF_BRACKETS_TO Double-brackets around To header address score SMF_BRACKETS_TO 0.01 header SMF_BRACKETS_FROM From:raw =~ /<<[^<>]+>>/ describe SMF_BRACKETS_FROM Double-brackets around From header address score SMF_BRACKETS_FROM 0.01 header SMF_FAKE_HOTMAIL_RCVD Received =~ /\bmx[1234]\.hotmail\.com\b/ describe SMF_FAKE_HOTMAIL_RCVD Fake hotmail received header score SMF_FAKE_HOTMAIL_RCVD 0.01 body SMF_COPY_PASTE_LINK /copy and paste the link into your browser/i describe SMF_COPY_PASTE_LINK Intentionally Unclickable link score SMF_COPY_PASTE_LINK 0.01