# Rules from what was "rules/70_testing.cf", a temporary new home # # <@LICENSE> # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ######################################################################## # 0.142 0.1814 0.0085 0.955 0.63 0.01 T_PH_SEC # 0.159 0.2061 0.0000 1.000 0.66 0.01 T_PH_REC body TVD_PH_SEC /\byour .{0,40}account .{0,40}security/i body TVD_PH_REC /\byour .{0,40}account .{0,40}record/i describe TVD_PH_SEC Message has a phrase standard for phishing mails describe TVD_PH_REC Message has a phrase standard for phishing mails # 0.234 0.2997 0.0123 0.961 0.68 0.01 T_PH_TVD_7 # 0.112 0.1390 0.0012 0.992 0.61 0.01 T_PH_TVD_1 body TVD_PH_7 /\baccount .{0,20}suspen/i body TVD_PH_1 /Dear valued .{1,40}(?:member|customer)/i # 0.153 0.1964 0.0057 0.972 0.64 0.01 T_PH_TVD_FR5 header __PH_TVD_FROM2 From:addr =~ /\@.*ebay/i meta TVD_PH_FR5 !__ENV_AND_HDR_FROM_MATCH && __PH_TVD_FROM2 # 0.134 0.1736 0.0000 1.000 0.64 0.01 T_PP_PHISH # 0.124 0.1608 0.0000 1.000 0.64 0.01 T_EB_PHISH header __FROM_PAYPAL From:addr =~ /\@paypal\.com$/i header __FROM_EBAY From:addr =~ /\@ebay\.com$/i meta TVD_PP_PHISH __FROM_PAYPAL && NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP meta TVD_EB_PHISH __FROM_EBAY && NORMAL_HTTP_TO_IP # 0.209 0.2612 0.0033 0.987 0.69 1.00 TVD_SUBJ_ACC_NUM header TVD_SUBJ_ACC_NUM Subject =~ /\b[a-zA-Z]+ [\#\s]{1,4}\d+[A-Z]+/ describe TVD_SUBJ_ACC_NUM Subject has spammy looking monetary reference # bug 4457 # this may be dealt with by other/less complex rules header __LOCAL_PP_S_UPD Subject: =~ m'(?:confirm|update) (?:your|the) (?:billing )?(?:records?|information|account)'i body __LOCAL_PP_B_UPD m'(?:confirm|update|verify) (?:your|the) (?:(?:current|billing) )?(?:records?|information|account|identity)'i body __LOCAL_PP_PPCGIURL m'https?://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr\?'i uri __LOCAL_PP_NONPPURL m'https?://(?:[A-Za-z0-9-_]+)\.(?!paypal\.com)(?:[A-Za-z0-9-_\.]+)'i meta T_LOCAL_PP_UPD_BADURL (__FROM_PAYPAL && ((__LOCAL_PP_B_UPD || __LOCAL_PP_S_UPD) || __LOCAL_PP_PPCGIURL) && __LOCAL_PP_NONPPURL) describe T_LOCAL_PP_UPD_BADURL paypal account update, but has bad URL ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HTTPSMismatch # bug 4255: with some ideas from Fred Tarasevicius I came up with a rule that # performs pretty decently, worthy of a general mass-check: # 0.186 0.2273 0.0030 0.987 0.66 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_12 # 0.186 0.2273 0.0030 0.987 0.66 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_13 # 0.185 0.2253 0.0015 0.993 0.66 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_10 # 0.187 0.2280 0.0045 0.981 0.66 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_14 # 0.186 0.2266 0.0030 0.987 0.66 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_11 # 0.189 0.2280 0.0119 0.951 0.65 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_15 # 0.003 0.0013 0.0089 0.129 0.43 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_11_15 # 0.019 0.0013 0.0965 0.014 0.33 0.01 T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_11_20 # generally, hams seem to have a lot of links, whereas phishing mails don't. # so compare the domains between https? href and https anchor text, and flag # if the number of anchors is inside the given range and the domains don't # match. # FYI: these rules don't overlap HTTPS_IP_MISMATCH as IPs are ignored in the # href -- IPs tend not to be used in ham, so don't bother with the overhead of # this rule. though the two rules are very similar and could definitely share # code. if promoted, the two should get merged together to backup both rules. # used to be T_HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH_1_10, has the best results body HTTPS_HTTP_MISMATCH eval:check_https_http_mismatch('1','10') endif ######################################################################## # Phishing usually comes from official sounding email addresses. Could # potentially be used to lower FPs if necessary. #header __TVD_PH_FROM_ACCO From:addr =~ /accounts?\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_CUST From:addr =~ /customer[^@]*\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_SUPP From:addr =~ /support\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_SERV From:addr =~ /service\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_BILL From:addr =~ /billing\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_NOTI From:addr =~ /notice\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_ADMI From:addr =~ /admin\@/i #header __TVD_PH_FROM_SECU From:addr =~ /secure\@/i # #meta __TVD_PH_FROM_ANY __TVD_PH_FROM_ACCO || __TVD_PH_FROM_CUST || __TVD_PH_FROM_SUPP || __TVD_PH_FROM_SERV || __TVD_PH_FROM_BILL || __TVD_PH_FROM_NOTI || __TVD_PH_FROM_ADMI || __TVD_PH_FROM_SECU #meta T_TVD_PH_FROM_SUBJ_GOOD __TVD_PH_FROM_ANY && T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_GOOD #meta T_TVD_PH_FROM_SUBJ_GOOD2 __TVD_PH_FROM_ANY && T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_GOOD2 ######################################################################## # Look at subjects for phishing # 0.214 0.2574 0.0000 1.000 0.93 0.01 T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCOUNTS_POST # 0.158 0.1906 0.0000 1.000 1.00 0.01 T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCOUNTS_PRE # 0.102 0.1226 0.0000 1.000 0.79 0.01 T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_SEC_MEASURES # 0.095 0.1144 0.0000 1.000 0.71 0.01 T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_UPDATE # 0.180 0.2165 0.0000 1.000 0.86 0.01 T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_URGENT header TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCOUNTS_PRE Subject =~ /\baccounts? (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?(?:record[a-z]*|suspen[a-z]+|notif(?:y|ication)|security|updated?|verifications?|confirm[a-z]+)\b/i header TVD_PH_SUBJ_SEC_MEASURES Subject =~ /\bsecurity (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?measures?\b/i header TVD_PH_SUBJ_UPDATE Subject =~ /\bupdate (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?