# Tests of suject data from Phil Tom's SPAMDB # (as compiled into rules by Adam Katz) # Last updated Tue Apr 27 06:57:06 UTC 2010 header KHOP_SPAMDB_SUBJ Subject =~ m{(?-xism:^(?:(?:H(?:e(?:llo(?:. (?:long time did not communicate. please contact me. your beautiful Sonia|you have a nice picture in the dating site. would you mind to chat|my gentle sun. let's talk)| here. do you like girls from russia. I hope so :)|y - tell me your mobile - Katya from Russia)|i(?:. I(?:'m (?:from Russia - a dream to live abroad. my name is Mary. can we get started. .I'm on this dating site - come in to me|like blond and cute. can I talk with you)| like your picture in the dating site. Let's communicate)| sweety. Remember me)|ydrocodone(?: is available at your fingertips and many more|. Vicodin. Phentermin. 100 percent reliable ..)|ave (?:no more weight problems with Phentermin|Great Focus with Adderall)|undreds of profiles of Russian hotties|ow about Russian bride)|I(?: (?:am (?:your Russian pussy - you remember my nickname|Julia. 28 y.o. Russia .dating)|sexual Russian blonde. want to see. come closer|want you now. tell me reciprocate and get me|can do for you is - what can not no girl)|'ll (?:see you I really liked - let's get acquainted. I am from Russia|like you. Remember that night in the hotel)|f you are disappointed in its second half. bold. come in)|A(?:(?:ny designer knows that Quark XPress 8 for Mac is one of the best programs to create image|dderall is one of the best mental enhancer)s| (?:year ago you came to Russia. I remember you. write me|great tool for great focus. Adderall)|mbien. Soma. Phentermin. and more without a prescription )|F(?:ind (?:a (?:perfect (?:soul mate among the good-looking Russian women right her|Russian wif)|Russian wife her)|your Russian soul-mat|Oxycodone Her)e|ed up with overpriced pharmacy costs)|T(?:(?:he most beautiful Russian women are|rim some pounds. RxMedications) available here|ell me how you live. as a new wife. .Your Russian friend)|G(?:et (?:RxMeds online with 3 day UPS Shipping|Percocet(?: online|Today))|reat Deal on Phentermine here)|Phentermin (?:is (?:availabl|her)e at your fingertips and many more|helps (?:get off the weigh|melt fa)t)|Lo(?:ts of decent Russian women to choose from|se_weight fast with Phentermin.|oking for Percocet)|1(?:000 singleladies from Russia are online now. have ineterst|1 new ladies profiles .dating)|(?:7 new messages from ladies for you .|9 ladies are online now .Russia. )dating|order hydrocodone online without prescription - cheap ..|Do you want me again. I love you madly I want|we sell Phentermin here).|You(?: (?:(?:remember that day at the beach. .I'll immediately noticed|are my good. my handsome - write me. I'm waiting|can buy Phentermin On-Line Today).|have (?:little joy in life. Lacks warmth and affection. Come to me.|new mail from Olga(?: 26 y.o. Russia. dating)?))|'re saying that you come to Russia - I've been expecting you like a fool. but you do not come.)|W(?:(?:ork with images easily using tools of Quark XPress 8 for Mac|ant to know what the real Russian girls love and warmth|hy we stopped our communication. I expected more. Olga).|e have (?:brand name Phentermin available with trackable shipping.|Percocet available here))|R(?:ussian (?:(?:w(?:omen need a prince|ives are the best)|(?:beautie|queen)s are waiting|ladies for any taste).|dating site)|e(?:al Deal Phentermin available here.|plica Watches)|E: Home Warranty)|B(?:(?:e(?:autiful Russian women(?: waiting to meet YOU)?|come very focused with Adderall)|rand name Phentermin is available here).|uy Hydrocodone Online from a US Pharmacy)|M(?:ar(?:ia is online now. waiting for your reply. Russian dating|ry a gorgeous Russian girl.)|eet (?:and marry a gorgeous Russian queen|Russian women here).)|N(?:eed (?:Phentermin. Purchase meds here online|pain killers..Get them Here.)|oPRESCRIPTION for Hydrocodone Needed|atali Russia. updated her profile)|S(?:ave (?:up to 70% on (?:Life Insurance.|RxMedications)|huge on Hydrocodone.)|till single.look at my profile. Olga from Russia)|O(?:ne of the best pain killers is here. Percocet.|xycodone is available here)|E(?:nhance your focus with Adderall.|xquisite Replica)|you have 6 unread messages from ladies|Julia sent new message for you|greatDeal on Percocet)$)} describe KHOP_SPAMDB_SUBJ Matches one of the SPAMDB top 100 spam subjects tflags KHOP_SPAMDB_SUBJ nopublish # auto-generated rule