(?:access|credit|records?|info(?:rmation)?)\b/i header TVD_PH_SUBJ_URGENT Subject =~ /^urgent(?:[\s\W]*$|.{1,40}(?:alert|response|assistance|proposal|reply|warning|noti(?:ce|fication)|greeting|matter))/i header TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCOUNTS_POST Subject =~ /\b(?:(?:re-?)?activat[a-z]*|secure|verify|restore|flagged|limited|unusual|report|notif(?:y|ication)|suspen(?:d|ded|sion)|confirm[a-z]*) (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?accounts?\b/i meta TVD_PH_SUBJ_META_ALL TVD_PH_SUBJ_META || TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCOUNTS_PRE || TVD_PH_SUBJ_SEC_MEASURES || TVD_PH_SUBJ_UPDATE || TVD_PH_SUBJ_URGENT || TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCOUNTS_POST ######################################################################## # Look for lesser matched REs and meta them together # 0.251 0.3023 0.0000 1.000 1.00 0.01 T_TVD_PH_SUBJ_META meta TVD_PH_SUBJ_META __TVD_PH_SUBJ_00 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_02 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_04 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_15 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_17 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_18 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_19 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_29 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_31 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_36 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_37 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_38 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_39 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_41 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_52 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_54 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_56 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_58 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_59 || __TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCESS_POST header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_00 Subject =~ /\brewards? survey\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_02 Subject =~ /\byour payment has been sent\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_04 Subject =~ /\baccounts? profile\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_15 Subject =~ /\binvestment for (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?to(?:morrow|day)\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_17 Subject =~ /\bremove limitations?\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_18 Subject =~ /\bsecurity (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?changes\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_19 Subject =~ /\bmessage (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?bank\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_29 Subject =~ /^notice(?::|[\s\W]*$)/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_31 Subject =~ /\bsecurity (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?verification\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_36 Subject =~ /\bconsumer notice\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_37 Subject =~ /\bvalued member[a-z]*\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_38 Subject =~ /\bonline bank[a-z]*\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_39 Subject =~ /\bonline department\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_41 Subject =~ /\bunusual activity\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_52 Subject =~ /\b(?:account|online) profile\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_54 Subject =~ /\bun-?authorized access(?:es)?\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_56 Subject =~ /\brespond now\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_58 Subject =~ /\bbilling service\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_59 Subject =~ /\bquestion from (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?member\b/i header __TVD_PH_SUBJ_ACCESS_POST Subject =~ /\b(?:(?:re-?)?activat[a-z]*|secure|verify|restore|flagged|limited|unusual|report|notif(?:y|ication)|suspen(?:d|ded|sion)) (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?access\b/i ######################################################################## meta TVD_PH_BODY_META __TVD_PH_BODY_01 || __TVD_PH_BODY_02 || __TVD_PH_BODY_03 || __TVD_PH_BODY_04 || __TVD_PH_BODY_05 || __TVD_PH_BODY_06 || __TVD_PH_BODY_07 || __TVD_PH_BODY_08 meta TVD_PH_BODY_META_ALL TVD_PH_BODY_META || TVD_PH_BODY_ACCOUNTS_PRE || TVD_PH_BODY_ACCOUNTS_POST body __TVD_PH_BODY_01 /\baccount .{0,20}placed? [io]n restricted status/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_02 /\brecords (?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?(?:feature|(?:a|re)ward)/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_03 /\byou(?:'ve| have) been (?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?payment/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_04 /\bfunds? (?!transfer from)(?!from)(?!in)(?!via)(?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?to your (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?account/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_05 /\bthis is (?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?protect (?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?your/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_06 /Dear [a-z]+ bank (?:member|customer)/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_07 /\bguarantee the safety of your (?:[a-z_,-]+ )*?account/i body __TVD_PH_BODY_08 /\bmultiple password failures/i body TVD_PH_BODY_ACCOUNTS_PRE /\baccounts? (?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?(?:record[a-z]*|suspen[a-z]+|notif(?:y|ication)|updated|verifications?|credited)\b/i body TVD_PH_BODY_ACCOUNTS_POST /\b(?:(?:re-?)?activat[a-z]*|(?:re-?)?validate|secure|restore|confirm|update|suspend) (?!your)(?:[a-z_,-]+ )+?accounts?\b/i